Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 307 Taoist in Purple Clothes

The mountains reflect the setting sun,

On the edge of the field, a figure in purple clothes came from east to west, and a donkey cart walked from west to east.

The purple-robed Taoist holds a four-inch long sword in his hand.

He has a Chinese character face, unibrow, and walks with wind.

"Old man, how to get to Montenegro?"

Seeing the old man driving his donkey passing by, the Taoist priest in purple stepped forward and asked politely.

"Taoist Priest, it's already dark. Let's wait until daybreak before going."

"Why, what's the difference between dark and dawn?"

"What a difference!"

The old man stopped the donkey, turned around on the bamboo cart, lowered his voice and whispered, "There are monsters in Black Mountain!"

A strange light flashed in the purple-clothed Taoist's eyes, then he raised his head and laughed, "Haha, don't be joking, old man. If there are monsters, what difference does it make between day and night?"

"Of course it's different!"

The old man scratched his back and then his thighs.

"A year and a half ago, Montenegro was suddenly hit by a thunderstorm, and less than half of the entire mountain exploded!"

"If it was true that thunder descended from the sky, how could there still be monsters now?"

Taoist Ziyi easily exposed that the old man's words were untenable.

"Hey you!"

As soon as he patted his thigh, the old man became anxious, "That is to say, the thunder can't fall. Not only did it not hurt the monster, it also made the monster become more ferocious, and all the more than a hundred robbers around him died!"

"According to what you say, he should be a good demon. He will help you kill the robbers so that your food and money will not be robbed."

The old man said goodbye and said, "A monster is a monster, how can you expect to be kind? If you don't eat it, we must be raising it for the future!"

"I'm not lying to you. Two days ago, there was another evil wind blowing in Montenegro. All the trees on the mountain were stripped bare, and there was no wind at all outside Montenegro!"

"Really? This is strange."

The purple-clothed Taoist touched his sword, "Don't worry, old man, what I learned is to slay demons and demons. I don't plan to return empty-handed when I go to Montenegro."

"Taoist Master...that monster eats people and kills people. You'd better not go!"

"Old man, I've always heard you say that monsters eat people. I'd like to ask, have you ever seen it with your own eyes?"

The old man's dark face also turned red, "Everything I've seen has been eaten! I've seen it before and can I still talk to you here?"

"Since I haven't seen it before, who did you know about it from? Everyone was eaten, so no one should tell you." The Taoist priest in purple seemed very puzzled.

"You...I tried to persuade you not to die, but you turned over and choked me! Thirty miles ahead is Montenegro, go, go quickly!"

How can the old man have the shame to say that he spreads lies? Everyone says so, no matter whether the one on the Black Mountain is good or bad, he must be bad now!

Seeing that he was angry, the purple-clothed Taoist smiled.

"I have one more thing I want to ask my husband for help with."

"Outlanders don't have anything good to offer, so I won't help!" The old man said proudly, "Don't you still have something to ask for from me?"

"It's not a difficult task. You don't have to do anything, father-in-law... After all, I'm going to Montenegro to visit the old demon. Unfortunately, I have nothing but a sword in my hand. How can I go empty-handed when I go to visit? So I want to lend you, father-in-law." One use of heads..."

" are a monster too!"


A ray of light flashed across, and the old man's head hovered over the sword, and the purple-clothed Taoist grabbed his hair and carried it in his hand.

A line of blood was spattered on the face of the purple-robed Taoist.

The donkey panicked and ran away, leaving its headless corpse lying on the bamboo cart, spilling blood along the way.

"The people of the world are ignorant and difficult to educate in just a few decades. What Yin Yang Dharma King said is reasonable. Let them study and enjoy themselves in the Yin and Yang world forever, so that they will not go out to fool others and fall into the suffering of endless reincarnation."

Looking at the dumbfounded old man's head in his hand, the purple-clothed Taoist laughed and walked towards Black Mountain.

As we approached Montenegro, it was dark.

The purple-clothed Taoist suddenly felt a great deal of pressure. There seemed to be a wild beast hiding on the mountain. If he came near, he would be swallowed up!

Recite two Taoist scriptures silently to suppress the fear in your heart.

He stood at the foot of the mountain and shouted,

"Is the Black Mountain Corpse King here? The purple-clothed Taoist, who is under the throne of the Yin-Yang Dharma King of the Yin-Yang Realm, is paying a hasty visit and asking to see you!"

The banshee with the golden swallow standing on her shoulders came flying lightly.

"Master invites you..."

"Thank you!"

"I haven't seen Miss Xiaoshuang for many years, how are you?"

"Oh, it turns out it's you." Xiaoshuang stared at the Taoist in purple for a long time before suddenly realizing.

He stopped flying and landed next to the purple-robed Taoist to guide him.

"After a few years of separation, my years have passed away, but Miss Xiaoshuang has not changed."

Xiaoshuang said indifferently: "It's normal for us monsters to live for hundreds or thousands of years, but you only live for a few decades. Of course it's different."

"At the beginning, the Dharma King asked me to invite grandma to join the Yin and Yang Realm, but unfortunately she was rejected. Now it's me again." He smiled bitterly and scratched his moustache.

"You shouldn't be turned away this time."

The purple-robed Taoist's eyes lit up, "Could it be..."

Xiaoshuang nodded firmly, "My master said that he became a Taoist all by himself, with no background. He was chased by others all day long to kill demons. It would be great if he could find someone with high skills!"

"Haha, it seems that we will be colleagues from now on, and I will ask Miss Xiaoshuang to take care of me in the future!"

"Yeah, of course!"

Come to the building on the mountain.

"I've seen the Corpse King!"

The purple-clothed Taoist raised his head and looked at the zombies sitting in the seat. Recently, it was widely rumored that he had been killing monsters for thousands of years. He was so powerful that he was called the first person among immortals by the Yin-Yang Dharma King.

At this moment, when he looked at it, he felt that the evil spirit of blood was extremely strong, like a wave of blood rushing towards his face. He choked and rolled up the whites of his eyes.


He Cheng nodded, breaking the evil spirit.

"Ha——!" The purple-clothed Taoist twitched and gasped for air, regardless of his own image.

Lobbying people with low skills is a difficult job because they have to bear the power.

"Tell me why you're here."

The purple-clothed Taoist said in a respectful voice: "I believe that the Corpse King has also heard of the Yin-Yang Realm. The Yin-Yang Dharma King has magical powers and has established the Yin-Yang Realm to help the world's ghosts transcend reincarnation. He is the best good person in heaven and on earth!"

"He is indeed a good person." He Cheng nodded.

He kills people and kills ghosts by directly swallowing their souls, and doesn't even give him a chance to become a lonely ghost. In comparison, Yin Yang Dharma King is indeed a 'great good man'.

"The Yin-Yang Dharma King heard about your deeds, Corpse King, and admires you very much, so he wants to invite you to join the Yin-Yang Realm!"

The purple-clothed Taoist thought it was a sure-fire lobbying, but when he saw the zombie in front of him stood up, squatted in front of him and asked, "How is the power of Dharma King Yin-Yang?"

"Of course it's a celestial being!"

It is normal for a purple-clothed Taoist who has not developed a golden elixir to worship an 'immortal'.

He Cheng may not be able to defeat an immortal, but if he is only at the 'immortal' level, his backing is too weak. One day the immortal world will think of him and will probably kill him.

Although what he was thinking was that it would be better to be weaker, and he would take care of him when the time comes!

"How about compared to Bodhisattva?"

"This..." The purple-robed Taoist looked troubled. If they were really better than the Bodhisattva, they would have occupied the underworld long ago. Why establish the Yin and Yang world?

"Oh, I know that." He Cheng nodded, which made him feel relieved.

It's easier to stab someone in the back.

The purple-robed Taoist thought that He Cheng was unwilling to agree, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, there is someone behind the Dharma King. Even the Buddha could not destroy him back then. Now he is suppressed in the underworld, just waiting for the opportunity to come out and destroy the fairy world!"

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