Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 920, I will send you

After the reporters left, Lin Daoqiu appeared.

I know that Mr. Lin doesn't like to accept interviews, so Xu Xiaoming did not insist that Lin Daoqiu participated in the boot ceremony.

"Mr. Lin ..."

Di Long and Qian Xiaoyao and others, and asked him to say hello to He.

"The front time is in Yuanjiaban's training. Everyone has worked hard, but this is just starting, and they will go to the cold country."

Xu Xiaoming has already been to the cold country, where to find a place where the scenery is found, the scene of the shooting is already in the middle.

After they took a small part of the drama in Xiangjiang, they went to the cold country to shoot.

"These are all we should do, before listening to people, Mr. Lin is very paying attention to details, it seems that it is not a deficiency."

Di Long is not a slap in the autumn of the forest, these words are from the heart.

In the past two months, I didn't think about it. At that time, everyone was on the spot, and then directly.

Practice martial arts is usually performed, and most of them will be practiced.

If there is a martial arts skill, it is okay. If you don't have something, you can only go to people.

"The dragon brother is polite, the purpose of doing this is to take the play, but it is also necessary to work with the actor. This bitter is not eaten."

Braffle and torper practice, it is two months, and often injured, the average person will not stick to it.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely grasp."

Qian Xiaohao stands next to Dillon, at this time, he looks very young, and his skill is also the best.

Originally, Lincao Autumn is planning to find money Xiaohao to shoot "Zombie", but unfortunately he is not willing to come over, can say that white is missing a great opportunity.

"There are many opportunities in their lives, but it is a pity that most people can't grasp, but I believe you will definitely."

Lin Daoqiu is still very relieved to Qian Xiaoyuan. After all, he has learned from Xiaobu, and after these two months of trading.

With the physical quality of Qian Xiaohao, plus his young, Lin Daoqiu is really not worried.

"Mr. Lin ..."

Mi Snow, Chen Yulian, Li Sai Feng three women standing next to it, can say that Seiwei's most popular actress is standing in front of Lin Daoqiu.

"This time, it will be very hard to shoot, if there is anything I need to do, despite the opening."

Lin Daoqiu did not dare to say too much in front of Mi Xue and Chen Yulian, and worried that they would have doubts.

However, Lin Daoqiu is actually excessive, Mi Xue is a very professional actor. When she is in the film, she will not play with Lin Daqiu.

As for Chen Yulian, she is impossible to have too much contact in front of others and forest road, and she still keeps the feeling of .

"Mr. Lin is relieved, when the" Xianjian Qi Chuan "is already hard enough, so you can rest assured this time."

Mi Xue and Chen Yulian did not open, but the first to speak Li Sai Feng.

When I first took "Xianjian Qi Chuan Chuan", Li Saifeng arrived in the Mainland.

Although there is a good place to arrange the best accommodation in places, it is no wonder that Li Sai Feng will think so when the people grow up in Xiangjiang.

"The place where the scenery is not far from Seoul, so there should be no big problems in terms of eating and wearing."

Unlike the mainland, the place where the cold country is not too big, this time they look at the scene, the city is just an hour drive.

Moreover, Lin Daoqiu is in order to make up for Chen Yulian and Li Sai Feng. This time he wraps a very good hotel for them to rest.

Others are the light of Chen Yulian and Li Sai Feng, but these words will not be told with others.

At this time, Xu Xiaoming came over.

"Mr. Lin, the first play will be taken tomorrow. After five days, you will have to fight the cold, what else does you need to explain?"

For the opinions of Lin Daoqiu, Xu Xiaoming still pays very much attention.

Although the script has finally finalized, if there is a whimsy in the autumn of Lin Daoqi, Xu Xiaoming did not mind in accordance with the other party, after all, the skills of Lindao autumn played the drama.

When I was asking, Xu Xiaoming was already teaching.

He felt that this time "Xiao Li Feifei" If Lin Daoqiu is willing to personally go, the effect is definitely more than he is alone.

However, for Xu Xiaoming, his idea can be a luxury.

After all, Lin Daoqiu is complicated in Xiangjiang, and how can I take it to the cold country to take a TV series. At this time, he is no longer five years ago, the young man who just arrived in Xiangjiang.

"There is Xu directors, I am very relieved, everything can be taken according to the script, if there is a need to modify, I believe that Xu directors can solve."

Lin Daoqiu is a very skilled handkerchief, and if you can't think about the script, if you don't work, you will find a way to change.

Xu Xiaoming also knows that Lin Daoqiu will not go to the cold country, which is really disappointed.

However, I can get the "Xiao Li Fei Knife" script, which is very satisfied with Xu Xiaoming. After all, people can't be too greedy.


After the staff of the crew, Chen Yulian walked out of Songcheng and intended to take a taxi home.

However, when she just came to the roadside, she saw the familiar Rolls Royce stopped there.

Chen Yulian didn't expect Lin Daoqiu waiting for her, which made her heart couldn't help but have a little happy, but her face still smoles a faceless look.

"It is hard to get the car, I will send you."

When I saw Chen Yulian, Lin Daoqiu opened the car in the car.

Chen Yulian looked around and found that there was no acquaintance, she was sitting in the car.

"Are you afraid of being seen by others?"

Chen Yulian seems to be unhappy.

"What are I am afraid? What do you think is there any problem?"

After Lin Daoqiu closed the door, he revealed a susceptible expression looked at Chen Yulian.

"Mr. Lin, I have only work relationship with you, you can make trouble."

Chen Yulian turned the head after the end, she didn't deliberately see Lin Daoqiu.

"Yulian, everyone is not a child, no need to hide your true thoughts like this."

I heard Lin Daoqiu said that Chen Yulian turned to her face to see the opponent.

It seems that Chen Yulian doesn't seem to understand, what is the meaning of Lin Daoqiu.

"Drive ..."

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