Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 966, don't pursue it.

"You this idiot, idiots, how long your brain is long, how can you think of those people, are you crazy? How can I have you this nephew."

Before receiving the call from Liao Bing, Liao Kuncheng's mood is still very good.

After all, from the news you get in Xiangjiang, Lin Daoqiu's recent situation is not very wonderful.

Although the news published by the newspapers has not caused too much public opinion atmosphere.

However, Liao Kun City believes that as long as I have long, Lin Daoqiu's reputation in Xiangjiang will definitely fall.

When I arrived in the Spring Festival, when they got success, I have to know the time of the Spring Festival, only for more than three months.

As long as I insisted, I may become the film of the Bao Chengyuan line.

Wait at that time, the success of the success of them will gain huge profits, let alone the overseas markets are waiting for them.

However, after this call, after Liao Bing, it has become a fragmentation.

"Boss, this thing is my fault, how can you do it without complaints, but now I am concerned about these, if I am involved, then the successful school line will have a lot of trouble."

Don't look at Liao Bingxue is just the deputy general manager of the successful school line, but if you look down on his body, the three million fund sources, I am afraid it will float.

To know that these people in Liao Kun, they are shareholders of successful hospitals. Once they are discovered and this matter, the successful school line will be big.

"You remember it, don't say anything after entering, I will find ways."

Liao Kun City has no idea now. He can only let Liao Bing live together, and then find ways to understand this big trouble.

After Liao Kun City put down the phone, I immediately called two-channel call, and I called Ke Rongfa and Liu Zhenrong.

After they arrive, Liao Kun City immediately told things and they.

"Liao Bingxue this idiots, how can he commit such a mistake, I can't hate him now."

Ke Rongfa's temper is the most popular one, although he is just a feeling, but now, he is really a kind of impulse that I want to make Liao Bing.

"Lao Ke, now I don't say this, we still want to think about it, see how to solve the current dilemma."

Liu Zongrong is now the most calm person in it, but in fact, he is also a worse, he can't think of any solution.

"The situation on Xiangjiang, we don't understand at all, if you know, you will send more than two people."

Because Liao Bingxue is the nephew of Liao Kun City, he will be sent to Xiangjiang to the success of success.

Originally, Liao Bingxue is still a very steady person. It has been doing clean, and did not expect this to turn on a big one.

"I think the only way now is to ask the big master to come, let him call Lin Daoqiu, ask him not to pursue."

At this time, Liao Kun City really made an idea.

If you let the Gongzi communicate with Lin Daoqiu, let him not pursue it, Lin Daoqiu should not dare to give big masses.

"Is Lin Daoqiu promised?"

For the proposal of Liao Kun City, Liu Zhenrong feels not very reliable.

After all, this time is so big. If it is just a big master to make a phone call, Lin Daoqiu is yetful, then he is too embarrassed.

"If he dares to refuse the big son, do you want to do it in Baodao's business?"

Liao Kun City was previously anxious expression, suddenly became a lot easier.

Even when he said this sentence, his face can still show a smile. It seems that he feels great to think that he thinks.

"You said it is also in."

Liu Zhenrong and Ke Rong did not think of a good way. After listening to Liao Kun City, they thought of thinking about it, thinking that this seems not to be a good idea.

"In this case, then I will come out this evening ..."

At the evening, Liao Kun City spent a lot of money, please come out and gave him a great feast.

There have been some things that are not known, but when the big master leaves the box, it is leaving four girls.

And it can be seen from his expression. The big master is very satisfied today, and the smile has been hanging on the face.

The next day, Lin Daoqiu suddenly received a call from Baodao.

"I am Lin Daoqiu ..."

After Lin Daoqiu took the phone, he said.

After two seconds, I came from the phone that didn't seem to wake up.

"You are Lin Daoqiu? I am the chapter of ginger, you should have heard my name."

For the name of the ginger, Lin Daoqiu is actually known before Wu Zhen called.

"It turned out to be Mr. Jiang, don't you know what is going on?"

This phone that suddenly came on the chapter of Ginger, and how many of Lin Dao Qiu can guess what he is playing this phone.

"Liao Bingxue is mine, I heard that he will have a mistake, seeing in my face, you don't pursue it."

The tangible talker is very arrogant. In a word, let Lindao Qiu swallowed this evil.

However, the chapter of Ginger does have the capital of this sentence, who makes him a big master.

From small to big, as long as he came out, there is no problem that there is no problem.

Although Lin Daoqiu has already guessed, Liao Kun City will definitely find the chapter of Jiang's chapter to say love, let himself pursue.

But I didn't expect Jiang Zhizhi, but I didn't put myself in my eyes. I just made myself not to pursue it.

If you don't know, I thought I was his hand.

"Jiang Gongzi, you still don't work, this is what I and surname Liao, we will solve it."

Jiang Zhizhang was too crazy last night. After thinking about this call, he will continue to sleep back.

However, he didn't expect that Lin Daoqiu dared to refuse his request, which made the chapter of Jiang Zi frowned.

"Lin Daoqiu, my words have been very clear, I don't listen to you."

After the chapter of Jiang Zhun, I hanged it directly. He didn't believe that Lin Dao Qi really dared to violate his meaning.

I heard the busy tone in my tear, and the forest swayed and shook his head in autumn, and then put it down.

The temper of this big son is really not small. If you come to two words, you don't want to be pursued.

If Lin Daoqi is really done, then he will not call Lin Daoqiu.

Unless it is converted to the phone of the ginger, Lin Daoqiu may really consider whether to pinch the nose to swallow, but if it is just the chapter of ginger, Lincao Qiu is really not too much to put him in the eyes.

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