Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 299 The traditional way of flying zombie evolution

The explosion lasted for less than half an hour.

Like a series of lightning strikes from heaven.

The east side of the Black Mountain collapsed, and the rocks on the mountain turned into meteorites, which flew two or three miles away and fell into the river.

Half of a mountain suddenly disappeared!

He Cheng shook his head and stood up. There was a huge pit of 100 meters in front of him, like a large lake drained of water, with a hole in the middle leading to the ground.

A tree trunk sprang out from the hole in the ground and turned into a wooden dragon to kill He Cheng. There was still a lot of soil on the trunk, with green blood!

He Cheng shook his fist and took a step forward. His body instantly expanded to ten meters, and his corpse claws blocked the incoming wooden dragon! Those who were retreated continued to retreat! He didn't hide, gritted his teeth and roared, pressed his elbows back, and tied the wooden dragon to his arm like a rope. He turned his right foot and stomped the ground to make an axis, twisted his waist suddenly, transformed into three heads and six arms, grabbed the tree trunk and pulled it out inch by inch!


A male-female roar came from the cave, and then another wooden dragon attacked!

Three heads and six arms were about to fight, but they heard a light sword cry.

The purple dress floated over, and the white light in her hand suddenly expanded!


The sword and the wooden dragon were fighting, but they were still at a stalemate despite being slightly at a disadvantage.

It was Yan Hong who heard the sound and came to help!

He Cheng completely erupted into a zombie appearance, with a green face and fangs, and thick corpse teeth as long as a man's elbow. He used all his strength, the corpse energy exploded, and collided with the demonic energy, burning the sky into darkness!

The tree demon is being uprooted by him!

Who would have thought that the strength to break free from his hands suddenly loosened, and He Cheng was forced to run four or five steps, triggering a series of earthquakes.

Mu Long, who was fighting with Yan Hong, retreated.

"Don't let her get away!"

Yan Hong shouted "Yes" and turned into white light to catch up.

When He Cheng followed closely, he found Yan Hong standing in the vast cave, looking at half a corpse.

"Master... the dryad abandoned the bark and trunk and has escaped."

Judging from the corpse's clothes, they match the outfit of the dryad grandmother.

Like a gecko with its tail cut off.

"If you run away, just run away."

He didn't care, he squatted in front of the corpse and raised his hand to take out the demon heart.

The tree demon abandoned its blown-up body and naturally took away all its mana. The demon's heart was just an empty shell.

But it didn't affect He Cheng's ability to absorb the demon heart.

"Seven more to go"

One thousand-year-old tree demon is very difficult to deal with, and seven of them will take him no idea how much time it will take.

The corpse has been turned into a thousand-year-old tree trunk, a dead tree without any magic power.

A zombie and a ghost came out of the cave and saw a roaring figure that was burned by the sun and was running around.

The tree demon suppressed Tiao Zheng, and he also escaped and ascended to the sky with this explosion!

"Grandma~" Xiaoshuang heard the explosion in the distance and came over, only to find He Chengyanhong and He Chengyanhong standing on the ruins, with a zombie hanging under their hands.

"Grandma is dead?" Xiaoshuang looked at He Cheng.

"Not dead, escaped"

The tree demon that cut off its roots and escaped will probably have to wait a hundred years to recover again. By then, He Cheng may have transcended the flying zombie.

Now he wants to chat with the zombies under his feet.

"I'm... free?" Xiaoshuang couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, congratulations."

He Cheng grabbed hold of him and jumped stiffly, and was taken flying up by Yan Hong.

"Master, she is following..." Yan Hong said softly.

"Just follow me."

After returning to the two-story building, I was cut off from the sunlight and finally recovered from my stiffness.

He had almost been burned to dry ash just now.

He was also very excited to see his own race, but he was afraid of Yanhong.

"Yan Hong, capture two living people to feed him."

The charitable Yan Hong gradually accepted these demands and turned around to leave. After a while, two people were caught and thrown in front of Tiao Zheng.

He jumped and bit him to death, and he drank happily.

"I've eaten. Let's talk about it. How do you practice?"

He Cheng is definitely an unqualified zombie. He can be promoted to this point only by killing, and those trainings are basically useless.

The corpse cultivator given by Zhong Kui was cultivating the realm of mana, similar to that of a demon, and would not teach him how to evolve.

If zombies don’t evolve, where will the qualitative change in strength come from?

From white zombie to black zombie, from black zombie to purple zombie, from purple zombie to jumping zombie, every evolution is a step-by-step improvement.

White zombies are afraid of even dogs and cats, but black zombies can chase people and suck blood. The abandonment of these natural weaknesses belongs to evolution.

Jumping zombies are not afraid of the sun. Although He Cheng now has Corpse Buddha and silver armor, he has not been afraid of the sun for a long time, but he can't fly yet. Those books record that both flying yaksha and flying zombies can fly!

The Millennium Demonic Heart is too difficult to collect. It would be better if it can be evolved through the orthodox evolution method.


The careless Tiao Zheng explained his cultivation method in zombie words.

Worship the moon and suck blood.

The evolution of zombies is the change of corpse energy, constantly sucking blood and absorbing moonlight and earth energy.

If the body absorbs enough resentment and accumulates enough corpse energy, it can become a flying zombie.

"Resentment, I'm still thinking about it."

If he has any resentment, his Corpse Buddha can be improved again and become an Arhat. He may have a chance to become a Zombie Bodhisattva!

"I know where there is resentment."

He Cheng looked up at Xiaoshuang who walked in, suppressing the blood-thirsty jump to prevent him from jumping around.

"I heard from my grandma that a ghost king escaped from the underworld and established the Yin-Yang Realm at the border between the human world and the underworld. He called himself the Dharma King of Yin-Yang. He claimed that he was neither a human nor a ghost, nor an immortal nor a Buddha. After death, everyone will be blocked by the Yin-Yang Realm and cannot be reincarnated. If you don’t want to stay in the Yin and Yang Realm, your soul will be boiled in a big pot. In just half a year, there are already hundreds of thousands of ghosts in the Yin and Yang Realm, and their resentment is so high that it is worse than the eighteenth level of hell!”

When she mentioned her grievances, Xiaoshuang shrank her head, as if she was extremely scared.

Only then did he realize that he lacked a local passer by his side. Xiaoshuang, who followed Grandma Dryad, had enough experience to meet this requirement. .

"Do you know how to get to the Yin and Yang Realm?"

"The world of Yin and Yang is erratic. They appear from time to time to capture the ghosts in the world. And I heard from my grandma that the Yin and Yang Dharma King is stronger than her and is already at the level of an immortal..."

It took a lot of strength to hit the tree demon grandma who was already seriously injured.

The Yin and Yang Dharma King who dares to open the Yin and Yang realm outside the underworld seems not to be trifled with.

The remaining simple ones are the nine thousand-year-old demon hearts!

He Cheng put his feet up on the chair and stretched out, "Miss Xiaoshuang, the tree demon is dead. Why don't you stay with me? You can leave anytime you want."

Local communication is very important. The questions he will think about in the future may have already existed in Xiaoshuang's mind.

"I don't know when my sister left. When I find her, I will leave..."


I thought about Hong Gu and the scholar.

When a witch meets a scholar, she should still be in love with him. He Cheng can be considered as having changed his mind and done a good deed. With the tree demon gone, lovers can stay together.

He Cheng nodded and agreed to Xiaoshuang's request. Xiaoshuang was the only one who had local contacts. He was just nearby to meet his needs.

"Do you know if there is a thousand-year-old demon nearby? Even if there isn't one nearby, there can be one anywhere in the world."

"I heard that two snakes, one white and one green, passed by some time ago..."

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