Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 926 is in a martyrdom

"I don't know what kind of sincerity I want to see?"

Lin Daoqiu has already guessed before I met He Concall. The other party will not easily promise the proposal to form the joint hospital.

It's just that Lin Dao Qiu can't mention, what is the request for Here, what is the shares I want to? Or do you want the box office income distribution ratio?

But if the former, Lin Daoqiu is afraid that it will not be so easy. If it is the latter, Lin Daoqiu does not mind how much the benefits.

After all, the income of the Xiangjiang film box office is actually not very high.

If there is no such butterfly effect, in 1982 in the last generation, the opening office income of Shaw's one year was 89.42 million, and Xinyi City is 59.69 million, Jiahe is located in the third and 51.32 million.

Then, there is also the Yongjia shadow founded by Chen Xunqi and Gold Princess. The box office revenue is 20.63 million.

There is also a young bird movie founded by Xia Meng, relying on "Going Rage Sea" to get 15.42 million good results.

And this world, the New Oriental of Lin Daoqiu has reached more than 500 million in the box office last year, and the Baichen line composed of Jiahe and Shao Shaogang has been more than 50 million.

However, even so, in the autumn of Lin Dao, the box office income of Xiangjiang movie is, but it is not true for him.

However, it did not expect Lin Daoqiu that the requirements made by He Songchang were neither a bit of shares, nor did it require to improve the income of the box office.

"As long as Mr. Lin can help Jiahe find a new Jackiece, the Jiahe agrees, and the new Oriental is formified as the joint hospital, otherwise it will be exempt."

He Songchang actually wants himself, help them find a person who is comparable to Cheng Long, which is simply joking with him.

If they let them know that the achievements of the Dragon are in the world, I believe that He Chengchang will not propose such a free request to himself.

"Mr. He is not kidding."

Lin Daoqiu did not think about this problem, helping them to create a new Jackiece, which is not a general small.

And if you have this time, why do you want to help Jiahe to create a superstar? Do you cultivate it?

"Mr. Lin, I have no time to joke, I just said, it is the meaning of Jiahe. If Mr. Lin wants to cooperate with us, I will help us find a star that is comparable to Chenglong."

He success in this sentence is not joking in the autumn with Lin Da, not in the martyrics.

If there is a person in Xiangjiang to help them create a dragon, then this person is definitely Lin Daoqiu without anyone else.

"Sorry, Mr. He, please don't force it. If Mr. He is willing to change a condition, I think I am still very happy to continue talking."

Lindao Hei did not think that it directly reached the other party's request.

Because he didn't think about him from the end, I have to help Jia Feng in the actor who is comparable to the dragon.

"I don't want to think that Mr. Lin is not powerful, I am afraid it just not wants."

He also looked at the autumn of Lindong, he thought that Lin Daoqiu said that the words were emptied.

"Mr. He, I can adjust the proportion of box office allocation, as for the shares of the United Coat, Jiahe took 40%."

These conditions are also subject to temptation, and it is within the reason.

But unfortunately, He also wants to listen to this, so this time it is called him to shook his head directly.

"I bought Mr. Ji Lin, Jiahe only had a condition, promised that we will continue to talk about it, otherwise we can only go and Di Bao League."

He Songchang looks very insisted that if Lin Daoqiu does not help them create a new Jackiece, then they will go to cooperate with Di Bao.

Don't see Jiahe is now a river sunset, but their choice will greatly affect the balance between the New Oriental and Di Bao.

In the face of He Chengchang, Lin Daoqiu said that he can't say a word, because he is very clear, if he refuses, then this trading is to break the way.


"Autumn brother, He Yongchong is just martial arts, Joine, which is so easy to find, they are in the heart of you."

After learning the conditions opened by He Concall, he looked very angry.

If it is not because the Jackie has not yet been in Hollywood, I am afraid that Wen Dynasty will reject the opponent directly.

"Autumn brother, I am afraid that I have already decided to be good with Di Bao, I have said that you should want you to refund."

Zheng Danrui's idea is not much worse than the text, and he also feels that Jiahe is not intended to be in conjunction with the new East.

When the text and Zheng Danyu have been in the end of it, Lin Daqiu found Wang Jing next to himself.

"What did Al Ali think?"

Lin Daoqiu looked at Wang Jing asked.

I was asked by Lin Daoqiu, Wang Jing immediately reacted at this time, it seems that he just seems to be in a daze.

"I don't want to think about Mr. I, I just thought of a thing, so I didn't listen carefully."

Wang Jing quickly explained, why did you have a reason why it is in a daze.

"Ajing, everyone is discussing such a serious thing, how do you suddenly launched?"

Wen Jian felt that Wang Jing's courage was too big, and dared to stay in a daffitation with Lin Daoqiu, his courage can be not so big.

When I heard the Wen Dynasty, Wang Jing quickly shook his head explained.

"No, just I suddenly remembered an actor, perhaps he can satisfy Jiahe's requirements for Jackie Chan."

Listening to Wang Jing said, Lin Daoqiu immediately produced a small interest.

They all wonder why Wang Jing said that the actor is, can it be comparable to Chenglong?

"Wu Siyuan has a actor named Li Yuanba before, I don't know if you have heard the name of this person?"

When Wang Jinggang finished, Wen Yun and Zheng Danrui's face were filled with doubtful expressions. It seems that they don't seem to be this person.

However, when Lin Daoqiu heard the name of Li Yuanba, his heart suddenly gigled.

"What you said is that the guy who plays the male protagonist in Wu Siyuan," Dragon Ninja "in Wu Siyuan?"

"Dragon Ninja", this film, I won nearly 8 million box office in Baojiayuan, which was the most profitable in the three players taken in Wu Siyuan last year.

However, if Lincaoqiu did not remember, Li Yuanba was blocked by Wu Siyuan after playing "Dragon Ninja". It is said that after the "Dragon Ninja" bursts, many pieces of merchants can't afford to work, so I want to find Li Yuanba.

However, Wu Siyuan refused to let it go, the result, Li Yuanba, "You are flattering Wu Siyuan, I will shoot it!" Let Wu Si will hit it in Baodao, almost killed, leading to the use of Wu Siyuan to be completely blocked.

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