Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 901 is boycotted

"How to be so good today, please come out to drink tea?"

During this time, Zhong Chuhong has been busy, and I haven't seen it for a while.

"It's very simple, because I miss you."

Just finished Lin Daoqiu, Zhong Chuhong directly rewarded a white eye, it seems that she did not believe in the autumn of Lin Daoqiu.

"Mr. Lin is not joking, you have so many Yan Yan, how can you think of a small woman, so don't say it later."

After Zhong Chuhong, turned his head to another side.

From what she said, Lin Daoqiu has already felt dissatisfaction with Zhong Chuhong.

"It's really a bit busy recently. You know, Jiahe's thing is just over, and Pandier is coming to join in the fun."

Lin Daoqiu's explanation sounds, how much is still a little reason.

Bell Chu Hong During this time, he also often listed this thing.

After all, Jiahe, Di Bao, New Oriental, these three at this time, the largest in Xiangjiang, once there is any wind blowing, it will cause a high degree of attention to movie practitioners.

In particular, the recently established Dibao Theater is always frequent, naturally the most discussed.

Originally Zhong Chuhong, I thought that Lin Daoqiu didn't look for her for so long, I was very unhappy.

But after listening to the autumn of Lin Dao, she immediately was soft.

"Di Bao has recently moved, you are definitely big."

Zhong Chuhong couldn't help but began to worry about Lin Daoqiu.

Although she did not participate in the discussion of gossip, Zhong Chuhong has always been carefully listening to what people say.

For the new Oriental, the biggest influence is Hong Jinbao to leave Di Bao, this is what most people have not thought.

And Di Bao also puts the four income of Shi Tian, ​​and the strength can say that there is a general improvement.

In the beginning of the first forest road, I really didn't put the Di Baoyuan line in the eyes, but now he has to start paying attention to this guy.

"Di Bao has a great gap with Jiahe now, but from its strength, Di Bao has jumped to the second largest film production company in Xiangjiang."

Hong Jinbao, Yuan Zhen, Shi Tian, ​​Zeng Zhiwei, Xu Ke and Schnan Sheng, such a combination of Xiangjiang is difficult to have an enemy, Lin Daoqiu is now impossible to pay attention to it.

Although Zhong Chuhong has been making a movie, she knows that there is not much for these movie companies.

After listening to the analysis of Lin Daoqiu, Zhong Chuhong also felt that the development of the situation was very disadvantageous to the New Oriental.

"Reassured, I can handle these things, I don't want to talk to you, all are used to talk about these things."

Lin Daoqiu does not want to affect the work in the work, he hopes that the other party can be happy every day.

"I can't help you, but I believe that you are definitely no problem."

Zhong Chuhong can be said to be very confident to Lindao Qiu.

After all, Lin Daoqiu is a movie tycoon of the world, no matter how it should be confident.

"In fact, you can help me, such as moving a few sellers."

At this time, Zhong Chuhong has not reached the stage of the sexy goddess of the later generation.

But at this time, she looks delicate and charming. It has had a small change in temperament, so that Lin Daoqiu is reluctant to remove the eyes.

"What do you see?"

I found that Lin Daoqiu always stared at himself, so that Zhong Chuhong felt a little embarrassed.

Even if she is now getting a large group of people, but I don't know why, I am staring like Lin Daoqiu, let her heart have a feeling of crash.

"A red, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Lin Daoqiu couldn't help but praise it.

"I don't know how many girls do you want to talk to you every day, I don't believe you."

Although the mouth said this, when she heard the praise of Lin Daoqiu, Zhong Chuhong's heart was still very happy, but did not show it on his face.

"Hey, I will work in the office every day, and I have a man, which has time and what girls meet."

Lin Daoqiu raised his hands to make a surplus, it seems like a pair of appearance.

But Zhong Chuhong does not believe in him.

"Hey, what do you say?"

Zhong Chuhong suddenly pulled the topic to Guan Zhilin.

She and Lin Daoqiu are not reported, but Zhong Chuhong has realized that the relationship between Guanlin and Lin Daoqiu is certainly not simple.

Lin Daoqiu did not expect that Zhong Chuhong actually mentioned the Lielin at this time.

Speaking of Guan Zhilin and Zhong Chuhong, I originally a good friend, but because of my own relationship, the relationship between them has become very unfamiliar.

And basically, they will not be together with the same stage now, even even acting, will never give each other as a role.

In the director in the New Oriental, everyone almost all knows this, between the Zhongguan, can only choose one.

"You have nothing to say."

I don't know why, when I mentioned Guan Zhilin, Zhong Chuhong feels that there is a full-fired fire.

"A red, some things are not what you think, I know you earlier than to know her, you won't really believe in those rumors."

Lin Daoqiu feels that his forehead began to take cold sweat.

Lin Daoqiu and Zhong Chuhong met the first time. When the "Master" is released, they have met, they have already met for five years.

"I only believe that my eyes see."

After Zhong Chuhong said, he turned his head directly, not to take care of Lin Daoqiu.

Lin Daoqiu is not enough to count, today, it is planted in the side of Guan Zhilin.


"What is going on? How is this version of the film?"

The registration of the Golden Image Award has begun, but Yu Yu has never been thought that there is also a portion of the film produced by the new Oriental movie.

Jiahe did not send people to participate in this time.

It seems that they are ready, I plan to boycott the gold emperor award hosted by Lindao Autumn.

But think about it is normal, now Jiahe join hands to Di Bao and New Oriental, naturally, will not run a lot of success, to Lindao autumn sedan.

"Executive, if you go on this, I am afraid that I will say that the newspaper will say that the first gold image is in self-entertainment."

The editor responsible for the preparation of the Gold Image Award has such a fear.

At that time, if the award movie and movie people are the respects of the new Oriental, this golden video prize will be called the New Oriental Movie Award.

Once this reputation is transmitted, the Golden Award will be a laughter.

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