Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 174 There is only one living person in the car

Listening to the conversation between the two, He Cheng smiled softly.

He was not shriveled by the sun, but stronger. A zombie only has a body, and the only thing that is strong is the body.

At this time, his strength is several times stronger than before, and even the impact of the sunlight on himself is much smaller. Perhaps if he takes a step further, he will not be afraid of the sunlight at all.

"I'll wait for you in the village ahead!"

After saying that, he jumped up and rose seven or eight feet from the ground like a cloud and mist. His figure became smaller and smaller in the eyes of Teacher Lin and Ninth Sister.

The strong wind roared from his ears, the rising sun was stronger, and most of the bronze armor behind him had melted away.


When his feet landed on the ground, there were only two shallow footprints left behind!

This jump is dozens of meters away!

The soles of his feet bounced up like springs. Black air came out from his back and burned into white smoke. He Cheng also crashed into a two-story foreign-style building as quickly as possible!

"Teacher Lin, he doesn't seem to be afraid of the sun."


Teacher Lin smiled awkwardly: "It means he is not an ordinary zombie..."

He has also seen zombie jumping in ghost movies. Those zombies can jump up to half a meter above the ground. They are all stupid and stupid. What did they encounter today? One jump turned out to be more than 20 meters high. Even the skyscrapers were not high enough for him to jump high.

Could it be that with all your strength, you could still escape the atmosphere?

"I said, or let's run away..." Ninth Sister suggested: "He has already left. As long as we are lucky, maybe we can go back with gold, silver and jewelry and make a fortune!"

"Our legs can't compete with others' jumping, so we're afraid we'll be caught before we can run very far."

Teacher Lin was quite smart and refused this stupid proposal.

"What do you propose?"

"By boat, he must not have thought that the two of us would actually do the opposite, and only by boat can we transport all these treasures. Otherwise, even if the zombies don't catch us, we still have to escape with so much treasure. Tired to death!"

"As expected of a scholar, what he said makes sense!"

There is still no shortage of fishing boats in fishing villages.

The two secretly pushed the fishing boat and rushed towards the sea with oars.

"Sister Ninth, with so much money, what are you going to do in the future?"

"Me?" Ninth Sister wiped her sweat: "Be a policeman, be a king flower!"

Flying Tigers, Overlord Flower, a male team and a female team are all well-known names.

"Now that you have money, you actually choose to carry a gun and risk your life?" Teacher Lin felt like he was meeting Ninth Sister for the first time.

"What do you know? The only way to be safe is to be a policeman. Even if the zombies are powerful, can they compare to airplanes and cannons?"

"That's right." Teacher Lin nodded.

"Besides, I also have a cousin who follows her father all day long to deceive and kidnap her. She looks just like me. If I don't become a police officer, she might blame me if she commits a crime in the future!"

"It's so magical. I'm different. I plan to enjoy life. If I don't work hard, I might not be able to spend all this money in my lifetime!"


A big wave hit, and the boat was overturned by the water. The two hurriedly swam to the boat, holding the overturned boat and breathing heavily.

A shipload of treasure sank into the sea.

"Hahaha, I still have two pieces of gold, so I can make the Overlord Flower no problem!"

"Half of it when we meet, haha. With this money, I might be able to go to a high school and be a teacher..."

The optimistic two dragged their tired bodies farther and farther into the sea.

But He Chengzai smelled a smell of blood when he entered the foreign building.

As soon as he opened a door, a ferocious-looking old man rushed towards him!


There are half humans, half corpses, half humans and half ghosts, and naturally there are also half corpses and half ghosts.

Ordinary people know that if you have hatred in your heart and wear red clothes and red shoes when you die, you will turn into a powerful ghost seeking revenge after death, but there is also a kind of green ghost in this world.

Find a dead body that died unjustly and lie in the same coffin with the dead body. After waiting for seven days and seven nights, you can turn into a Green Ghost to seek revenge, and its magic power is even greater than that of the Red Ghost.

This green-shooting ghost is a type of corpse ghost!

He raised his foot and kicked the ghoul away. He Cheng walked all the way down and found that the first floor was like a cathedral, with nearly fifty or sixty people standing crowded and shouting.

"The whole village is dead?"

There are adults and children among this group of corpses, including a girl with braided braids, a rough man with a big belly, and a dead baby with a pacifier in his mouth!

Hearing the sound at this time, all the corpse ghosts swarmed up and rushed towards the second floor.

A short black light flashed, and half of the corpses were instantly dead. Some were cut horizontally, and some were cut vertically.

Another flash passed by, and no one could move anymore.

The newly dead corpse ghost has no corpse energy or yin energy.

He Cheng turned around and found a pair of jeans and a shirt in the family's room. He also took a pair of glasses, took off the lenses and put them on.

In the mirror was a handsome man with long hair reaching his waist and wearing a shirt. If he didn't speak, no one would be able to tell that he was a zombie. Moreover, after jumping to rigidity, his control over the corpse energy went to a higher level, making him an ordinary ghost. He couldn't detect his identity either.

For more than thirty years, my hair has continued to grow.

Using his nails as scissors, he randomly cut out short hair.

He took off the bronze armor, put it in a crossbody bag and carried it on his back. He Cheng advanced to jumping stiff. At this time, the defense was about the same as the bronze armor level corpse armor. If this already dilapidated corpse armor could not advance, It doesn’t have much effect anymore.

He casually grabbed a denim jacket and went out. If he had a radio on his shoulder, he would definitely fit into this era perfectly.

With a long sword wrapped in cloth and carried behind his back, He Cheng, who couldn't wait for the two of them, walked out of the door, only to see "Ninth Sister" trotting over from a distance, holding her stomach and yelling "Ouch" as she ran.

"Sir, sir, is there a toilet? I, I can't hold it in anymore!"

He Cheng pointed casually, and the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood behind him was still not convenient for ordinary people to see.

"thank you--"

"Ninth Sister" rushed into the next room, making a loud popping noise.

After finishing the matter, "Ninth Sister" walked out with her pants raised and muttered: "What kind of tour group is this? It's been two days, it's just lost, but it's okay to sleep during the day. The people in the car are also strange. They can't eat without food for two days." Drink, without defecation or defecation..."

"Goodbye." She waved to He Cheng and was about to leave, but saw He Cheng following her.

"What's wrong, sir?" She unconsciously lifted He Cheng's empty sleeves.

"Do you have a car? Give me a ride."

Although the person in front of him looks similar to "Ninth Sister", they are not the same person. The specific reason... Ninth Sister is so weak in his eyes that she doesn't even have a level, but this woman has level 10 strength!

Heavenly Master? Martial arts master? Interesting!

“That’s no problem, our tour group is easy to talk to.”

Under her leadership, the two came to a dilapidated sightseeing bus. The windows were broken, the door was deflated, the front and rear lights were shattered into pieces, and only the steering wheel was still intact. It looked like an abandoned car that had been thrown into a junkyard.

"Well... there was a car accident yesterday. The car fell accidentally."

She explained with some embarrassment.

Everyone in the car was sleeping in broad daylight, with their heads covered with cloths and snoring.

"When they wake up, I'll go talk to them and make sure there's no problem! By the way, sir, my name is Li Jialing, what's your name?"

He Cheng glanced inside the car.

The people in this car sleep during the day because they are ghosts, and they don't know that they are dead. They can still appear during the day thanks to the yang energy they had during their lifetime.

In the car, the only person alive was the woman who called herself Li Jialing.

"He Cheng"

"Oh, Mr. He..." Li Jialing nodded, not knowing how to finish the sentence. For a while, there was only snoring in the car.


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