"Pan Boss, you don't dare to share this sentence."

Wu Siyuan's concern about Pandier, it seems that it seems to be very different.

"Appreciate further details."

Pandier was stunned first, and then he put on the appearance of humility, he wanted to know why Wu Siyuan said.

For the attitude of Panty, Wu Siyuan is still very satisfied. After all, the other party did not in front of him, the shelves of the private board boss, this point Wu Siyuan is sure.

"The" Best Partner "has taken the third part, and the two can be successful. In addition to the outstanding script, there is a star's blessing, but the third new art city and Lin Daoqiu have already played any new trick. "

Wu Siyuan felt that the two reasons can be successful before the "Best Pair", one because the script is excellent, but because Xu Guanjie and Lin Qingxia and other stars.

Now I have taken the third part, and the new art city and Lin Daoqiu have not thought about what is better than the previous two.

Lin Qingxia has been used, Hong Jinbao and Yuan Wei have also turned to Di Bao, and when they let the dragon passenger string one role.

But this effect is still a discount compared to the "A Plan".

After all, Hong Jinbao, Yuan Biao, Jackie Chan's combination of the three brothers, absolutely strong, and Xu Guanjie and Zhang Aijia's combination, this Wu Siyuan is in doubt.

In fact, Pandier also didn't know why "the best partner" will be so popular. After hearing Wu Siyuan said, he seems to be a look like it.

On the side of Hong Jinbao and Zang Jianxun are not very recognized by Wu Siyuan.

But now, let them stand and sing against Wu Siyuan, the two people can't do anyway.

It can be said that Di Bao and successful two hospitallines. The joint is already a nail, and everyone will work together. At this time, I have to dismantle Wu Siyuan, and there is no benefit to them.

"The three-year-old new film will be able to force the new Oriental, and win the Xiangjiang movie annual box office champion, this is unquestionable."

It seems that Wu Siyuan is very good for Hong Jinbao, and this is a very happy thing to make Hong Jinbao.

"Since Wu boss is so beautiful, I hope everyone will come to a happy cooperation." Pantyou stood up, while said that Wu Siyuan stretched his hand.

His action is that the representative officially has to follow the success of the hospital.

Wu Siyuan did not refuse, he also stood up, then holding hands with Pandier.

It can be said that success and Di Bao's cooperation have reached half, as long as the details are talked, they can be announced.

"Wu Boss, since everyone should cooperate together, some words still have to be clear."

Since it is necessary to cooperate, it will inevitably involve the benefits between the two sides.

How to allocate the benefits of the two sides, it is what they need to solve now.

"Pan boss really fast people, if this is the case, then I will talk about my shallow."

Prior to, Wu Siyuan has been carefully discussed with Liao Bing, and the issue of allocation of the United Actor.

From the quantity of the theater, there are more than 10 successes, and from the quality of the stars. Success and Di Bao have almost no comparable, completely crushed.

These two points have been un reversible for Wu Siyuan, so he wants to get more benefits in the Joint Hospital line, almost impossible.

But because Jiahe's relationship with the new Oriental relationship, now Di Bao is in the overturned Valley, they urgently need a helping to help.

At this time, it can be said to have a best time to admit one, so Wu Siyuan has confidence, it can be obtained from Pandier, and it is impossible to share the interests at all.

"The shares of the new courtyard, we account for 30% of the hotel."

Three finished shares, according to the number of the theater, Wu Siyuan did not accoum any inexpensive.

Originally, Pandier also thought that the other party wants 40% of shares, but now it seems that Wu Siyuan is still a little one.

"Since Wu Bo has already thought about it, the shares of the new hospital will follow you, success 30%, Di Bao 60%."

It can be said that the talks between the two sides have opened a good head, at least in the first point, they have no differences.

"As for the revenue distribution of the market room box office, it can be successfully occupied."

At this point, Wu Siyuan is more step forward. To know the shares of successful hospital, they can only be 30%.

Don't underestimate these semi-established shares, if you turn it out, there are at least a few million credits a year. At this time, this time is definitely not a small money.

It can be said that Wu Si is really picking a good time to find Pandier. If you replace it is usually, this two points of Pandier and Tang Jianxun will never promise him.

Pantyis hesitated, then turned to see Yusheng Xun.

The other party nodded, indicating that this one can promise Wu Siyuan. After all, the other party is not a lion, which is still within a reasonable range.

"Wu Boss, since everyone has decided to cooperate, we must take advantage of sincerity, you are talking about it, I agree."

Pantyo's two-point condition for Wu Siyuan, did not hesitate to directly agree, because this is within the scope they can accept.

And in Pandi, the things of the cooperation between the two sides have no obstacles, only listening to Wu Siyuan suddenly smiled and said.

"Pan Boss, I have the last one ..."

Pantyo hanged the smile on his face at this time, because Wu Siyuan's sentence became a bit stiff.

It can be said that the previous two conditions have been considered by Pandad, is Wu Siyuan? What he still wants.

Seeing the expression on the face of Panty, Wu Siyuan knows that the other party is not very happy, but he still have to finish the words.

Because today is the main purpose, or third, this is also a one behind Liao Bingxue and the Golden Lord behind the successful hospital, as this is related to their true interests.

"Wu Bo said."

Although Pandier is not very happy, but the face is still strong, he wants to hear what Wu Siyuan still said.

"The relevant matters of the joints after the United Association line, I hope that Pan Boss will be handed over to the success of the hospital."

Wu Siyuan came out, and the three people such as Pandier were directly frowning.

Compared to the previous two requirements, Wu Siyuan opened this third condition, it is a bit too much to forget, let people feel that he doesn't seem to put the Dimao Garden line and Pandier them in the eyes.

I like to rebirth of the 1978, please collect: (bxwxorg.com) Rebirth of the 1978 pennancy update.

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