Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 907 Red Carpets (below)

In fact, Liu Zhirong is not very happy to make Xu Guanjie.

After all, when you are in the face of everyone, ask him to pay, this makes him feel uncomfortable.

Lin Jianming is the first to react, so she immediately turned the topic to Zhang Aijia.

"Miss Zhang, now everyone has adapted, you play a man in the" best partner ", but you should be very surprised, why do they ask you to play this role.

Zhang Aijia heard Lin Jianming asking, she nodded while listening.

When Mai Jia, they were looking for themselves to play a man's character, she did feel very unexpected.

"To be honest, when I received an invitation, I thought that they were playing with a woman who was a gentle water, and he would never think of such a role."

At that time, the role of Zhang Ajia played, most of them were traditional women, and they have never played a role like men's women.

"But the actor is like this, what is the characters in the script, what kind of people are like, can't bring subjective emotions, with their help, I feel that I can play it."

Men's character is a non-small breakthrough and harvest.

Fortunately, "Best Pair" At the time, the box office was sold, and the audience also had high comments on the role of the man played by Zhang Ajia.

After sending away the "Best Component" crew, the next thing is Lin Zhengying's "Zombie" crew.

Both dramas create a high box office, Lin Zhengying's "Zombie" series and "best partners" almost unhappy.

But in the production fee, "Zombie" is much more saved than "Best Pair".

Lin Zhengying, Zhong Chuhong, Xu Guanying, Zhongfa, Chen You, He Jiajin, the actor of the first generation of "Zombies" gathered.

"Wow ... Nine uncle, please."

At this point, everyone will see Lin Zhengying, almost all of them will call him, after all, "Zombie" is very seller in Xiangjiang.

And Lin Zhengying's nine uncle's image can be said that it is already deeply rooted, so everyone will see him like to call him nine uncles.

Lin Zhengying seems to have been used to it, but he is not very habitually accepted.

After the greeting, Lin Jianming and Lin Zhengying were close to it, and it looked very happy.

"Aming, how do you stand so close to Nine Uncle?"

Liu Zhirong pretended to look at Lin Jianming in a confusion, it didn't know why she was so close to Lin Zhengying.

"Don't you know? It is safe to stand around Nine, no matter what zombie is still, as long as there is nine uncle, you can easily solve it."

"Ah, it seems that you are also right, now you have a zombie movie, the name of Nine Uncle is definitely the most loud, and even people only know Nine uncle, and I don't know Lin Zhengying."

Lin Zhengying stood in the middle and kept the smile. In fact, he didn't know how to cope with such a scene.

If possible, he is preferred to give this interview to others, and it doesn't matter if you enter your own.

But unfortunately, even if he is willing, others will not agree.

After all, "Zombie" all the aura, almost all of his body.

If there is no words, "Zombie" will never be so popular like this.

"The two are too big," Zombie "can have such a good grade, because of the relationship between Mr. Lin, if there is no Mr. Lin, there will be the appearance of" Zombie "."

Lin Zhengying is not a traveler, so he doesn't know that even if there is no Lin Daoqiu, "Zombie" will also be photographed.

"Speaking of Mr. Lin, there is a matter may not know, in fact, the first movie" Qian Yong ", the first film" Master ", is to ask the nine uncle to talk about the situation at the time?"

To put this thing, I immediately evmitted Lin Zhengying's memories, then he was 25 years old, or a guy who runs dragon in the Shaw.

At that time, Lin Daoqiu took Guo Youshua to Qingshuiwan films to find him, asking him to serve "Qian Ye Ye", this is already five years ago.

To say that these people, Lin Zhengying feels that he is the greatest in the autumn of Lin Dao.

If there is no promotion of the autumn, I am afraid I am still running in the panel, or I will help it in Hongjiaban, there will never have such a big achievement.

"At the beginning, I was still in the Clear Water Bay. At that time, Mr. Lin found me to say that I would like to ask me as a director. If I don't have Mr. Lin, I will not have now Lin Zhengying."

After the Money Young Master sold, Lin Zhengying did started to have a smooth life, whether it is a film or a movie, can have a good harvest.

Before Hong Jinbao was ready to bring him to the di Di Bao, but Lin Zhengying didn't think about it, because he didn't want to betray Lin Daoqiu, even the price of Pandier gave him a high price.

"It is no wonder that Nine Uncle is so grateful to Mr. Lin, there is such a thing ..."

After a simple interview with several other actors, Lin Jianming suddenly turned to Zhong Chuhong on the side.

"A red, many audience must be very curious, why did you find you" Zombie "?"

After Lin Jianming asked, Lin Zhengying next to him suddenly suddenly.

At the beginning, "Zombie" actors are all in Lin Daoqiu, and there is no relationship with him.

However, this time, Lin Zhengying may also stand out loudly.

"In fact, when they were looking for me, I am also very surprised. I am worried that I haven't played this type of movie will play, but I actually take it down, nine unresur them very much for me, so I am very happy. "

At the beginning, Lin Daoqiu found Zhong Chuhong, let her play the heroine of "Zombie".

But Zhong Chuhong does not want to talk about this thing in so many people, so that everyone will think about it.

After a while, I sent it away from the "Zombie" crew, and then the "Police Story" crew of Jackiece is the "Police Story" crew.

When this play was released last year, I won a very good box office, and I went to the Hollywood to shoot "Red Fan District".

Originally "Police Story" was produced by Jiahe in the last life, but in this world, it is a new Orient.

At this time, Jackie Chan has joined the new Orient, so he is now the same as the original artist, to participate in this time.

"Longge, welcome to welcome ..."

Because of another actress Zhang Aijia, the previous representative "Best Take." The crew has already passed the red carpet, so only the two people of Jackie Chan and Micham represent the "Police Story" crew.

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