Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 155 Heaven descends

On a speeding train, Alex, the son of O'Connor and Evelyn, who was only seven or eight years old, was tied up by a group of weirdos.

He followed his parents into various ancient tombs at a young age, and his courage was greater than that of many adults.

"Get in!"

Alex was carried and thrown into a train carriage.

A man in a black cloak stood alone in this train carriage with few lights on, his back turned to him.

"I know you can hear me brat, so you better listen because you're the chosen one, the one who's going to take me to Amshay!"

The man in black robes spoke ancient Egyptian.

"What if I refuse? What if I get lost...?" Alex took a deep breath, his face was very frightened, which came from the black iron mask when the other party turned around.

Of course, this fear was faked by him. Since the other party wanted him to lead the way, how could he let him die?

"Haha, kid, you are very brave and worthy of being your father's son, but there is one thing you don't know. This bracelet is both a gift and a curse."

The man in black robe knelt down and grabbed Alex's hand, looking at the Scorpion King bracelet on it.

"The sands of time have begun to flow on you"

"I have known this for a long time. From the time I put on the bracelet until the Scorpion Emperor wakes up, I only have seven days." Alex disagreed. He had also listened to the conversation between his father and the Asian man before, about saving the world. All he needs to do is leave it to his father. When the Scorpion Emperor comes out, just beat him back.

"Then do you know that if you don't make it to the pyramid at dawn on the seventh day, the bracelet will kill you?"

"I've never heard of this...wait, it's been two days, does that mean I only have five days left?"

"So we'd better not get lost, what do you think?" The smile in the black-robed man's voice was like gravel, which was harsh in the ears.

"My dad will fix you!"

"I don't think so..." The man in black robe took off his black iron mask, revealing a shriveled and wrinkled mummy face...

The train stopped at one stop and shuttled through this barren desert.

Every time they reach their goal, the Scorpion King Bracelet will give new guidance.

Immorton, the high priest of the mummy, is on his way with a group of loyal believers, followed closely by the O'Connor family.

And He Cheng, who is far away in the UK, seems to have been forgotten.

"Boss, are the meat buns with garlic delicious?"

The evil man grabbed a chair and sat down not far from He Cheng, eating steamed buns and garlic.

Overflowing with garlic flavor.

He Cheng put down the boxing manual with Five Elements Boxing on it, grabbed a handful of garlic and stuffed it into his mouth.

No taste.

In his previous life, he was from the north, and he could even put two cups of wine with onions, tofu, and garlic. When he became a zombie, he couldn't taste anything except blood.

Li Wangyang, wrapped in a black cloak, walked in, smelled the smell of garlic in the room, and subconsciously retreated to the door.

"Hehe, I just want to guard against you, if you dare to suck the blood of the evil master!"

The evil master was overjoyed and breathed at Li Wangyang. The garlic smell in his breath was like a powerful anthelmintic, killing Li Wangyang and making him retreat repeatedly.

"Boss, Alice has sent a message."

The Li Wangyang of today is completely different from that of the past. Back then, he was stained with so much blood every day just to avoid falling into a deep sleep. Now he is served with fresh human blood three times a day. In terms of strength, he has already lived up to the title of Earl. Apart from being timid and kind, a little.

To put it nicely, it’s called a kindhearted person; if it’s not nice to say it, it’s called a holy mother bitch.

He drank human blood but couldn't bear to kill him, so he asked his servants to take care of it, so the only thing that could appease his inner conscience was to follow He Cheng.

"Tell me." He Cheng stood up from the sofa, and there was a sound of chains.

"Alice said they followed the O'Connor family to find the Amshay Oasis"

The Oasis of Amshay is a shelter built by Anubis, the dog-headed god of death, for the Scorpion King and the Scorpion Emperor.

Thousands of years ago, the Scorpion King failed to conquer Egypt. In order to win, he sold his soul to Anubis, thus obtaining a powerful and invincible army. Of course, the Scorpion King's soul was harvested as soon as he defeated the enemy. Walk.

Amshay is also a lost oasis.

"Then let's set off"

In the eastern basin of the Nile River in Africa, there is a small patch of green on the vast desert, like a green boat drifting in the dusky sea.

The wind and sand are rising.

Evelyn's brother, Jonathan, hugged his little nephew Alex, both of them looking sad.

Just now, Evelin died.

In order to protect the world, O'Connor rushed into the pyramid. Although the Scorpion King bracelet on Alex's wrist had been removed, it also cost a huge price.

"what sound?"

Alex looked up in confusion.

"Don't let the Scorpion Emperor come out..." Jonathan was a little nervous. This was what he was most afraid of.

On the flat sandy slope, a soil bag gradually bulged.

The sand gradually stood up and turned into the shape of a person. The sand flowed down, revealing a jackal's head.

The man staring at the jackal's head!

"Army of Anubis!"

Alex shouted: "Quick, let's run!"

The entire desert was like a salon, waking up and writhing, and more and more dog-headed soldiers crawled out of the sand. Their fingernails were very sharp, and they were dressed in the unique attire of the pharaoh guards and had mysterious ancient Egyptian characters written on them.

A golden helmet covers the head, leaving two holes for the jackal's ears to stick out.

Some of them held axes and some held scepters.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, just like the sand on this desert, with no end in sight...

Jonathan finally came to his senses. He hugged the body of his sister Evelin and followed Alex towards the pyramid. The distance was less than 100 meters, but at this moment it seemed like 10,000 meters.

Their actions certainly attracted the attention of the Death Army, and the kobolds turned their heads and stared at the two of them.


The cries of jackals echoed throughout the desert.

"Uncle Jonathan, we might be doomed."

"It's okay, we still have the Holy Spear..." Jonathan grabbed the golden stick in his hand. "Have you forgotten? This thing can kill the Scorpion Emperor with one shot!"

Alex couldn't help but said: "There are tens of thousands of people. If you stand still and let you prick, you will die of exhaustion."

"Then let's run..."


A plane flies low over the top of the pyramid.

"Are reinforcements coming?" Jonathan's eyes were bright, but he couldn't figure out who would come to save them.

After the plane passed by, it left towards a higher altitude.

Jonathan, who was overjoyed, sighed. If the plane dropped a few bombs at this time, it would be good to clear the place.

"Jonathan, look!"

Jonathan, who was escaping in a hurry, turned around to look and found a black spot in a white cloud that was rapidly enlarging in his eyes!

The black spot suddenly expanded into a human figure.


There was an explosion and dust more than two meters high was thrown up. Jonathan and Alex looked in shock at this man who jumped out of the plane without a parachute.

There were four or five kobold soldiers under his feet. With a shake of his ankles and a twist of the soles of his shoes, the kobolds turned into flying sand...

There have been a lot of typos recently. Sorry, I usually start writing at 8:30 or 9 in the evening update. I usually fall asleep in the middle of writing. I wake up and delete it and continue writing. I have tried my best to eliminate the typos. I will update it before uploading. Carefully review the manuscript, sorry, sorry... Thanks to Xiaojuanjuan’s friends Jie Baobao, FACK2b, and ¤Ming★zun¤ for their rewards and support.

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