Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 110 Waiting to slay the dragon

"Senior brother, do you really want to come?"

"Do not worry!"

Xiaoyue reluctantly nodded, glanced at the coffin in the distance worriedly, and started to do the work.

After tasting the sweetness last night, the two took over the job of the winery boss. It was said that there was always something dirty in the winery. It was Mr. Li who introduced it, so the boss spent 10 oceans to hire the two of them.

It is impossible to become a rich man with 20 yuan, but it is still enough to marry a wife and start a small business.

The peach wood sword traces the star path. Xiaoyue does not know how to exorcise evil spirits, but she knows the sword moves. The Sancai Sword moves tigers and tigers with great power. Coupled with nonsense words that even gods and ghosts cannot understand, she really has the majesty of a heavenly master!

“And there’s an unexpected bonus!”

The yin energy below is extremely heavy with resentment. The spiritual power of the two little Taoist priests is like grasshoppers in a large pot of water in this yin energy. They cannot escape. The other boss with a wretched face is like a spark in a strong wind. , can be extinguished by this Yin Qi at any time.


The coffin lid flew open, and a woman with a pale face and a red dress floated out.

She didn't move her legs, and she seemed to have no weight, slowly floating towards A Xing Xiaoyue and the others.

If a person wears red when he dies, he will become a fierce ghost after becoming a ghost.

"Ms. Li, why did you harm people?"

Xiaoyue closed her eyes and urged Ah Xing, who was pretending to be a ghost, to quickly read his lines. Who expected that when the coffin was opened, Ah Xing was so frightened that it felt like he had been tapped on his mute point.

"Yeah, I died so miserably."

Xiaoyue quietly gave her senior brother a thumbs up: "Okay, then tell me your life experience."

"You won't believe me when I tell you. I lost my virginity to him when I was twelve years old. My parents tried to argue with him, but he killed me. It is inhumane to possess me for a long time. When I was fifteen years old, he married another man. Make a new love, and plan to find someone to frame me and gang-rape me."

"Damn it! He's simply not human!" Xiaoyue shook her head slightly, meaning to tell Ah Xing not to go too far with the story.

Xiaoyue lowered her voice and said, "Senior brother, this is too much."

She opened her eyes and saw her senior brother shaking his head vigorously.

Feeling bad in her heart, Xiaoyue's neck turned back like a clockwork, and Yin Qi rushed towards her face.

"Huh" breathed a sigh of relief.


She went to see Ah Xing and found that her senior brother's eyes were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Xiaoyue! Run!"


Axing grabbed Xiaoyue's wrist and turned around to run away. The Taomu Sword, Compass, Talisman, and Bagua Mirror were all thrown away, along with the owner of the winery.

"What's going on, senior brother?"

"Fly, fly, fly zombie!"

"Flying zombie!"

"Flyed down from the sky and ate the female ghost in one bite!"

Ah Xing's heart trembled when he thought of the scene just now. A zombie wearing an apricot-yellow robe fell from the sky and fell to the ground silently.

After smiling at him, he opened his mouth and swallowed the female ghost who was telling the story!

What are zombies falling from the sky other than flying zombies?

"Master hasn't come back yet, let's run now, run back!"


The senior brother and sister ran away, their footsteps so loud that they lit up the kerosene lamps in several houses and the dogs barked.


A gust of wind blew over the head, and all the dogs closed their mouths, and it was hard to hear the "whimpering" sound.


A pair of leather boots fell to the ground, and a figure wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe blocked their way.

Ah Xing's breathing stagnated, and he slowly moved his heels, ready to run away at any moment.

"Senior! Are you here after zombies? There is a flying zombie!" Xiaoyue was overjoyed when she saw the visitor. She must be a member of the same Taoist community wearing Taoist robes, and she can fly in the sky. She is stronger than her master. Only such an expert dares to chase Fei Zheng!

"Xiaoyue, stop talking and let's go!"

Xiaoyue's feet seemed to have roots, and they could not move no matter how much Axing dragged them.

"Senior brother, maybe senior can deal with that flying zombie!"

"He is that zombie!"

Ah Xing revealed the identity of the visitor, and the tall figure turned around, his expression as usual.

He was a handsome and heroic-looking man with a cold face who was extremely attractive. Xiaoyue had a crush on him after just one glance.

"Senior brother, what did you say? Apologize to senior!"

Xiaoyue bowed as a junior, bowed to the other party and said, "My senior brother is usually very naughty. Senior, please don't worry about it."

"Is your master Lin Jiu?"

The voice was hoarse and rough, probably only someone who had stayed in the mountains for decades without interacting with other people would be like this. Xiaoyue was even more convinced that the senior was definitely an expert who had practiced hard in the mountains for decades.

"Yes, the master is going back to Renjia Town for business now, and he won't be back for another half a month. Senior, if you have anything to do with me, master, I can use Linghe to send a message."


Xiaoyue kept her head down, unable to see the wonderful scene that her senior brother Axing saw.

As the zombie spoke, a pair of corpse teeth were exposed.

"Senior, you can go home with us and rest. There's no rush to chase Feizhuang tomorrow." Xiaoyue raised her head and saw Senior nodding silently.

"Senior" walked forward slowly.

Ah Xing's legs were spinning. He had heard of flying zombies, and it was said that even gods might not be able to fight them.

Talking zombies, don’t even think about it.

Standing in front of her at this moment, what's terrible is that Xiaoyue still thinks that the zombie wearing Taoist robes is a senior master!

"I fought hard!!"

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Xiaoyue raised her hand to stop him one step late, and saw Ah Xing kick her "senior" in the chest.

The senior's body did not move, but Ah Xing fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

"Senior, my senior brother..."

"What kind of senior is that? He is a zombie!"

Ah Xing's eyes were red, staring at He Cheng.

He Cheng approached the two of them with a smile, and when Xiaoyue was still struggling, he pulled the two of them to jump up high.

By the time they reacted, it was already too late.

In the basement of the Western church, Axing and Xiaoyue were thrown to the ground with a "thud".

"Yan Hong, why are you here?"

Axing was shocked to find that in addition to a group of humanoid objects paralyzed in the corner, the female ghost from last night was also here.

"Could it be that you and that zombie are together?"

"My life belongs to the master"

"There's plenty of time to talk nonsense later." He Cheng grabbed the old priest and threw it to the two of them: "dinner is ready, pay some blood money, don't make it stiff."

The old priest who was frightened nodded, came to Ah Xing's neck and bit it.

He greedily sucked the blood, opened his eyes and saw He Cheng's unkind gaze, and quickly poured in a few more drops of his own blood to complete the "first embrace" transformation ritual among vampires!

After sucking the blood of two spiritual Taoists, the old priest recovered most of his body.

Azing and Xiaoyue stood up, no different from living people.

But the two of them obviously obeyed the old priest.

"Tell them to go back and wait quietly for Lin Jiu to send me a message."

The old priest repeated He Cheng's words. Xiaoyue and Ah Xing walked out of the Western church with normal expressions, the teeth marks under their collars looming.

"As long as you don't do anything stupid, we will still be our own people."

He Cheng patted the old priest on the shoulder, looked at his frightened expression, and said: "After you finish this job, I will take you to suck blood until you are full."

Ma Zai is not easy to attract. It is no longer enough to hit him with a stick and give him a sweet date. Now he also pays attention to blueprints and future plans. Without goals, he will not be able to attract Ma Zai.

"The Second World War is about to break out. The blood of the dead on the battlefield can kill a ghost!"

The old priest was more than 20 years behind the world, but this did not prevent him from guessing the possibility of World War II.


They just need to wait here quietly, and Tu Long, Jiu Shu, and those who participated in the siege and suppression of He Cheng will slowly come to their door.

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