Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 290 Luo Zhiqiu

Xinwei year, the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month.

Suitable for: praying, fasting, traveling, getting married

Taboo: breaking ground

The Hungry Ghost Festival is the day when the gates of hell open and the yin people return to the yang world.

People burn paper money and paper figures on cross streets, docks, traffic lights, and at intersections where car accidents often occur.

The sounds of salvation from lamas and masters and the sound of jingling bells are endless.

There are also ignorant children running around in the streets, using paper money as fireworks, grabbing them and running around. Of course, if they are caught, they will inevitably get a meal of "teppanyaki" from their dad.

After burning the paper money, it is natural to offer sacrifices.

A small bowl with a narrow bottom and wide mouth, with bean sprouts on the bottom and two pieces of fatty meat on top. There are also meatballs, roast chicken, various snacks, etc.

They would pick off bits with their fingernails and throw them into the fire.

The ghost eats and smells the food, and if it is served honestly, the ghost will naturally taste it.

Pouring wine to worship ghosts and gods is the most important. The dishes may not be sumptuous, but the wine must be sufficient.

Indispensable words in the mouth are: "Eat well, eat well, come and eat~. When you are full, take the money and spend it. You must bless us."

The whole street was lit up with burning flames.

"Brother ghosts, I'm going to burn some change for you to use now. You're welcome!"

Among the people burning paper, a policeman with a police badge around his neck blended in. He raised his hand, and it happened to fall into the hands of his police partner.

"I've met a lot of people, but this is the first time I've met a man like you, a mother-in-law!"

"What do you call a mother-in-law? It's half July now, and I'm just burning some money for ghosts. It's embarrassing enough to be a human being without money, but wouldn't it be even worse to be a ghost without money?"

The partner squatted down, grabbed a banknote and looked at it, "Wow, one banknote is 50 million, and even Wang Yongqing can't compare to it! It's better to be a ghost than a human being, I'd rather be a ghost!"

(Wang Yongqing, known as the God of Management in Taiwan, was the richest Chinese man before Li Ka-shing)

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon!"

"Hey," my partner shook his head and smiled, just as the BB machine rang.

"Tell us to go to Hangkou to investigate the case."

The two unaware policemen stepped into the gate of hell, one step forward and one step back.

at the same time,

In a ghostly building.

An old monk walked into the building under the guidance of the landlady.

"What a heavy yin! Looks like we're going to have a good time catching ghosts tonight!"

Someone crashed into a car at a crossroads, his soul left his body, and his body was robbed by ghosts.

There was also construction work at night, which accidentally led to the birth of a cat demon.

There are also those who made a fortune but failed to spend all the money and are being killed by a female ghost.

During the Ghost Festival, ghosts are causing chaos!

And on the roof of a building, four figures stood.

The altar is raised high.

The layman in the thatched cottage was dancing with a long sword, followed by Ma Shangfeng and his apprentice Xiaohui as protectors.

Even though Ma Shangfeng looked reluctant, he discovered that even if the Thatched Cottage layman did not take him back to the Tang Dynasty, the history in the books would not change.

It's still the same: the emperor ordered death and committed suicide by the river.

"It's a pity that we don't have enough time..."

He Cheng was wearing silver corpse armor and looking seriously at the full moon above his head.

Without the judge, there is also a lack of bull heads and horse faces, black and white, impermanence, etc. Even the lineage of the City God was completely wiped out by him. When the gate of hell opens on July 15th, the world seems to have turned into purgatory!

He sighed because he couldn't settle the accounts with Happy Buddha. This scholar became a very thief after he became a Buddha.

Moreover, he couldn't find Zhong Kui to make a few gestures and play a game of comeback.

"The gate of heaven needs to coincide with the appearance of the heavenly secret before it can be opened! This heavenly secret may hardly appear once in a thousand or ten thousand years!"

Caolu layman He Cheng also explained, "Of course, if you can enter the time and space tunnel, then using the method of opening the heavenly gate will be absolutely foolproof."

"Moonlight Box?"

"What moonlight treasure box?" Xiaohui asked from the side.

"It is said to be a treasure of gods. When you open the moonlight treasure box, you can travel through time at will, such as going back five hundred years ago."

"Wow, so amazing?"

"If there is such a treasure, it should be a treasure of an immortal," the Thatched Cottage layman said right.

They have spent thousands of years waiting for an opportunity to open the Heavenly Gate. Others can travel back and forth at will using the 'Moonlight Treasure Box'. This must be a treasure owned by those with great supernatural powers.

"Okay! The Heavenly Gate is open! Everyone, come in quickly!"

There was a thunderclap in the sky, and a swirling round hole appeared.

The layman from the thatched cottage rushed in first, followed closely by Ma Shangfeng and Xiaohui.

He Cheng hesitated for a moment, then turned to follow.

The Tianmen only existed for two or three seconds, and then disappeared.

At the same time...the statue of Anubis, the god of death in Western Egypt, shook involuntarily. This phenomenon attracted the attention of historians and plunged them into a frenzied study of Egyptian civilization.

More than twenty years later, a mummified princess named Anmanette was dug up. Let’s not talk about other things for now...

As soon as I entered Tianmen, my discomfort increased sharply.

By the time the three lay people in the thatched cottage came to their senses, they had already appeared high in the sky.

The layman from the thatched cottage hurriedly took action and barely managed to save the lives of Ma Shangfeng and Xiao Hui. He stepped on the air as if going down a mountain, grabbed people from left to right, and walked down slowly.


Ma Shangfeng lay on the ground and vomited wildly. The vomit was filled with steak, milk, etc.

The place where they landed was exactly where they were sucked into the Tianmen and left.

A thin sound suddenly came from the surrounding grass.

I saw a group of officers and soldiers rushing out, pointing their swords at the three lay people in the thatched cottage, and shouted loudly, "Ma Shangfeng, you have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. Your Majesty will reward you by committing suicide by committing suicide, otherwise the nine tribes will be implicated!"

"Master, save me!"

Ma Shangfeng trembled and turned his head to look at the thatched cottage layman.

The layman in the thatched cottage shook his head, took out a talisman, flicked it on fire, threw it into the air, and then turned around and left.

The officers and soldiers did not stop them.

Ma Shangfeng turned his head with curiosity on his face and found that the talisman fell to the ground and turned into Ma Shangfeng. He stood by the river and drew his knife to cut off his neck!

"So this is how I committed suicide!" Ma Shangfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"I must write a book to tell myself a thousand years from now. Don't be scared to death just because of a few words."

"No, your writing will lead to prying eyes. The emperor will definitely not let you go if he finds out!"

"Besides, someone has already written it."

The layman in the thatched cottage pointed to the accompanying civil servants who were recording it. Ma Shangfeng, who turned invisible, took a closer look. Sure enough, it said, "Although Ma Shangfeng succeeded in getting rid of the ghost, he committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. He committed suicide in the thatched cottage by the river to apologize."

"Wait, where did the corpse go?"

Only then did the three of them realize that the zombies who had entered the Tianmen together had disappeared.



The west wind blows along the ancient road, and the sun sets at dusk.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The scholar carrying a book basket was troubled by three children. They threw stones at him, but he could do nothing.

Bai Wuyi is a scholar. His hands and feet are weak and he cannot fight against the three children.


A figure fell from the sky and hit the ground.

"A living person fell from the sky!" The three children screamed in fright, turned around and ran away.

"Xiaosheng Luo Zhiqiu, thank you... General for the rescue."

He saw clearly that the man descending from the sky turned out to be a general wearing silver armor and having extraordinary weapons.

The general shook his head and asked him, "What year is this?"

"This is the 890th year of the Dayu Dynasty..."

"Daewoo?" His brain was even more short-circuited. "I haven't heard of it..."

"As far as the East China Sea in the east and the Western Region in the west, they are all under the jurisdiction of our Dayu Dynasty. General, don't make fun of me."

"I see your outfit looks familiar."

He Cheng looked at the scholar from side to side, "Is your name Ning Caichen?"

Wearing a scholar's robe and carrying a book basket, he is frail but has a look of "reading at night with red sleeves to add fragrance" and a nerdy look of a "ghost fox wife".

"Xiaosheng Luo Zhiqiu, I don't know Ning Caichen..."

Today I will leave two updates for now. This volume is over and the new details have not yet been smoothed out. Next are some classic Hong Kong ghost, fox and fairy movies.

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