Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 971 has a long, the feet have short

"How did they come?"

Panty sounded a little, and then turned his head and looked at Zhen Jianxun.

On the other hand, Yuan Yu saw Lin Daoqiu, he would want to leave here immediately, and he did not dare to meet Lin Daoqiu.

"What should I do now?"

Hong Jinbao does not want to leave, but how can he go now.

Pandier is all present, if you want to turn your head, what do they think?

Therefore, Hong Jinbao can only leave now, even if it is, I have to recognize it.

"How can I still have a distant change."

Yuan Wei listened, and only helplessly nod.

At this time, it was surrounded by three layers of the three-storey outside of the reporter. If there is a car, the staff has a wall, I am afraid that I have already been chaos.

"Mr. Lin is special to give Xu director today?"

"Mr. Lin, according to I know, Xiangjiang Institute has two new film office tonight, why didn't you join?"

"Miss Lin, is you still already together?"

In the face of the arrogance of the reporter, Lin Daoqiu is calm, Lin Qingxia next to him has always been smiling.

"Dear, in fact, Miss Lin is very interested in the" Shanghai Night ". I happened to be free today. I will be a way to look at the scene, and things are so simple."

Lin Daoqiu's answer, there is no reporter to believe in the scene.

But I want to hear his true ideas from the mouth of Lin Daoqiu, which is not dreaming.

"Mr. Lin, what do you think of" Shanghai Night "and two new dramas in Xiangjiangyuan line?"

One of the reporters and asked Lin Daoqiu a very embarrassment.

On someone else's site, let him evaluate this drama, no matter what to say, there is no benefit to Lin Daoqiu.

"Inch, there is a short, and I don't think it is, I have to let the audience to judge. If you want to know, I finally see the box office."

Lin Daoqiu finally did not give a sure answer.

"Dear reporters, the interview has arrived, if you have any questions, please wait for the movie to ask."

Tang Jianxun can only rush in front of the scalp, because there is still no time to start the movie.

If Lin Daoqiu has never ended here, then this premiere is not doing.

Lin Daoqiu didn't like to deal with the reporter. After the Jianxun took the reporter, Lin Daofeng laughed and then walked with Lin Qingxia as a jadece.

On the steps, Pandier slammed on the side of the sky, he was standing with Hong Jinbao.

"Mr. Lin is driving, there is a loss, please ask for forgiven."

The moment of Pandier and Lin Daoqiu shake hands, the reporter on the spot did not miss this good time, immediately fly the shutter of the camera.

Boheng College and Xiangjiang Institute of Xiangjiang Academy can say that it has monopolized the film market of the entire Xiangjiang.

Although everyone is very clear, these two collars are in the opposite state.

However, people who have a big thoughts will not help but think that if the Baocheng Capital line and Xiangjiang Institutes join.

That is in the Xiangjiang film circle, I am afraid there will be no second sound.

"Pan boss is polite, and Yellow Xia has listened to the" Shanghai Night ". It is just free today, so I will accompany her."

Lincao Qiu took Lin Qingxia as a block, Lin Qingxia, while smiling, hands had already sneaked into the waist of Lindao autumn, and then a soft meat in his waist.

I feel that I have a bad forest, and I quickly turned my head to Lin Qingxia, and I still smiled toward her.

"It turns out that two please, I have already prepared the box."

Pandy naturally won't let Lindao autumn outside, after all, he doesn't want the reporter's attention, and it has been placed on the autumn of Lincao, so I will be the best choice to go to the box.

"There is Lao Pan Boss."

Lindao Autumn is ambitious.

"Mr. Lin, Miss Lin."

When I walked from Pandi, Hong Jinbao and Yuan Xiang respectfully shouted Mr. Lin.

Lindao Qiu looked at them, just laughed, but did not say a word, then turn his head.

Yuan Yu was originally worried, and he was afraid that Lin Daoqiu would be humiliated him, but he did not expect that the other party's fundamental tangle did not care.


The little sighs, Yuan Yu already realized that they and Lin Daoqiu's relationship, I am afraid that it has been completely broken.

However, if you come again, he will choose to leave the New Oriental with Hong Jinbao.

Because with Hong Jinbao compared with Hong Jinbao, Lincao Qiu is still low in Yuan Yun's heart.

As for Xu Ke and Shitian, etc., Lindao Qiu didn't look at it, and I passed them directly to the jade theater.

"Mr. Lin is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that we have to cheer in the future."

Shi Tian said on the side, Xu Ke and Zeng Zhiwei can only report to smile.

If this time Bao Chengyuan is failed, they really will not have a foothold in Xiangjiang, so it is no wonder that Shi Tian wants to come back this sentence.

When the manager of the cinema, she took Lin Daoqiu and Lin Qingxia to come to the box, they just sat down, Xu Ke and Zhong Zhentao and other starring, and she launched some words, then start moving the movie.

"Shanghai Night", the drama of Lindao, he felt that he should have seen it, but he didn't remember the story inside because of too long.

When you watch, Lin Qingxia is very focused, "Shanghai Night", this type of movie is her favorite.

During the process of watching, Lin Daoqiu's attention is not the actor's actor, or the development of the plot.

He is more careful is the scenery of the inside, it seems to have a feeling of sphericing old Shanghai.

Originally, Lin Daoqi thought that Xu Ke will focus on funny and plot on the "Shanghai Night".

But I didn't expect him to have a great effort in the scene.

In the plot, Xu Ke has used a lot of coincidence inside, giving up the rationality of the plot, which is the style of Xu Ke, and Lin Daoqiu has also been blamed.

However, throwing these problems, "Shanghai Night" This drama is really a good movie.

At the end of the movie, Zhong Zhentao finally chased the train, and finally the two people embracing together, a complete big reunion ending, a period of this play.

From the warm applause of the audience, everyone is very satisfied with this play.

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