Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 119 Living Aliens

The location closest to the center of Zombie Town is in the big courtyard house.

There is a Taishi chair in the center of the courtyard, and four withered-looking female corpses are holding fans to gently fan the figures on the Taishi chair.

At this moment, a tall zombie wearing a porcelain spittoon walked in. When he saw the figure on the Taishi's chair, he bowed his head and muttered the corpse language.

"Go down"

He Cheng waved his hand casually, and the tall zombie straightened the spittoon on his head, like a general straightening his helmet, and left confidently.

The existence of Zombie Town was beyond his imagination. Zombies understand beauty and ugliness just like living people. There are many noble people who put all kinds of strange things on their bodies, put spittoons and urinals in their hands.

Compared with the spiritual energy in the jade pendant, the spittoon and urinal have a stronger yin energy, which gives them a sense of status.

The top status symbol is zombie teeth. Zombie teeth represent the absolute social status of zombies. Many zombies with high status have "beautiful teeth".

A question loomed before him: should he kill these zombies to absorb their corpse energy, or keep them for his own use.

Soon, he had a plan in mind.

"There is also the zombie king, who has been staying in the coffin and won't come out. I don't know what level he is at. Just wait..."

Soft persimmons are easy to pinch, but big durians are prickly, which is why he didn't dare to act rashly.

He stood up and waved gently, and a female zombie came over happily.

She is the most "beautiful" here. The other zombies have shriveled skin after death. Only she still retains her appearance in life, with full bones and flesh, and a plump figure. However, she was over fifty years old before she died. She is the "beauty" among zombies. Looks a little bad.

In addition to her "beauty", the reason why she can stand here is because of her pair of long corpse teeth, which are not much shorter than He Cheng, and after years of careful modification, such as polished jade and smooth pearls, the effect is better than using teeth. good.

Shining white.

"Find Heizheng... find all the people with black fur on their bodies!"

The zombies here are not divided by strength, they are a group of "civilized zombies". He Cheng changed the term, and the female zombie took the order and left.

In front of He Cheng's eyes, she looked gentle and obedient. As soon as she stepped out of the house, she resumed her zombie nature. When she opened her mouth and roared, all the zombies wandering on the street bowed down and worshiped her.

It is a happy thing to have a group of wives and concubines and to be in a sea of ​​beautiful women.

But the people around him are all dry goods, so where does he get the interest?

After waving all the zombies to retreat, He Cheng squinted slightly and looked at the sky above his head.

The dark clouds blocked all the starlight, and the moment before dawn was the darkest time of the night.

He had already made a plan to open the coffin where the zombie king was at dawn and have a fight with this mysterious zombie king.

As long as it wasn't Fei Zheng, there was no way he could escape the sun, let alone kill him!


After a while, more than thirty black/furry zombies jumped into the yard.

"You, come in with me"

He Cheng pointed at a zombie, then turned and walked into the room.

Heizheng was confused, but still obeyed Chief Ya's order and followed He Cheng into the room.


Heizheng's feet crossed the threshold, and as soon as he landed, a pair of corpse claws grabbed his neck.

The corpse teeth easily penetrated the defense of the black/fur chainmail, and the corpse energy was sucked away by a strong suction force.

Kakakaka——! ! !

Black/Mao Zhi's body went limp and collapsed into a ball like a puff pastry, and he couldn't even scream.

Having lost all the corpse energy, the black/hairy zombie is like a living person who has had all the blood drained from his body. He still relies on the immortality of zombies to survive.


He Cheng walked out of the door and pointed casually: "You, come here!"

Hei/Mao Zheng was a little confused when he was pointed at, but he still jumped into the room obediently.


There was one more zombie lying limply on the ground.

"If you bury them underground, maybe they can regain their corpse energy in a few months or a few years."

He Cheng thought of Old Mrs. Ren whom he had left on the mountain of Renjiazhen. He broke Old Mrs. Ren's legs and feet and filled the hole with rats to see if Old Mrs. Ren could recover his corpse energy.

If he could, he would have an inexhaustible storage tank of experience.

In a short while, Heizheng was sucked down to the last end.

"It's just you, come in"

The last black/furred zombie jumped into the room anxiously. At a glance, it was all the same kind that had entered the room before. Now all of them had been drained of their corpse energy and fell to the ground, turning into real dead corpses!

As soon as the thought of running arose, corpse claws clung to his shoulders, easily pulling him back.


“It’s still far from enough”

The Black/Mao Zombies counted the backbone of the Zombie Town and eliminated them. He Cheng could feel much more relaxed when he wanted to devour the zombies in the entire town. After destroying the Zombie Town, he should be able to level up.

"Ho! Roar!"



Roars came one after another from Zombie Town.

The roar of the zombies reveals a meaning: "A living person is coming!"

With a flutter, He Cheng turned into a crow and flew into the sky.

The crows dispersed and landed on branches everywhere, and finally saw the figures of two living people, one tall and one short.

"It scared me to death! It turned out to be a crow!"

The tall man shook his hand, grabbed the stones on the ground, and smashed the crows that had fallen on the branches into flying directions.

"Be quiet, didn't you hear the ghost screaming just now?"

The short man held a compass in his hand and glared at the tall man: "Don't delay my getting rich!"

The tall man rubbed his hands and asked, "Tell me, are they right? Is there a treasure here?"

"My dear, there must be one. Do you know what this town was called ten years ago?"

"what is it call?"

"Fugui Town! Every household has money!"

"You also said it was ten years ago. I guess the treasure has been emptied by others." The tall man muttered in a low voice and pulled out a butcher's knife from his waist: "I just heard a wolf howling. I guess I can eat meat tonight." Got it!"

"That's not howling like a wolf"

The short man paused, and the two of them were standing in front of a large pool. The pool was so clear that only black water plants could be seen swimming in it.

The short man gave a bad smile: "Tell me, after ten years, why haven't others emptied this town of money?"

"Why?" The tall man's throat went dry and he squirmed slightly up and down. Looking at the short man's strange expression, a cool breeze rushed down his back.

"Because, what I called just now is not a human, but a ghost!"

"Ghost!" The tall man was startled.

The upper teeth clicked and the lower teeth clicked back and forth several times.

"With the body of a tiger and the heart of a grasshopper, let's see what potential you have!"

"Me!" The tall man wanted to retort, but the short man had already turned his head to look at the compass and refused to pay attention to him.

The short man lowered his head impatiently and pointed at the pool.

"The mountains, mountains and rivers are connected by the water and the moon. This is where we will make a fortune!"

"The water and the moon are connected? Where?"

"There is a moon in the water, hurry up and get in the water!"

Isn't there a crescent moon reflected in the water?

"It has been stagnant for ten years. The water is so clear, can you still see water plants?" The tall man muttered, raising his feet and slowly entering the water: "Hiss, it's so cold!"

"Don't lie to me, or I'll beat you to death!"

"Don't worry, don't worry." The short man waved his hand impatiently.

The tall man slowly got into the water, and the water was up to his neck.

Holding a breath, the tall man dived down.

The compass pointer in the short man's hand suddenly started spinning crazily.

He didn't know if he was dazzled, but the water plants in the pool were moving slowly...

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