Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 140 Evil Sect

"If you dare to make a joke, I will save you and kill you!" Issey Miyake said in broken Chinese.

"Don't dare!" The fat man shook his head repeatedly.

"What's the name of mud?"

"Xu, Xu Hu"

Issey Miyake nodded and casually called a guard to his side: "Take Xu Hujun and go out to find the person. Once you find the person, regardless of life or death, bring him to me."


There was a thumping sound of footsteps on the ground, and a small team of twenty people ran out in unison.

After the figure was far away, the adjutant asked at the side: "Your Majesty Colonel, do you believe what he said?"

Colonel Miyake glanced at the adjutant: "Of course I don't believe it, maybe our Lord Xu Hu is an excellent enemy!"

He could kill five people with just one look. He might as well be called haunted. It would be strange to believe him.

Let's say that Xu Hu led a group of people to launch a large search throughout Jinan City overnight.

"You can't just stare at twenty people to death, it's time for me to stand up this time!"

Xu Hu looked at the well-equipped soldiers behind him and felt a little confident. He also figured out that it might be the opponent's deception. He had also seen some outsiders coming in, smoking cigarettes and patting others on the shoulders. Those It’s like people are possessed and go back to take money, emptying their wealth and giving it to outsiders.

I guess the effect of this glare is about the same as a slap on the shoulder.

"How did the sentry post let these suspicious people in? We have to go and see!"

He immediately led everyone to the sentry city gate building. It was dark, and the moon was hidden in the dark clouds. One of the two searchlights for lighting in the city gate building looked at the sky, and the other pointed back into the city. A group of twenty people faced the bright light and squinted their eyes before walking to the city gate tower.

As soon as we got close, a strong smell of blood hit our face.

Xu Hu secretly thought something was wrong and approached with a pistol. The soldiers also grabbed their guns and followed Xu Hu.

"Ugh! Fuck!"

After just one glance, Xu Hu felt a sour smell rising in his stomach, crawling out of his throat, and finally vomited out "wow", all of which was the overnight meal.

Corpses were piled up in rows and columns in the bloody lake. Each of the corpses died in a terrible state. Some had lost their left hands, some had been chopped into human sticks, and some had been slashed diagonally from the right shoulder to the left waist, and were divided into two. Half!

How cruel does it take to do something like this?

"Report! Go back and report quickly! The enemy's troops are too strong, and we are just delivering food!"

Xu Hu stood up while holding on to the wall, with one foot covered in blood and the other foot stained with overnight meal. He was limping step by step like a crutch. Although the soldiers behind him looked unhappy, they were not as miserable as Xu Hu.

Issey Miyake, who had just undressed and was about to lie down, heard someone shouting again. When he got up angrily, he saw Xu Hu again.

"Xu Hujun, what's wrong?" Miyake asked, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Dead! All dead, Colonel! The twenty people guarding the sentry were quartered!"


Xu Hu said again: "Everyone, die, die, die."

A soldier came up and whispered in the adjutant's ear, and then the adjutant confirmed what Xu Hu said.

Issey Miyake shouted: "The whole army is ready"

"Hey!" The adjutant nodded and ran down quickly.

A large number of teams were mobilized, the sound of uniform and orderly footsteps, the quiet sound of bullets being loaded, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

They got information that an unknown force had invaded their station, and the enemy was probably ghosts and gods!

Under the command of the adjutant, teams composed of soldiers in yellow uniforms searched the city for suspects in batches.

A thousand people were put into the city, and the weak ones were like raindrops falling into the sea, so the main staff were still puppet soldiers who spoke native Chinese.

The puppet army is also called Ergouzi. Simply put, they are a group of traitors.

The quiet night was heated up by the sound of chaotic footsteps.

He Cheng stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the 300-meter-high Thousand Buddha Mountain.

He raised his hand again and touched the golden light that enveloped the entire mountain. The golden light immediately counterattacked and pricked a white mark on his hand.

"I didn't expect that in the world more than a hundred years later, there would be no spiritual energy in the world." The human demon's low and hoarse voice seemed to be sighing.

"A hundred years ago, spiritual energy was very strong?"

He Cheng turned to look at him. This guy was also an immortal who had lived for two or three hundred years.

"There are already signs of weakness, but people like me were just little shrimps a hundred years ago."

The ability of human demons to dare to be called a generation of heavenly masters now, but a hundred years ago they were just shrimps.

He Cheng shook his head and casually grabbed a white man wearing an apricot Taoist robe. The zombie screamed excitedly when it saw the air. He Cheng squeezed it gently and immediately became honest.

"Is it worth it to release animals every day just to get two more days of hard life? I choose to kill forty-nine people, and they will have to control the world from now on?"

The human demon suddenly spoke to a zombie about his philosophy of life.


Bai Mao Zhan's roar of pain interrupted the human demon. He opened his eyes and saw He Cheng throwing the Bai Mao Zong in his hand into the golden light.

In an instant, the white hair was burnt black by Foli's heat, and the white hair was as stiff as stepping on a frying pan, and every step was hurting.

But the protection of the golden light is getting weaker and weaker.

"I have become a demon, and now I am talking about life to a zombie?" The human demon smiled, then turned to look into the distance.

Only those who have no ability talk about life all day long. He Cheng was too lazy to do things that wasted time. When the white zombies in the golden light completely turned into a puddle of thick water, he grabbed another one and threw it in.

Since all the immortals and Buddhas in this world have disappeared, the Buddha's light maintained by faith in incense will certainly not last long.

Ordinary people are still surviving the war, and you can see the dust on the bluestone slabs at the foot of the mountain. It has been a long time since they went up the mountain to pray to gods and worship Buddha.


Another white-haired creature was thrown into the golden light by him.

"Brother, look, there seems to be someone on the other side of the mountain!"

A group of puppet soldiers wearing khaki military uniforms walked not far from the foot of the mountain with three steps. The leader was a bearded man with a cigarette in his mouth.

They were seeing someone lying on the ground and another person standing.

The man in black robe standing grabbed the Taoist priest in yellow clothes and threw it forward. The Taoist priest was covered in smoke, his clothes were deflated, but thick water dripped from his sleeves!

"Evil! Brother, isn't this the person the imperial army asked us to find?"

"Fuck! Catch him and take a look, won't you know? We have guns! What are you afraid of!"

The eldest brother pinched the cigarette butt and rubbed the sole of his shoe.

He spat and said, "Brothers, there are thirty of us, catch two of them!"

A group of people puffed up their chests, gripped their guns tightly with their fingers and moved forward. As they approached and wanted to speak, the man in black suddenly turned around, opened his mouth and roared at them: "Roar!!"

The sound was louder than the explosion of a cannon, and a sound wave was pushed over by the strong wind. The seven or eight people in front were blown over without missing a beat. Fortunately, there were people behind them to catch them.

The one who didn't hit Yinlang head-on from behind also fell to the ground with weak legs.

The eldest brother spat again. He always smoked and had a lot of phlegm: "It's so evil! It's so evil!"

"Brother, what should we do now?"

The bearded brother had his cigarette in his mouth again. He could see that as long as his group of people didn't move, the black shadow didn't bother to care about him at all.

"Calling people, it's best to push the cannon over and capture Fatty Xu together. I guess this is the person we are looking for."

They scoffed when they said that five people would die with a glare, but now when someone yelled at them from dozens of meters away, some of them were knocked down, and the timid ones behind them also had their legs weak and fell down.

Very evil!

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