Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 172 The Awakening Zombie King (Part 2)

"There are so many treasures. It seems we have found the right one!"

Ninth Sister was so happy that the death of her good sister was immediately left behind and she completely forgot about it.

"Hahaha, I finally found it!" Sir Shi laughed loudly: "No wonder this village is so rich, and a treasure was discovered!"

When he saw that other people were quietly trying to pry open the stone door, he quickly stopped him and said:

"You guys, don't mess around. All the treasures here need to be handed over to the organization, including this corpse, which is likely to be cultural relics!"

Ninth Sister choked back in dissatisfaction: "Cultural relics, this is Ninth Sister. I found the treasure map. I even sacrificed my best sister for this. I can give it to you with just one sentence. Why?"

"With this!"

Sir Shi showed off the pistol on his waist, and the other two men came over.

"They are so powerful in numbers... Why don't we just listen to them for now?" Teacher Lin hesitated.

"Hmph, coward!"

Sister Ninth glanced at Teacher Lin disdainfully, then closed her mouth and stopped talking.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Sir Shi nodded with satisfaction and put away the pistol on his waist: "Now, the most important thing for everyone is to find a way to escape. There is a water corpse in the water, and there are a group of strange corpses outside, and We accidentally broke the seal, and we must go out as soon as possible to deliver the news to the villagers, otherwise more people may be killed!"

"You can go ahead, I don't dare to swim over again."

Teacher Lin simply sat on the ground, shook off his sleeves that were smelly from the pool water, and sprinkled a few drops of water: "I would rather starve to death here or die of old age than swim again!"


Sir Shi gritted his teeth and said, "I'm pretty good at water. I'll go down first and lure away the water corpse. You guys can take the opportunity to swim over. After landing, Chen Longshi and you two policemen will shoot the zombies in the head with guns and win over everyone." Escape successfully and tell the outside world about the presence of zombies!"


"Okay, I'll go down first, Chen Longshi and you two will follow closely, and you... you must keep up!"

"I understand, sir." Teacher Lin nodded casually and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the three of them jumping into the water in batches.

"Bah, I'm not stupid. Going out to die? I might as well die together holding the treasure inside, don't you think so? Ninth Sister? Ninth Sister? Where are the people?"

Teacher Lin turned around and found that Ninth Sister was prying open the door. As the two of them approached, the huge stone door spun around like a revolving door, shutting them in!

"Pfft!" Sir Shi stuck his head out of the water and spat. The battle of wits and courage with the water corpse had almost exhausted all his strength.

"Why are there only you two? Where are the others?"

Chen Longshi replied: "The two of us just swam ashore and were waiting here. We didn't see anyone else."

"What? Are they in danger?"

Sir Shi took a deep breath, got into the pool again, and raced with the swollen corpse in the water. After a long circle, Sir Shi swam out from the other side. Strangely, there was no one there.

"Hey! Hey! Is there anyone?"

After shouting and getting no answer, Sir Shi shook his head: "That shouldn't be the case. Could it be that they can swim faster than Chen Longshi and the others and have escaped long ago?"


A white hand stretched out and grabbed Shi Sir's back.

"Hey, I've been guarding against you for a long time!" Sir Shi smiled proudly, took a deep breath and quickly sank to the bottom of the water, losing with nothing.

The two sides got into a fight.

Besides, Ninth Sister and Teacher Lin were locked into a tight room by the agency door. The gold and silver treasures in the room almost blinded them.

"Get rich! Get rich haha!"

Ninth Sister threw herself into the treasure mountain, holding a handful of gold: "That's it. I will never have to sing opera again, no! I always go to foreign countries to sing opera! Let people all over the world listen to my Ninth Sister singing opera!"

Teacher Lin was even more straightforward. He took a piece of jade and stuffed it into his pocket, muttering: "This is my wife."

He pulled out another golden ingot as big as his fist: "Second Wife"

"This is the third wife, this is the little wife"

Sister Ninth said disdainfully: "Men are like male dogs. When they have money, they only want to take wives. But you are different. You are the meanest dog. With so much money, you only want to marry four wives?"

"What do you know!" Teacher Lin retorted: "I have four wives. It's enough if I can play mahjong by myself. The more mistresses the better..."

"I bother!"

Sister Ninth was not to be outdone and continued to collect the treasure: "Wow haha, I caught a big one, it can't be a big diamond!"

Pulling it out fiercely, what Sister Ninth grabbed out turned out to be a skull!

"Oops!" She lost her skull in a panic, took a few steps back quickly, and broke something with a "click" of her foot.

I moved my feet and saw that it was a skull arm.

"Hug, sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"I feel like this place is a bit evil..." Teacher Lin's enthusiasm for picking up treasures also subsided, and there were two skull heads next to his feet.

"No, help!"

The two of them each held a large handful of treasures and went to knock on the door, but found that they could not open it.

At this time, there was a sound outside.

"Hey! Hey! Is there anyone there?" It's Sir Shi!

"Do you want to answer him? He wants to take away all these treasures." Ninth Sister hesitated and asked in a low voice.

"My life is at stake!" Teacher Lin said.

At this time, I heard Sir Shi say: "That shouldn't be the case. Could it be that they can swim faster than Chen Longshi and the others and have escaped long ago?"

"No, we didn't go into the water, we're trapped here! Come and save us!"

The two shouted at the top of their lungs, but there was no movement outside.

A few minutes later, the two of them sat on the mountain of gold and silver, giving up on themselves. They had no enthusiasm for these treasures at all.

A little thirsty and a little tired.

"Oh, I guess these bones are people who have suffered the same fate as us. They were trapped to death. From now on, we will also become skeletons." Teacher Lin sighed and came to the lying bronze armored man, looking at him carefully and looking at the man in the chest. The sword he held: "Do you think this sword is an antique?"

"Didn't you listen to what Sir Shi said? This body, including this body, is a cultural relic!"

"Really? Antiques are definitely worth more than gold. I'll give you all the other things. I want this body."

Teacher Lin dropped the gold nugget in his arms, gritted his teeth and hugged the body: "Brother, I will invite you to a British museum from now on. The glass inside is very bright, you must be very comfortable lying in it!"

Sister Ninth shook her head, she couldn't escape, no matter how valuable the things were, it was useless.

"I went, but I couldn't hold it!" Teacher Lin used all his strength, but the body didn't move at all.

"Then take a sword and go. They are antiques anyway."

As he said this, Teacher Lin grabbed the hilt of the sword, stepped on the chest of the corpse, and pulled it out with all his strength!

Stab la la—! !

The long sword was drawn out, still carrying a pungent stench.

At the same time, the ancient corpse suddenly opened its eyes.

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