Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 969 for the first collision

When Lindao Qiu was focused on the "Tomb Raidth" shooting, he suddenly received a call from Li Maowen, saying that the deputy general manager of successful school line should see him, people have already in the company Since this is waiting.

The deputy general manager of the successful hospital is Liao Bing, and that guy has now entered the prison.

Although Lin Daoqiu did not know, what kind of person is this vice president, but it is certain that he and Liao Kuncheng can't get a relationship.

Originally, Lin Daoqiu is not interested in each other, but he thought about it, but decided to see the guy, see what they still want to do.

After returning to the New Oriental, Lin Daoqiu has not walked to his office, and found it in the hallway and stood a young man who had never met.

"You should be Mr. Lin, next Liao Junhao, the new deputy general manager of the successful school line."

Liao Junhao is the son of Liao Kun City. This time, Liao Kuncheng specializes in his love to Xiangjiang, which can be seen to pay attention to the success of success.

"Mr. Liao, I am very glad to meet you, let's go in."

Lin Daoqiu and the other party holding hands, and then Li Junhao invited Liao Junhao into his own office.

After the two were sitting down, Lin Daoqiu gave a born to Liao Junhao poured a cup of tea, and he was sitting at the scene and looked at Liao Junhao.

After all, this time is Liao Junhao to take the initiative to see Lin Daoqiu.

And the things that have occurred before, Lin Daoqiu did not ask him to eat closed door, it is already a large amount of width.

Liao Kuncheng, they do what they do, Lin Daqiu is not forgotten at all.

But because there is a big master, Lin Daoqiu can only temporarily, after all, his hand is longer, and it will not reach Baodao for a long time.

"Mr. Lin, in fact, this time is on the door, I want to represent the family, Liao Kun, and the success of the court, apologize to you."

When Liao Junhao said, it looked very sincere, with his honest and thick, which would easily believe that Liao Junhao said.

However, Lin Daoqiu's measure is not big, the other party is on the door, saying that he will make all things in the past.

"Mr. Liao said, the things that have happened before, are the ghosts of Liao Bing, this and Mr. Liao and the respected, should there be a big relationship?"

Lindong autumn pretended to look like a look.

But Liao Junhao has been lived by Liao Kun City before coming to Xiangjiang, so that he must be careful about Lin Daoqiu.

For the ears of Liao Kun City, Liao Junhao naturally dares to forget.

He thought, don't look at Lin Daoqiu, a look of light and light, refers to how much resentment in Liao Kun City is in his heart.

"Mr. Lin, Liao Bingxue is also the deputy general manager of the successful school, there is such a thing, it is a family talent, I am sincere sincere, I will apologize to Mr. Lin."

Liao Junhao said that it is very beautiful. If a manager is not part, I want to pick Liao Kun City.

But he is afraid that Liao Kun City and Ke Rongfa have all the things they do, they have been found in the autumn of Lin Dynasty.

"Mr. Xin Liao personally runs, in fact, everyone is eating in the film circle, looking up, no need to do things too much, Liao said?"

The phrase of Lin Daoqiu, let Liao Junhao's heart donated halfway.

Although Lin Daoqiu seems to be too heavy, Liao Junhao felt from Lin Daoqiu, the opponent's grievances were not small.

"Mr. Lin, the successful hospital line is not the main inception of Xiangjiang market, Southeast Asia is our goal, so we did not have the idea of ​​Mr. Lin as an enemy, this also requested Mr. Lin Ming."

Lin Daoqiu did not speak, he just nodded, he couldn't see his true thoughts at all.

Liao Junhao also slowly felt that he seems to be hopeless, after a few words, he can only choose a speech.

After leaving the New Oriental, when Liao Junhao returned to the successor line, he directly gave Liao Kun City to the phone, reported to the other party and the situation of Lindao Qiu.

"Don't worry about him, anyway, his hand in Bao Island can't stretch it. Since he dares to give big masters, then we will wait to see how he died."

Before the big master, I called Lin Daoqiu, let him not pursue.

But I didn't expect Lin Daoqiu to not give him a face, and Liao Bingxue sent directly into the prison, and was also sentenced to 20 years of heavy punishment.

If it is not the family of Liao Bing, I stayed in Baodao, and I have already said all the truth.

The big master is very angry, plus Liao Kuncheng, their fuel, jealous, in the room, he is generous must give Lin Daoqiu.

As for this good look, there are more serious, this is not Liao Kuncheng, they can go to the study.

Anyway, in Liao Kun City, Lin Daoqiu is the grasshopper after autumn, and I can't take it for a long time. Now they will not move, waiting for the big master to pick up the autumn.


On the eve of Christmas, Xiangjiang Institute launched the comedy movie "Little Shengfi", "Little Sheng, I'm afraid", and the history of Li Hanxiang, "The Fire Garden" and "Sleek Curtain Listening".

And in the Baocheng Court, the launch is directed and supervised by Xu Ke, Situ Zhuohan, Chen Guanzhong, Du Guowei's "Shanghai Night".

The heroine of this drama is Ashu, in the last life, was played by Zhang Ajia, and this world became Xiao Fangfang to act as a heroine.

Lin Daoqiu is not too much about "the night of Shanghai", because the actor lineup of this drama is not very bright.

Zhong Zhentao with Xiao Fangfang, there is also a newcomer named Ye Qianwen.

How to see this play should not be too sold, at least Lin Daoqiu thinks.

Compared to "Little Sheng II", even Xu Ke does not think that "Shanghai Night" will be their opponent.

If you don't have to find some contacts from these two plays, in addition to the confrontation between the new articai, there is also the most popular two, Alan Tam and Zhong Zhentao.

But this kind of thing, even if you take the speculation, I am afraid I can't speculate.

So the time of Christmas, many people turned their attention, transferred to another type of movie, that is, Li Hanxiang's two historical dramas.

I am afraid that Li Hanxiang did not expect that before the movie was not released, "fire burning Yuanmingyuan" and " " will exceed the "Little Sheng II" and "Shanghai Night".

As the promotion offensive is further increased, the first collision of Baocheng Cape and Xiangjiang Institutes has quietly kicked off.

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