Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 958, Lin Daoqiu has a problem

On a plate of fruit, walk to the rocking chair of Lin Daoqiu.

Pick a cut fruit from inside, then take the fruit with the fiber jade, and then sent it to the mouth of Lin Daoqiu.

Today, "The Tomb Raidth" drama is rare to put a day, Lin Qingxia has not been going, is preparing to take a break at home.

I didn't expect Lin Daoqiu, and I didn't go to work today, I took a day at home, which made Lin Qingxia feel very unexpected.

Those reports about Lin Daoqiu were just out of time, Lin Qingxia had already seen it.

She at the time, that is, the newspapers are simply in nonsense, and Lin Qingxia is more angry for the newspaper who accuses Lin Daoqiu is a spy.

"Why don't you open a reporter to refute their promise?"

Lin Qingxia felt that Lin Daoqiu should immediately invite the reporter, and then refute those reports.

Chewing Lin Qingxia sent to the fruit in his mouth, Lin Dao Qiu looked at the eyes.

"So many newspapers in Xiangjiang, I have refuted this today, I will come out tomorrow, then I am afraid I can't do it."

Lin Daoqiu did not look for a reporter to clarify.

Although Lin Daoqiu said, Lin Qingxia still thinks that this time is great, and it is necessary to clarify it quickly.

"Don't you let them have been filthy you? And you have been clarified, and the outside world will think that you are default."

In Lin Qingxia's impression, Although Lin Daoqiu is not a bad person, it is not the kind of person who can make people bully.

Can he really knead his nose and endure those people's smear? This is not like the character of Lin Daoqiu.

"What can I have? I am just a general movie person, I can only pick up the legal weapon."

Lin Daoqiu's answer sounds people feel that he seems to be true.

However, Lin Qingxia also felt that the weapon of the law was taken to deal with those people, it is really a good way.

When the afternoon, the time will soon passed. After Lin Daoqiu received a call, it seems that his mood seems to be better.

The phone is Wu Zhen to Lin Daoqiu, three days have not arrived, he has already checked the details of those people behind the successful hospital.

The success of Wu Siyuan's 30% of the successful school line, the remaining 60%, respectively hold the hands of Liao Kun City, Ke Rongfa, Liu Zhenrong.

These three people are the businessmen of Baodao, and the cost of the business is only one of the business they operate.

At this time, in Baodao, do business can do the wind, if there is no support for support behind, it is absolutely impossible.

In the phone, Wu Zhen told Lin Daoqiu. The three guys behind the three guys were the big borders.

If you change it to it, you really don't dare to move the autumn of Lin Dynasty in Xiangjiang.

But when they stand behind the big son, it is no wonder that there will be such a big courage.

After putting down the phone, Lin Daoqiu couldn't help but shake his head.

Said is a big master, but in fact, the guy is almost the age of 50, and in the memory of the autumn, he should be a few years.

But in any case, his master's seat is still steady, even if he is not taken, but as long as he carrying the identity of the big son, no one dares to disrespect him.

And because of the relationship between the big master, Wu Zhen naturally did not dare to help Lin Daoqiu, can investigate these, Wu Sheng is already righteous.

Unless he is in water, it will be to be able to get involved in those people and big masters. Otherwise, Wu Zhen can only choose the way to make a look.


"Big Gong, don't know these arrangements today, are you still satisfied?"

Liao Kun City looked at the sofa, and he was a big master.

The opponent's face is as good as a paper, and the eye nest is deeply trapped. There is not much blood color on the face, and I know that the body is very weak.

However, even if the body is so bad, but does not hinder him to find a happy fun.

And I know the Liao Kuncheng, who specialize in the family, today specially arranged two other girls to serve him.

The big master of the horses in the evening, which is already accustomed to such things.

"Well, it's not bad."

It is very perfunctory that heard the big master, but even so, let Liao Kun City are particularly happy.

Today, Liao Kun and Ke Rongfa and Liu Zhenrong three, showed the face, please come out to eat, actually a thing I want to ask him to help.

"Great Banzi, I don't know if you have heard Lin Dai Autumn?"

Liao Kun City is carefully asked the impression of the people of Lindao autumn.

I heard Liao Kun City such as a question, and I immediately showed a penny expression on the big master of the wine glass.

"Lin Daoqiu? Didn't hear this name, what did he do?"

The big master looks like there is no impression on the name of Lin Daoqiu.

"Big Mon, Lin Daoqiu is the movie man there, and is also blocked by the film tycoon, and before I arrived a few times, Li Changguan also met him."

I heard Liu Zhenrong such as explanation, the big master was slowly impressed by the people of Lin Daoqiu.

"Oh ... what are you talking about the autumn, before listening to my father, what is the problem?"

The big master is not a fool, although he has been in a small to the big, but his brain is not bad.

I heard Liao Kun City, they mentioned the name of Lin Daoqiu. He has already guessed that these three guys have arranged these rich programs today, which should be rushing to Lin Daoqiu.

"The chief mentioned his name? I don't know what the chief said?"

Liao Kun City, they heard the son of the bodies, heard the name of Lin Daoqiu in private, this is not a small thing.

If there is any relationship between the autumn and the chief, what are they lifting the stones?

"I can't think of it for a while, it seems to be in Quanlin Road, but I don't listen carefully."

The big master only remembers his father, it seems to be in Qifeng Road, which is specifically said, he didn't remember it at all.

Liao Kun City and others have become more anxious.

"Do you have any hatred with the autumn?"

For the idea of ​​Liao Kun City, the big master has already touched two Chu. He knew that the three guys in Liao Kun City, today gave himself this, it should just want him to help Lin Daoqiu.

"Big Bono, in fact, we will come to you today to report, the guy named Lin Daoqiu, it seems that it seems to be a movie person, but in fact, his person has a very serious problem, I suspect him It is the treason derived there. "

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