Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 345 The Dragon-Subduing Arhat Appears in True Form

The Crouching Tiger Arhat lost all his magic power and was reborn in the belly of an eighty-year-old woman.

And thanks to the Qilin monster, it only takes three breaths from birth to middle-aged man.

The original intention of the Crouching Tiger Arhat was to give a fan to the Dragon-Subduing Arhat, but he was reincarnated in violation of regulations and would never dare to show up in his true form. In order to avoid being discovered by the fairy world, he had to reincarnate. Most of the time, he could only be a fool. He would only show up when dark clouds covered the sky and the fairy world's surveillance weakened, to tell Jianglong his intentions and help Jianglong awaken his previous life. Memory will subdue the dragon and Arhat, thereby winning this bet.

After several hardships, Fu Hu was still a fool, so the fan was not delivered, and Li Xiuyuan was still just a young man, not Ji Dian.

After finishing the bucket of porridge, Fu Hu rubbed his belly and returned to Li Xiuyuan with some lingering thoughts.

"Well...Mr. He, there is just a place suitable for you to live."

Being watched as his brother ate a tub of complimentary porridge, Li Xiuyuan felt his face burning and wanted to leave the place of trouble and wrong quickly.

"Then we will have to trouble Mr. Li."

One of the tiger-crouching arhats was reincarnated into a human body, and the other was a dragon-subduing arhat. Even if they lost all their magic power at this time, they could eat the flesh and blood of the two of them, swallow the souls together, and keep them to become immortals and saints. However, He Cheng was not for the sake of the two of them. Come.

There are two more things he wants, and compared to killing the two Arhats subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger in the eyes of the immortals, and detonating the anger of the gods in the ninth heaven, what he wants to do is a great good deed!

But everything has to be done step by step.

The bet that Jianglong made with the immortals was just that people should decide their own destiny instead of letting gods decide their destiny.

The King of Hell should not take a pen and check the book of life and death, and then he will never be reincarnated; nor should he pull a red string and love it to death even if it is a dog.

Although He Cheng is a zombie and is a little monster that can be easily killed in the eyes of the immortals, he can understand the thoughts of the gods in the immortal world.

In the eyes of mortals, rabbits should live in cages, dogs should be chained, and rats should be killed to avoid harming the food supply. In the eyes of rabbits, dogs, rats and other animals, humans are also gods.

The life and death of animals are controlled by humans, and the gods can also decide the life and death of mortals.

If a person kills a dog, who cares what the dog thinks? The gods change people's destiny when they find it interesting. Just like people do to dogs, they mostly cannot understand the idea of ​​subduing the dragon. They have become "people", but they still like to use "dog" thinking to seek benefits for "dogs" ".

Should I open the cage for a rabbit if it wants to be free?

Even if a dog does break free from the chain, what awaits him is not freedom, but an encirclement and suppression by hunters. In the end, he was slaughtered, skinned and eaten, and no bones were left.

This is the price of freedom.

In the eyes of these gods, He Cheng is just a "dog" who is about to break free of the chain.

Whether he imitates the cunning of a weasel, or becomes a mad dog and breaks the chain, killing the person who has set a date for his death, will be discussed later.

He Cheng told his subordinates to serve the porridge properly, then he picked up his robe and stepped forward to follow Li Xiuyuan and the others.

"The gods in the sky must have seen me"

He glanced vaguely at the sky. The sky was clear and the sky should be bright enough to see.

According to what the seven heavenly generals said, this is a game between the dragon-subduing Arhat and the gods of the immortal world.

Those immortals only care about their own happiness, and they are all unhappy with the Dragon-Subduing Arhat. If there is one more zombie to interfere with the Dragon-Subduing Arhat, the gods in the immortal world will definitely be happy. Of course, it is useless even if they are unhappy. The fairness of the game does not lie with the immortals, but with the idlers. The boring Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, and Bodhisattva.

Moreover, in the movie, Master Guanyin always stands in line to subdue the dragon and the tiger. He Cheng also has the Bodhisattva's decree and accepts orders to wait for "death". He can be considered a "Buddha" no matter what, and he is also the first zombie great Arhat verbally promised. There's a risk of losing your head if you step in.

“It’s not easy to find a role here”

He Cheng was trying his best to expose himself to the eyes of the gods. If he won, he would not know how much his strength would be improved, but he would definitely not be able to defeat the Bodhisattva.

And in the future, he will also have to face the "arrangement" of the Bodhisattva, stumbling upon Huang Chuping, and then letting Huang Chuping kill him to help him complete his merits.

If you lose, you just lose your soul a little earlier. It's just the difference between dying forty years earlier and dying forty years later.

It’s not that there are no benefits, it’s just that it takes some effort to get it.

He has sold his life for a long life without borders.

"This is it. The houses around here have been destroyed by floods. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. The air is fresh and the price is affordable." Li Xiuyuan said and looked at He Cheng twice, with an indescribable weirdness in his heart, as if the other party knew him.

Li Xiuyuan also used his thoughts to lure He Cheng to a large house that had only been a few steps in. There was a vermilion door that had been damaged by the flood and had not yet been repaired.

"Okay, this is it."

"Don't you go in and take a look?" Li Xiuyuan felt strange. It was the first time he saw someone buying a house without asking any questions. He just asked for it after looking at the door.

"Don't read it, I can trust you"

"You can trust him in just a few words. This person is so easy to deceive." Li Xiuyuan got rid of the sinful thoughts in his mind. "In this case, you should prepare to move in today."

A few words have already sealed the deal.

"Hey, what's going on over there?" Li Xiuyuan turned around sharply.

In the distance there are eight bearers in black shirts carrying a bed on the road.

There was a man and a woman on the bed. The man was foaming at the mouth, and the woman was still sitting on the man, bouncing up and down like a horse.

There were people yelling and swearing around.

"Slutty fox! Vixen!"

"Damn it! Shameless!"


All kinds of curses continued.

Li Xiuyuan squeezed into the crowd and took a few glances before realizing that she was a woman from a brothel, doing that in the street!

She really regarded this as the same job as a farmer hoeing the ground, and didn't care at all about the abuse from the people around her. She breathed lightly and screamed faintly.

"Girl, what you're doing is wrong!" Li Xiuyuan squeezed in and was about to reason, when a cloud floated above his head and covered the sky. Fuhu, who was smiling innocently, became more energetic, and even wearing a bellyband showed a strong sense of courage.

"The Crouching Tiger Arhat appears in his true form!"

"Hey brother, are you okay?"

Fu Hu shook his head, "Li Xiuyuan, you are the Dragon Subduing Master in the immortal world. Because you felt the suffering in the world, you consciously came down to earth to save all sentient beings. Only a thunderbolt strike on your heavenly spirit cap can awaken the memory of your previous life. Remember , I must find lightning to strike you!"

"Tch, I believe you are a ghost."

Li Xiuyuan pursed his lips and turned away. The clouds above his head moved away, and Fuhu became stupid again.

He thought it was Fuhu who suddenly went crazy and didn't care.


A bolt of thunder fell from the sky and hit Li Xiuyuan in the head.

"What evil have you done? The sky is struck by lightning?"

People who cursed in the street hid far away, fearing that they would be struck to death by thunder from the sky.

Li Xiuyuan, however, seemed to be under a spell, staying motionless on the spot, with the whites of his eyes rolled up.

"Since you are an Arhat descending to earth, I can help you."

There is a monk in the sky, wearing white clothes floating in the sky. The lightning is lingering in his hand. It is obvious that the thunder came from his hand that day.

People knelt down and shouted to the gods, kowtowed and bowed. A prostitute from a brothel was sitting there, a stupid idiot, a person who was blackened by lightning, and a young man with a smile. The three of them stood there, looking very awkward.

Looking at the prostitute intently, "Green Snake!!"

"Master, do you want to come and play?" The prostitute was not timid, she raised her hand to show her full love. The frightened monk turned his head and recited, "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form."

Seven or eight times in a row, beads of sweat slid from the temples to the tip of the nose.

Only when water splashed on the ground did he calm down.

The monk stood firm and looked directly at He Cheng.

"Is that you?" he asked.

"Let's talk somewhere else"

"That's fine." The monk nodded, "It seems it's really you."

"You come here with murderous intent, why would you care if it's me?"

They spoke in riddles, which made people confused.

The two of them walked away step by step and disappeared into the alley. Only the brothel prostitute really saw this scene, and the smile on her face faded. I don't know what she saw and what she thought.

"I remember!" Li Xiuyuan suddenly raised his head and shouted, raised his right hand above his head, stepped on his left foot, and pressed down with his left hand, as if there was a dragon under his feet.

"The Dragon Subduing Arhat appears in his true form! You don't need to be polite."


The people who were kowtowing and kneeling raised their heads and saw the white-robed monk disappearing. They spat at Li Xiuyuan and turned around to leave.

"What's going on? It's not me you're worshiping?"

Li Xiuyuan scratched his head, looked at the fool wearing a bellyband and sighed, "Fuhu, I'm really wronging you! Let's go and become a monk first!"

For a time, only the brothel woman and eight bearers were left on the entire street.


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