Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 882 What should I do?

"When I was in the Ax Mountain Trip, I have seen a young man, he is Zhang Che's apprentice."

Listening to Zheng Dan Rui said that Lin Daoqiu thought it was those mature faces.

Zhang Hin's apprenticeship, I should know most of them.

Those people have been aged, at least in thirty years old, how could be suitable for playing.

"Zhang Che's apprentices are not young, do you think he is suitable for Affei?"

Lin Daoqiu has not asked the other party to shake his head.

Zheng Danrui quickly explained to Lin Daoqiu.

"Autumn brother, you don't misunderstand, although he is Zhang Ji's disciple, but it is only 20 years old this year."

Listening to Zheng Danrui said so, Lin Daoqiu immediately came to you.

Zhang Hin's apprentice was only 20 years old this year. Who is it?

"Qian Xiaohao, I don't know if the autumn brother has heard?"

Qian Xiaohao this name, how can Lin Daoqiu may have not heard.

In the 1985 "Zombie Mr.", the apprentice of Lin Zhengying was famous, and there were also many action movies.

Don't say that it is Qian Xiaohao, even his brother Qian Jialelin Road is known.

However, in front of Zheng Danrui, Lin Daoqiu shook his head, it seems that it seems to have heard this name for the first time.

"The autumn brother does not know him is also normal. Qian Xiaohao joined the Shaw Training class in 79 years, and then participated in Zhang Paic to participate in" Shaolin and Wudang ", followed by Zhang Chee."

I didn't expect Zheng Dan Rui to recommend that Qiao Xiaohao came to the role of A Fei, which is very surprising to let Lindao autumn.

I have already made He Jiajin played the Qiusheng corner in the "Zombie". The original role is a small Hao to play.

"If I don't call him tomorrow, let the autumn brother have passed the eyes, see if he is suitable, not I boast, Qian Xiao's work is absolutely no problem."

This doesn't have to say that Zheng Dan Rui said that Lin Daoqiu is also very clear. He remembers, Qian Xiaoyuan grows up from Xiaobu.

"In this case, let him get a try."

Lin Daoqiu said with the mouth, it seems that it seems unexpectedly.

Wen Hao and Zheng Dan Rui also feel that Lin Daoqiu may not be too strong to this matter, just look at their face, so let Qian Xiaohao will try it.

But in fact, the text and Zheng Danrui did not expect that Lin Daoqiu has basically intended to put the role of A Fei and give money.

In addition to age and movements, Lin Daoqiu let Qianhao to play A Fei, and how much will have some compensation.


"Ahao, you will have this way, turn over, then you have a foot."

The next day, Qian Xiaoyuan was the same as usual, played on the scene.

Today, he took a movie named "Wangzi's adult", and the director of this play is Xu Shrimp.

This is a low-cost Kung Fu comedy movie. When I shoot, I can't spend much, and I can't lose much.

In order to let the new Oriental line can be released, Lin Daoqiu has invited the original Shaw's privileges, let them start.

"Rui Ge, Qian Xiaohao is there ..."

Zheng Danrui came to the Ax Mountain Tripard to find money Xiaoyao in the morning.

At this time, the other party is being tricking. Zheng Danyu is standing on the side, and he did not bother them.

When Qian Xiaohao took this play, when he just sat down, Zheng Dan Rui found it.

"Ahao ..."

I heard someone called my name, Qian Xiaohao immediately turned the head.

When he saw the person who called him was Zheng Danyuan, Qian Xiaoyuan immediately stood up from the chair.

"Rui Ge, are you looking for me?"

Don't say that it is in the new Oriental respect person, I am afraid that people in the Xiangjiang film circle know what people are Zheng Danyui.

He squatted with Lin Daoqiu, known as the hearts of Lin Daofei.

Don't look at Zheng Dan Rui is just a small screenwriter, but those big director and big stars are definitely afternoon.

"Don't be nervous, I am coming to you today, there is a good news to tell you."

Zheng Danrui is more comparable to people, and it will not put it in the case, so it seems better communication.

"Rui Ge please say."

Qian Xiaohao looked at Zheng Dan Rui, he thought that the other party was looking for him to shoot.

"It's like this, the autumn brother is going to open a drama, there is a role I feel very suitable for you, so I will recommend you to the autumn brother."

After listening to Zheng Danrui, Qian Xiaoyou felt that his mind was like a lightning strike, he felt his own brain instant a blank.

Let yourself to participate in the drama of Lindao Autumn, this is a big happiness that is a tart in the sky.

"Ahao, what happened? Said words?"

Zheng Danrui discovered that Qian Xiaohao looked at himself, he quickly reached out and waved in front of the other party.

"Sorry, I am too excited, I am too happy, thank you Rui Ge, I don't know how to thank you."

Qian Xiaohao holds Zheng Dan Rui's hand, know that he is very excited at this time.

"Ahao, don't be excited, although the autumn brother is willing to see you, if you are not good, this role is afraid you can't get it."

Zheng Danrui quickly gave Qian Xiao Hao Pulling a cold water, he worried that the other party thought that this thing has been fixed.

I heard Zheng Dan Rui said that Qian Xiaohao quickly took the smile, and looked at each other seriously.

"I don't know how I should take this role?"

For Qian Xiao, this is definitely his best opportunity to be obtained from the present.

If you become Zhang Che, let Qian Xiaohao enters the entertainment circle.

At this time, if you can successfully participate in Lindao autumn, then your name will get a leaping.

"Did you have seen this novel?"

Zheng Danrui looked around and then went to Queen's ear.

"I remember Shao's in the past few years, I have taken a" passionate "and ruthless sword." I have seen the play. "

Qian Xiaohao shook his head, he usually had time to see what novel, but he has heard of this drama.

"This time, Li Xunhuan is Di Long Di, and your role is the male second, A Fei."

Qian Xiaohao did not expect, he can step by step, becoming the protagonist in Lindao Qiudai.

I can get the male second, which is already a very good result for him.

"A Fei this role, you are young, you can play, you can do it, and you can't get too bad, these are in line with."

Throughout the conditions of Qianhao itself, let him play A Fei, it is definitely a very good choice.

Otherwise, Zheng Dan Rui will not think of him at the time, and immediately recommend Qian Xiaoyao to Lin Daoqiu.

But as Lin Daoqiu will not agree, Zheng Danyuan will not have it.

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