Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 132 Xie Bian, Fan Wujiu

For the first time, Tungui and Suishun encountered a difficult situation.

The heels of the four ghosts seemed to have iron thorns stuck in the ground. No matter how hard they exerted force, they would not move at all!

As he recklessly uses corpse energy, the suction effect increases significantly!

At night, the dark wind mixed in the breeze was sucked into his stomach, driving the airflow, and suddenly there was a strong wind!

Lin Jiu's Yizhuang, which had already reached its limit, was immediately blown away by the strong wind and collapsed to the ground with a rumble.

"No, you ghosts, stop it quickly!"

The injured Lin Jiu shouted in shock as he watched a black cloth bag flying towards He Cheng's mouth at a speed far exceeding the speed of throwing.

"It's those thousands of ghosts!"

The ghosts were shocked, and the black-robed ghosts jumped up to grab it. They hooked their fingers on the black cloth bag, and the bag tore open.


Thousands of ghosts jumped out of the bag. They thought they were free, but a strong suction force dragged them forward.

The evil wind spun into a funnel and blocked He Cheng's mouth, and large swaths of his soul were swallowed into his stomach.

Thousands of ghosts were swallowed up by him in one fell swoop!

The Yin Qi expanded and blocked, forcing He Cheng to shut up and causing the suction to disappear.

As soon as the suction stopped, the four ghosts who were almost unable to resist finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"go back!"

The ghost officer in white robe lightly waved the white cloth stick in his hand, and Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who had been pulled out of their souls, were immediately beaten back to their bodies.

"Thank you Gui Cha!" Lin Jiu hurriedly expressed his thanks, Gui Cha's effort saved him a lot of energy.

How could the ghost guards not see that Lin Jiu had already reached the stage of Lianxu Hedao, and was already much higher than them in terms of strength, so he had to sell the good ones. If Lin Jiu could become an elixir fetus in his lifetime and embark on the golden elixir immortal path, Lin Jiu's status has risen.

The Age of Ending Dharma is no better than in ancient times. Not to mention the Golden Pill Immortal Path, even those who have survived the three disasters and have truly reached the age of immortality are still in abundance in the immortal world.

"You'd better retreat quickly. Although this zombie is dressed in copper skin, it's purple and stiff. It's not good for a living person to stay here."

Only four ghost servants saw the strangeness on He Cheng's body. He was clearly a purple zombie, but he was wearing the armor of a bronze-armored corpse. The most amazing thing was that the corpse armor fit him perfectly!

Monsters, if they really fight, the four ghosts will rely on the magic weapon in their hands, and they won't be able to please them.

"Then I'll bother you four!"

Lin Jiu handed over his hands and left with Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who were in a state of despair.

Although the four ghosts are not as good as the seventh master and the eighth master, they are not weak in their ability to work in the underworld.

Level 37!

He Changchang breathed a sigh of relief. The experience brought by the thousands of ghosts was actually more than that of Shi Jian, and there were many fierce ghosts among them. The fierce ghosts at the level of ghost generals provided tens of thousands of experience.

Feeling that He Cheng's aura was a little stronger, the four ghosts looked at each other and attacked him at the same time.

Iron chains, iron locks, iron hooks, etc. hit He Cheng's body, clanging and sparking.

Although no injuries were caused, the weapons in the hands of the ghosts were very evil and hurt to the bone.

"Look at my magic weapon!"

The ghost in white robe shouted and hit He Cheng on the head with a stick. He Cheng immediately turned around.

An iron chain was wrapped around his body as if it were alive, but he couldn't break free of it.

"And me!" The ghost guy holding the lock caught up and gently stuck the lock on He Cheng's right wrist, integrating it with the chain!

He Cheng's body suddenly twitched, and all the strength in his body seemed to be sealed, so he couldn't use any force.

The ghost with the iron hook rushed over again, and the hook drilled into his pipa bone, but there was a clang, and the brass corpse armor blocked the hook!

Seeing that he was unable to resist, the four ghosts stopped.

Now He Cheng has become a turtle in a urn, meat on a chopping block, tied up and unable to move.

"Since the ghosts have been eaten by zombies, why don't we take him to see the seventh and eighth masters and explain the reason clearly?"

At this time, in their hands, He Chengcheng was the one who took the blame. They did not say anything about the accidental loss of thousands of ghosts beforehand. They only said that the ghosts were all eaten by the general. Regardless of the unfavorable situation, they could also pick it out.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go!"

The two ghosts held the chains and dragged He Cheng forward.

The white-faced and white-robed ghost holding the white cloth baton waved his hand and opened a small door. The door was so short that He Cheng could only go in by bending down.

"Four ghosts, please go slowly. I will deliver the money later."

Lin Jiu held his hands in the distance. Even if he flew to the underworld, there was absolutely no possibility of escaping.

The four ghosts heard that the benefits were indispensable and nodded with satisfaction.

He dragged the silent He Cheng into the ghost gate.

The road ahead was dark, with a dark wind blowing from time to time.

At this moment, two ghosts, one tall and one short, one white and one black, came from a distance.

The tall man was wearing a white robe, with a smile on his face, a pale complexion, a long tongue, and a shackle in his hand. On his official hat was written "make money at first sight".

The short man is wearing a black robe, has a fierce face, is wide and fat, and has a small face. He is holding handcuffs and has an official hat with the words "Peace under Heaven" written on it.

"Seventh Master and Eighth Master..."

The four ghosts bowed quickly when they saw the black and white ghosts.

The white-faced ghost with a long tongue said with a smile: "You four went out for a walk? The judge asked me today why Zhu Dachang, who is in the book of life and death, didn't come. Is it because of someone else's shortcomings?"

The black-faced ghost said angrily: "How about enriching yourself? How about skinning them!"

The four ghosts were so frightened that they knelt on the ground: "There is a purple zombie making trouble in the world of the world. We heard Lin Fengjiao from the Maoshan sect calling for us, so we went to help."

"Lin Fengjiao?" The white-faced ghost thought for a while with a smile, then seemed to remember it, and scolded them with a smile: "That executive of Yangjian Bank? You four brats are really unprofitable and can't afford to be early!"

The four ghosts kept kowtowing.

"Don't waste any more time. You won't be able to catch the soul this time, but there are good fruits waiting for you!"

The black and white ghost turned and left.

"Everyone, it's better to escort this zombie to the underworld first. Go and get the person." The white-robed and white-faced ghost exhaled. He was so frightened just now that his face turned even paler.

He Cheng's journey was extremely quiet.

The seventh master and eighth master in the mouth of the ghost officers are also called black and white impermanence.

Legend has it that Bai Wuchang is called Xie Bi'an and has a smiling face all day long, while Hei Wuchang is called Fan Wujiu and has an angry face.

The two ghosts were good brothers who loved each other. According to folklore, the seventh master Xie Bi'an was tall and thin, and the eighth master Fan Wujiu was fat and short. One day, it rained heavily.

Xie Bian asked Fan Wujiu to wait for him where he was while he went back to get the umbrella.

But the rain got heavier and heavier, and the river surged, quickly covering Fan Wujiu's head. Fan Wujiu stood still to keep his promise and was drowned by the water.

Xie Bian, who came back from taking the umbrella, was so sad that he hanged himself by the bridge, so Bai Wuchang looked like a hanged man.

The King of Hell rewarded them for their deep faith, so he sealed the two of them as black and white, specializing in hunting down ghosts and gods.

They can be found in the Temple of the King of Hell, the Temple of the City God and other places. Because their status is second only to the civil and military judges, the Bull-Head-Horse-face, Ye Ye and Suo Ye, they are called the Seventh Master and the Eighth Master.

In He Cheng's eyes, Bai Wuchang has level 63 and Black Wuchang has level 61!

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