Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 135 Three Evil Men

"Yanhong, please invite them in."

A voice came from the back room, it was a slightly strong man's voice.

Uncle Wei smiled at Yanhong and walked into the room.

There was only one man in the room, sitting on the bed with his back to the door.

Uncle Wei fished it out from his arms, grabbed a notice rolled into a paper tube and said: "Sir, I'm sorry. I heard that the three evil men in the world have come here. As the captain of the detective team, I am also following orders. Sir, please cooperate and let me check."

"I'm sick and I'm afraid I can't cooperate."

"Disease? What disease?" Uncle Wei snorted: "I think it's Hualiu disease!"

His attitude changed very quickly. The fake smile on his face just now turned into a sneer in the blink of an eye.

"A grown man comes to a hotel, and in the blink of an eye there's a woman in the room?"

"And you, a woman, have no shame!"

The more he talked, the angrier and more angrily he became, and he was even ready to hit someone with his hand!

The hotel waiter at the door and the detective policeman who came with him looked at the crazy Uncle Wei and looked at each other.

"Uncle Wei, what's going on?"

"You don't know?" the detective police whispered: "Just a day or two ago, Uncle Wei's wife stole a man's green hat. So now, whenever Uncle Wei sees a woman with the slightest sign, it's like being clicked. Like a barrel of explosives!"

In the room, Uncle Wei practiced a set of snake fists, and his right hand "hissed" like a snake spitting out a message.

"If you don't show your face, then I have to help you!"

After saying that, his right hand stretched out and his fingers bit into He Cheng's neck like a snake's mouth.


Yan Hong was shocked and turned around to help, but was hit in the face by a magic talisman from Uncle Wei's waist and fell to the ground.

He Cheng remained motionless, letting Uncle Wei point his fingers on his neck.

There was only a "click" sound, and the snake's fingers were slightly bent, already broken!


Uncle Wei's hands were painful but frightened. This is the effect that can only be achieved by practicing martial arts to the peak.

His snake hand could pierce a wooden board, and the skin of the man in front of him was thicker than the wooden board.

"Look at my tiger fist!"

Uncle Wei turned over and jumped onto the table.

"Ouch" he roared like a tiger.

The evil tiger descends from the mountain!

Uncle Wei grabbed He Cheng's elbow with his tiger claws and squeezed hard with his five fingers.

It was like being pinched on a solid iron rod, He Cheng's arm didn't even shake.

"Thousand-jin drop! Internal kung fu master!"

Foreign martial arts, such as Iron Sand Palm, Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt, etc., are trained on the body, and masters can split stones with one palm.

Nei Jia Kungfu pays more attention to inner cultivation and breath adjustment, such as the Thousand Jin Falling and Lifting Kung Fu such as flying over eaves and walking over walls, all of which belong to Nei Jia.

Uncle Wei knew in his heart that he could grab a thousand-jin iron block and shake it. The man in front of him was grabbed by the joints and subjected to his tiger fist, but he could not move at all.

Master! Absolute master!

Suddenly, the man in black robe in front of him moved, his elbow shook slightly to shake off his tiger claw, and he grabbed Uncle Wei's neck with his left hand and lifted it gently.

Uncle Wei was picked up by the neck!

"Let go of Uncle Wei!"

The detective policeman was shocked and walked in with his gun.

However, facing the pistol, neither He Cheng nor Yan Hong who climbed up on the ground paid any attention to it.

The cloak was lifted up, revealing a handsome man's face, but it was pale.

"It turns out, I really admitted my mistake, brother, I'm sorry!" Uncle Wei begged for mercy with great effort.

The master also has the skill of holding his breath. Even if he is pushed into the water without breathing, he can still hold on for more than ten minutes. However, the big hand holding Uncle Wei is slowly increasing the force. Uncle Wei himself can hear the "squeak" on his neck. "An overwhelmed voice.

I'm afraid he went to see the King of Hell before his men fired.

He Cheng let go of his hand, and Uncle Wei was finally free. He covered his neck and coughed several times, and bowed to He Cheng to apologize.

"The flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple, please bear with me, please bear with me!"

"Uncle Wei, don't you think I'm one of the three evildoers anymore?" He Cheng put on his cloak again, completely hiding his face in the darkness.

"of course not!"

Evil men must be punished by evil men. The only way to send away troublemakers is to stuff them with money and fists.

"I happen to be looking for someone too, but I'm not looking for the three villains, I'm looking for a mountain. I hope Uncle Wei can help."

"A mountain? There are many barren mountains around here, brother, which one are you looking for?" Uncle Wei asked quickly.

“A place with Buddha”

He Cheng's intention was to ask Yan Hong to go out and inquire at night, maybe she could find the location of the Buddha statue, but since Uncle Wei came to the door, a detective team captain should also have a lot of rights.

At the same time, four sneaky people came to the town...

The tall man with a ghost-like appearance said: "Three hands, go and find out if there is a mountain like the treasure map nearby!"

Treasure maps from a hundred years ago are not called treasure maps if they can be found directly by following the map, but are called satellite maps.

The man with sideways eyes nodded: "Evil Master, leave this matter to me, don't worry!"

"Let's find a place to sit and rest for a while." The evil master led a man and a woman to the left and right, and sat down to rest in a small tea shed on the roadside.

The three hands soon returned.

"Evil Master, I'm afraid we're a step too late!"


The evil man banged the table, causing the teapot and teacups to jump on the table. The tea shed owner was too frightened to speak.

"The water has been spilled. Is the boss blind? Come and wipe it up!"

"Yes, yes, yes." The boss grabbed a towel and went to wipe the table in fear. Suddenly, his chest felt itchy. The busty woman sitting on the table was licking her lips and rubbing her elbow on his chest.

"Gudong~" The tea shed owner swallowed.


It was the evil man who turned around and punched the tea shed owner away.

"We are talking about secrets here, and you are leaning over to eavesdrop!"

"No, no, I don't dare." The tea shed owner covered his eyes and retreated to the stove to make tea. This punch was truly a disaster.

The woman was a little disappointed. The meat that was about to reach her mouth flew away again.

"Say it!"

After receiving the order, Three Hands continued: "When I went to inquire just now, the boss said that the detective team also asked about this matter!"

"The police intervened?"

Although they are well-known villains in the world, what villains fear is the police.

"No, I heard that there was a martial arts master who beat up the captain of the detective team. That's what this person wanted to ask."

The evil master was overjoyed: "That's easy. No matter what martial arts master he is, as long as we catch up with him, not only will the treasure be lost, but we may also be able to rob him! Hehe"

"Is that person gone?"

Three hands shook his head and said: "I heard that he was wearing a black cloak, covering his whole body as if he was hiding from others, and he is still staying in the hotel with the captain of the detective team."

"That's easy, just follow him!"

The three villains immediately made their decision.

The whole afternoon, the three villains sat on the tea table and took a nap, sending three hands to watch the wind.

"Huh? Where is Leopard Girl, Agui?" The evil master opened his eyes and found that someone was missing from the table.

Agui pointed casually and saw Leopard Girl walking out of the shed wearing a belt.

The three villains are all lawless elements, and among them, Bao Mei is the most greedy for male sex.

Sure enough, the tea shed owner with one swollen eye walked out right after Leopard Girl.

"Phew! So refreshing!"

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