Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 310 Death Script

Just after leaving the Novice Village, I ran into the top boss of the game.

He Cheng sighed repeatedly in his heart, this time he really recited it. Even if the world's gods are small and the Guanyin Bodhisattva in front of him is weaker than those orthodox gods, a Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva.

Can't fight, can't escape.

There is a mythical beast under the seat of Guanyin Bodhisattva. It is the demon king Sai Taisui Jinmao of the Xiezhi Cave in Qilin Mountain who snatched away the beloved concubine of the king of Zhuzi Kingdom in "Journey to the West".

There are also legends that zombies turn into monsters again, and monsters turn into monsters again.

"Xuzi Buyu" records that Jian was transformed into a zombie, had magical powers, breathed out fireworks, and could fight dragons, so he was accepted as a mount by the Buddha.

The ancestors of the zombies were all taken as mounts, and they were still killed by their necks. Maybe the result would be happier.

"Zombies can actually be cultivated into Vajra, which is rare in the real world..."

She raised her hand gently, and He Cheng felt an itch on his back, and a body of corpse hair sprang out, transforming into a long-haired flying zombie body, with a Vajra arm stretching out from behind.

Seeing the Vajra arms, she nodded repeatedly.

"I see that you have also attained the Buddha's will. You still need a wonderful teaching. I can give you a wonderful way to ascend to the immortal world and become a great Arhat."

He Cheng lowered his eyes, not daring to look at her face.

He just whispered, "I'm a zombie, I can't be a god."

"Since you have a Vajra body, you are also a Vajra!"

"I don't know how to chant sutras"

He Cheng didn't dare to agree casually. If he jumped to the fairy world, wouldn't he be entering a den of thieves? Anyone can kill him with a sword, and he gets headaches and brain swelling when he listens to the scriptures. Being an Arhat is just looking for sin.

"Buddha has an incarnation of wrath. If you, a zombie, become enlightened, you can become the King of Angry Eyes and turn away evil spirits and heretics..." The Bodhisattva pinched his fingers and said, "I see that you rarely hurt people, but instead kill many demons and monsters. My Buddha often says, Everything can become a Buddha, so why not zombies?”

He Cheng seemed to be persuaded. He clasped his hands and asked, "What is the Bodhisattva's instruction?"

The arms cannot twist the thighs.

"There are a few small things. After you do them well, I will come specially to help you become a great Arhat and ascend to the immortal world!"

After hearing the instructions and watching Guanyin Bodhisattva ascending to the sky, He Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse..."

The senior leader pats you on the shoulder, says you are a talented person, and asks you to help buy a pack of cigarettes. In fact, he just wants to find an errand boy to buy a pack of cigarettes, not to promote you. Even if he buys cigarettes that he doesn't like, he may be resented if time goes by.

"Forty-five years later..."

"It seems that this rain is coming from a serious source..."

When the rain stopped, a rainbow appeared, connecting the east and west, and it was so beautiful.

The mud pit under his feet has been filled into a lake by the flood. He Cheng is floating, with only his toes pointing on the water surface, making a trace of ripples.

The corpse poison fell into the water and was immediately eliminated by the river water.

He was still thinking about the Bodhisattva's last instructions just now.

There was a golden turtle in the Yaochi of the Queen Mother of the Immortal Realm. Seeing the drought in the world, she felt pity for her, so she poured water from the Yaochi into the human world to alleviate the drought. But he was caught by the Queen Mother and wanted to beat him to death. Fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva interceded.

The golden turtle was punished to the human world, experienced hardships, and benefited the human world before he could ascend to the immortal class again.

He Cheng's mission is to wait forty-five years later for the Golden Turtle to understand the Great Way, stand up and stop the Golden Turtle, and set up a difficulty for him to test the Golden Turtle's heart for enlightenment.

"It is estimated that in forty-five years, my role will be to be beaten to death by the golden turtle to help him become famous and ascend to the immortal class, and then I will disappear into ashes."

Just like the monster in Journey to the West, holding the script and waiting to be beaten.

It's a pity that he has no backers, they are those little monsters who will die after being beaten.

"It seems that if I don't join the Yin Yang Dharma King's group, I won't be able to do it..."

Behind Yin Yang Dharma King is a great god who can fight against Buddha, and this is also his last chance to survive.

Of course, there is a simpler way to deal with it. Forty-five years later, he has become stronger than the Bodhisattva. If he has the opportunity to kill half of the gods in the sky, he is really confident.

"Submit your application form first."

It's not that he doesn't believe in Bodhisattva, it's just that when he talks about the Golden Turtle descending to earth and helping him ascend to the immortal world and become an Arhat, the Bodhisattva's head is filled with thick yellow hostility.

He had no murderous intentions and no good intentions. He probably pulled the Corpse Buddha out of his body and made him a gatekeeper, or put a tight spell on him.

It would be easier to turn him into an Arhat, but he is no longer what he is!

He Chenghui's transformation into a zombie is inseparable from the system, but what he can rely on is the system. He can only trust the system's judgment.

Floating slowly, the corpse hair shrank inside the body.

He Cheng, wearing a raincoat, had just returned to Gu Laowu's thatched house when he saw Gu Laowu trotting back.

"My lord, my lord! When I was walking east, I saw a skinny wild boar digging a hole. There were no other people around. I just heard that the old Huang family had given birth to a second son. He was still showing off when he saw me. His son was born at two A general in golden armor is guarding the door, and there is rain falling from the sky!"

Gu Laowu was extremely unhappy and his eyes were filled with envy and jealousy.

"His son?"

"Yes, it was said that the general gave him a name, Huang Chuping."

The Bodhisattva gave him the "method of death" designated in the script, which was Huang Chuping, but he couldn't kill the opponent in advance. Not only could he not do it, he had to wait for him to learn the spell well before he went up to die.

It is estimated that if he attacks now, Bodhisattva Yangliuzhi will be ready to chop off his head.

"You did a good job at this."

"Sir, I hope you can take action against me!"

"You can think of the method yourself." He Cheng threw down the two pieces of gold and turned to leave.

Use money to bribe officials and follow the procedures.

Or they bribed gangsters to dig up those people's graves.

Everything is Gu Laowu's own choice.

He was upset.

" and power are the most important in this world!"

Gu Laowu gritted his teeth and put away the money, already having a plan in mind.


For three days, there was no news from the Ghost King.

He Cheng searched hard but couldn't find any information.

The rain in Yaochi seemed to have soaked and killed all the local monsters and ghosts, and there were no ghosts to be seen in the wilderness.

He wandered aimlessly and walked another twenty miles.

There are no clouds above the head, only a full moon in the sky, and the sky is full of stars under the canopy made of light.

Summer insects come back to life and flutter their wings, and bare trees sprout.

Only the howling cold wind can be heard in the barren mountains and wild ridges, and there are many bones gnawed by wild dogs on the roadside.

But I saw two people with big red flowers tied around their waists, playing trumpets hard, and behind them there were four bearers in black clothes and red trousers holding the sedan chair with gritted teeth. They had yellow faces and thin muscles, and they walked with three swaying steps.

He Cheng stepped aside and could still hear the bride sobbing in the sedan.

The matchmaker beside the sedan said sadly, "Don't cry. It just happened that the lottery came to your house today. If you don't get married, everyone in our town will die!"


In the sedan chair, the bride just cried.

"Have you forgotten that in the small village next to Guobei County, the ghost king killed all sixty-four people in the village just because the person he married was not a virgin?"

"Don't worry, I will marry..."

The sound coming from the sedan chair made the matchmaker relax.

"Don't worry, I will always burn paper for you in the future. People are bound to die in this world. It doesn't matter if they die early or late. Moreover, you can marry the ghost king and enjoy all the glory and wealth in the future. It is better than chewing tree bark and eating ants at home. I I also prepared a piece of meat and two pieces of cake for you, which even a rich man cannot afford!"

"A ghost welcomes a bride?"

He was worried that he couldn't find any local ghosts, so a pervert came to his door.

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