Reborn Xiangjiang 1978

Chapter 982 opens a program

For the internal discussion of Baicheng Cinema, Lindaoqiu does not have much interest.

They are also optimistic, not optimistic, there will be no more impact on the preparation for the new Oriental.

Not the same as Bao Chengyuan, Xinyi City naturally does not take the "best partner" and "Wing Chun" trailer to put wireless.

It can be said that the advertising business of the new art, has been tied to Seiwei.

And with Panty, they are different, Lin Daoqiu is controlled by the patriarchal.

He is not light to play advertisements in the subsection, and can even arrange several programs to promote the "best partners" and "Wing Chun".

This point of Pandy is very difficult, unless he is willing to spend a lot of money, it is difficult to let Fang Yihua nodded.

"Have you heard? Assets seem to have a new program to be launched."

"Yes? What kind of program is it?"

"It seems to be called" Entertainment, you know ", is hosted by Lin Jianming, I have seen it in the newspaper before."

As STAP's entertainment, you know, it is broadcast from 6:30 in the afternoon, the host is Lin Jianming.

But the planners of this program are not small, but it is a famous Dinglin Autumn.

A week ago, Lin Daoqiu came to subsequent with a party.

I heard Lin Daoqiu, Huang Xi Zhao immediately took people with elevators to meet each other.

"Huang Manager, we haven't seen you for a long time."

When I went out of the elevator door, Lin Daoqiu saw Huang Zizhao with a group of people who greeted themselves.

"Mr. Lin is too polite, you have anything to make a call, let me have passed, why bother to run."

Lindao Autumn is now the second largest shareholder of AV, the film tycoon of Xiangjiang, the world's famous movie people.

No matter which aspect from Huangxi, Huangxi must have shown his respect for the autumn.

"Every space goes back, I have something to talk to Huang Manager."

After they all left, Lin Daoqiu said to Huang Zi: "Let's go to Huangli's office."

Huang Xi nodded, then he turned into the way.

After coming to Huang Zhao's office, the Secretary has already booked tea.

Original Huang Zizhao is to make his seat to Lin Daoqiu, but he was rejected by Lin Daoqiu.

"In fact, I am coming today, there is something that I want to discuss with Huang Manager."

"Mr. Lin please say."

Huang Xi looks at Lin Daoqiu seriously.

"I want to open a program at 6:30 to 7:00."

Listening to Lin Daoqiu said that Huangxi is obviously stunned.

If Lin Daoqiu said, he has to take a TV series, the Huang Zizhao will definitely be very happy.

But now Lin Daoqiu is said that he is going to open a new show, but also stipulates 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm.

Although it is full of confusion, Huangxi is still asked.

"Mr. Lin, I don't know what form of program is this?"

"The name of the conversation, the name of the show" Entertainment, you know "."

Even the name of the program is already awkward, it seems that Lin Daoqiu is ready.

"Entertainment, do you know"? Talk "?"

Huangxi is not much to understand, what is the show that Lin Daoqiu is going to open?

"The host of this program, I hope to take Lin Jianming. She is more in line with the" entertainment words ", the conversation program of this", after all, this program has only one host. "

Flaprped the head, Huang Zhao did not expect Lin Daoqiu to put the host's thinking.

Press to say a program, from planning to implementation, you need to pass at least a few months, not to open.

But listening to Lin Daoqiu said, it seems that he has already planned all everything, and he doesn't know when he started planning.

"Entertainment, you know the news from Monday to Five News and film and television entertainment, please visit the guests on Saturday, such as movies or TV series, you can call them to chat."

This is actually a transparency of the information class, but it is just a type of variety, and the topic is related to film and television entertainment.

Lin Daoqiu has been very clear, he believes that Huangxi should also understand it very well.

"Mr. Lin, when are you planning to arrange this show?"

What Huang Xi wants to know that Lindao Qiu gives them how much time.

"Next Monday," Entertainment, you know "is going online."

When you come out, Huangxi is completely shocked.

In just a week, I have to get a variety show. This is a tangible thing to him.

"Huang Manager doesn't have to worry, I have been ready for the process of the program. You let the staff will do it as it is, and the troubles of Miss Lin come over."

It seems that Lin Daoqiu just came to tell Huang Zizhao what to do, and he listened to his tone, he has already decided everything.

Although I don't know why Lin Daoqiu suddenly wanted to open a program, Huang Xi photo is still doing him.

I called a call to the secretary and let him call Lin Jianming to his office.

In less than five minutes, Lin Jianming knocked on the door of the office.

After coming in outside, Lin Jianming shouted his voice, and she found another person in the office.

"Lin ... Mr. Lin."

Lin Jianming did not think about it, Lin Daoqiu will also be in Huang Zhao's office.

"Miss Lin, I am very glad to meet you."

Lincao Autumn stood up, and Lin Yilin opened his nodded.

Lin Jianming looked at some bureaus to promote uneasiness.

If there is only Huang Zhao, she will not be too nervous, but now there is still a forest road, this is what is going on.

"Miss Lin, in fact, today, please go to my office today, it is the autumn of Lin Daoqiu."

When Huang Xi Zhao said, Lin Jianming was surprised to turn his head to Lin Daoqiu.

"Mr. Lin, don't know what you are looking for?"

Lin Jianming's heart began to push the mess, her brain became a bit chaotic.

Lin Daoqiu is doing what everyone knows, it is difficult for him to come to Seiki today, is it to find a movie?

It is necessary to know the heroine of the Double Autumn movie, it has become big red.

If you have such a good opportunity, Lin Jianming is probably a dream will laugh.

However, she didn't expect that Lin Daoqiu's purpose is not to ask her to play movies.

"I plan to open a conversation program at 6:30 in the afternoon, and the host wants to ask Miss Lin."

Just prepared to answer Lin Jianming, heard that Lin Daoqiu said that the conversation show is not a movie, her head suddenly squatted on the road.

"Mr. Lin is looking for me to host the show? Isn't it a movie?"

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