Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 123 Fellow Taoist

"That man is so disgusting!"

Yan Hong raised her sleeves to cover her eyes.

Dong Xiaoyu also nodded with a cold face. He was not wearing any pants and there was something disgusting stuck on his butt, which made her want to slap him away!

"Qiu Sheng..."

The female ghost's eyes followed the crowd to a corner of the town, where her lover was. Maybe his lover didn't care about her at all.

If it weren't for the opportunity of the Ghost Festival, how could she dare to appear in Renjia Town?


Yan Hong sighed softly, she was the most affectionate female ghost. Compared with Dong Xiaoyu's kindness, Dr. Bian also had a kindhearted affection for her.

They just listened to too many opera singers when they were burying their weddings, and they thought that only love was the most precious thing in the world.

"Let's go!"

Dong Xiaoyu's face changed greatly, and she grabbed Yan Hong's arm, and the two female ghosts disappeared in a flash.

"What's wrong, master?"

Qiu Sheng looked at Uncle Jiu next to him in confusion. Uncle Jiu stared at an open space and frowned slightly.

"It's nothing. Today is the Ghost Festival after all. It's normal for some lonely ghosts to wander around. If there are ghosts nearby, I believe they can't cause a big storm."

Uncle Jiu shook his head. The two Yin Qi were stronger just now, and there was still a violent Qi on his body. He was obviously a ghost who had done harm to others.

As he said, there are ghosts and ghosts, and ghosts belong to the Yin gods. To deal with Taoist priests, they are weak, but against evil things and Yin things, they are naturally suppressed.

"Oh" Qiu Sheng nodded.

The master and apprentice opened the curtain and walked into the temporary theater tent.

On the branches, the figures of two female ghosts appeared in a flash.

Yan Hong patted her chest gently.

"What an amazing Taoist priest!"

After just one glance, she felt that the three souls and seven souls were about to flee. I am afraid that the Ksitigarbha Ghost King will also be easily dealt with here. This Taoist priest is probably no weaker than He Cheng!

Yan Hong said: "Let's go, I'm afraid there will be problems if we stay any longer."

"Qiu Sheng him..."

Dong Xiaoyu was still reluctant to leave. At this moment, a group of ghosts and ghosts screamed.

"Run quickly, Gui Cha has been knocked down!"

"Free, free!"

The western shed that was built on the spot, at this time, blue light, green fire, and black gas were constantly flowing out from the gaps in the thatch, windows, and doorways.

They are all ghosts who escaped to freedom.

"Let's go!"

The two female ghosts fled quickly, and right behind them, the majestic and powerful righteousness magic rolled in. Many of the escaped ghosts were swept away and put into cloth bags.


Uncle Jiu tightened the bag in his hand and stamped his feet angrily as he looked at the lonely ghosts leaving the sky like stars.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the ghosts are fleeing.

Dong Xiaoyu and Yan Hong were floating in the sky, and the residents below were sending out yin energy to the sky.

Every household in Renjia Town was affected by rice seedlings.

There was a family with a starving ghost living in the rice vat and noodle vat. After devouring the family's day's ration in two or three mouthfuls, the food was still drooling.

The hanged man in green shirt and black hair tied himself under the eaves and played swinging at night, making the dog bark in fear and the cat scratching the wall.

"What's the name at this late hour!!"

The woman holding the rolling pin beat the yellow dog at home twice, and was so noisy that she couldn't sleep most of the night.

The yellow dog got two sticks and said, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh", and the hanged man proudly stuck out his tongue to show off.

"Woof woof!" The yellow dog opened his mouth and shouted in anger.

"Still barking?"

Seeing the rolling pin raised again, the yellow dog tucked its tail and "whimpered" and became quiet, but it kept staring at the hanged man on the eaves, baring its canine teeth.

"What's going on?" The man on the bed turned over and asked.

"The yellow dog is barking at night," the woman replied, put down the rolling pin and lay down on the bed.

"Let's kill it and eat it someday. Our family has nothing to lose. Keeping it costs food."

"Yeah" the woman snorted back, probably because she was annoyed by the noise, and she agreed.

"With so many ghosts escaping, Yinza will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it. We'd better hide."

"The master hasn't come back yet..."

The two female ghosts were still struggling when they suddenly heard the roar of zombies coming from the mountains.

The voice was urgent and weak.

"It's him!"

Yan Hong and Dong Xiaoyu looked at each other. They had both met Mr. Ren and understood the ferocity of this purple zombie.

At first, I thought He Cheng had killed this purple zombie, but now he is still alive and well after hearing the news?

The two female ghosts approached quietly, and a pair of hands suddenly patted their shoulders.



Ghosts are also afraid.

"This is not the place you should come to. That guy is fierce."

Listening to the voice, Yan Hong breathed a sigh of relief.


Dong Xiaoyu also turned his head and made a Wanfu gift: "Dong Xiaoyu has met the master."

It was okay not to look at it, but she was shocked when she looked at it.

He Cheng looked like a purple zombie before, but why did he turn into a bronze-armored corpse in the blink of an eye?

The bronze-armored corpse must be controlled by an expert, and it can only be mastered by masters who take the path of refining and controlling corpses. Such people only refine corpses, and their kung fu is divided into three parts on the body and seven parts on the corpse.

There was once a mad Taoist who made nine golden-armored corpses and flew up to the nine heavens directly to the Nantian Gate.

Although in the end he was turned into charcoal by a few lightning strikes from the God of Thunder, the corpse-refining sect became famous.

"Master, you..." Yan Hong was also shocked.

He was able to protect her when he became the wild zombie king, but now that he was turned into a bronze-armored corpse, the master might not let them go easily.

"After skinning a bronze-armored corpse, can I still be considered majestic when I put on this outfit?"

The two female ghosts nodded blankly, trying hard to digest the meaning of his words.

The armored zombie is not the strongest among the zombies, but it is definitely the one with the thickest skin. It sounds a bit fantasy when a purple zombie peels off the skin of a bronze armored corpse.

Moreover, corpse armor, corpse armor and zombies are one, and if you peel them off, you will definitely lose your invulnerability.

The two female ghosts were left frowning in confusion. He Cheng walked forward and looked at Old Man Ren who was recovering on the ground.

"too slow!"

Having the corpse energy taken away is different from being seriously injured, but the source is injured.

If Mr. Ren wants to regain Zi Zhan's strength, he must at least step into that dragonfly-dotted water hole and stay there for another twenty years.

He Cheng raised his hand, and Old Master Ren was sucked into his palm.

A hard bite gave Old Man Ren some relief.

The two female ghosts waited for a long time, and He Cheng finally came out.

Yan Hong said hurriedly: "Master, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. The Taoist priests in Renjia Town have let go thousands of evil spirits. If there are evil spirits coming to catch the ghosts, it may be detrimental to us."

Yin Cha not only catches ghosts, but also kills zombies.

You can't beat the flying zombies, but you should have no problem dealing with the bronze armored zombies.

"Has the ghost been released?"


"Then why go away! You two come in and stay for a while. This ghost belongs to me!"

He Cheng lifted up his black robe, and the two female ghosts got in and disappeared.

It is not too late.

Lin Jiu held a bagua mirror in one hand and a mahogany sword in the other. He carried a fly whisk on his back, a Qiankun hat on his head, and a sealed gourd on his waist, and trotted up the mountain with the moon on his back.

He saw two wild ghosts hiding behind a tree in the darkness and laughing at him.

"Humph, come back!"

As soon as the Bagua Mirror turned to the moonlight, the two ghosts behind the tree suddenly screamed "Ahhhhh" and were beaten out of the darkness, covered in black gas.

With a twist of the fly whisk, the two ghosts were easily rolled into the gourd at his waist.

After attaching the talisman paper, Lin Jiu turned over the Bagua mirror and found a compass.

The compass spun crazily and finally pointed forward.

"The one with the big head!"

I tightened my heart with 120% strength, and as soon as I walked in, I heard a corpse roar.

Lin Jiu looked around and saw a figure wrapped in a black cloak from head to toe. He opened his mouth and a strong storm sucked all the ghosts into his stomach!

Turning around, Lin Jiu was shocked.

"Bronze-armored corpse!"

He took two steps out and bowed to the bronze-armored corpse. "Fellow Taoist, these ghosts returned to the earth during the Hungry Ghost Festival. They did nothing wrong. Please control the zombies and be merciful, lest they lose their souls."


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