Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 353 The Dragon Subduing Golden Body

"The dead are the most important, what do you mean?"

The coffin maker didn't want to let a crazy monk ruin his business, so he would beat the coffin-carrying stick when it was raised.

"Open it and let him see"

Hearing He Cheng speak, the coffin maker put down the thing in his hand.

"Open the coffin and let this crazy monk take a look."

The coffin makers put down the coffins on their shoulders, and they worked together to lift the coffin.

A strong stench hit my nose.

In each coffin lay a corpse covered in makeup. The heavy makeup could not hide the ugly appearance of death from the plague.

"Okay, okay, let's go~"

Ji Dian shook his hand.

"Are you relieved?" He Cheng asked him.

He knew what Ji Dian was worried about. I was afraid that these people would not die from the plague, but from being bitten to death by him.

It was obvious that these people still died from the plague.

It is obviously different from the state of being poisoned by corpse poison.

"Hehe" Ji Dian raised his little finger and scratched his head with an embarrassed smile, "It seems that this god of plague is still hiding his clumsiness, and he actually succeeded."

In order to fulfill the Jade Emperor's decree, the God of Plague harms people no matter how he harms people.

"Are you looking for me?"

He Cheng knew that he would not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

"These three people are too stubborn. I'm afraid that if they continue to waste more time, those bastards in the sky will have no idea how they will deal with me." After several confirmations, Ji Dian was sure that He Cheng was "one of our own", so he was ready to drag him along. own ship.

He Cheng shook his head, "This is a test for you, I can't help you."

"Oh, I didn't ask you to convert them."

Ji Dian doesn't believe that a zombie can save people.

Zombies are more ferocious than wild beasts and are the most ferocious monsters in the world.

The first thing the zombies do when they crawl out of graves is kill their own relatives.

So, how can a zombie understand human emotions? Even if he has the qualifications to become an Arhat as mentioned by the Bodhisattva.

"There is a fake Taoist priest who wants to kill people to sacrifice to heaven."

"You can't save him?" He Cheng had killed more people than he could count, so this little thing couldn't attract his attention.

"I hope he will go to the 18th level of hell, trick so many people, and let him suffer for the rest of his life to change."

"You want me to send him to the underworld?" He Cheng asked.

"Don't keep thinking about killing people."

"I'm kidding." He smiled and closed the door with a flick of his eye.

The servants were all dead, and there was no need to come back to this place. At first, he thought of approaching Li Xiuyuan by relying on his identity as a good person, but who would have thought that Li Xiuyuan was struck by lightning in advance by Fahai and turned into Jidian.

The plan was disrupted, and the identity of a good person was useless.

Jidian smiled crookedly: "I know, so I want you to teach him a lesson and save others by the way."

"Save someone?"

He seems to have been acting in the name of saving people.

"But there's no rush, let's go have a meal first."

The fake Taoist priest led a group of people to make trouble all day long. At night, there were only more than a hundred people left in the entire county. Men, women, old and young gathered together to pick up firewood and surrounded a woman.

The one who was tied up was none other than the Ninth Generation Pheasant Xiaoyu.

"It's not too late!"

Jidian and He Cheng just rushed over, and they had an in-depth discussion with the three of them.

A beggar needs dignity. There must be something that can inspire the dignity in his heart.

Pheasant needs shame. As long as she can find her shame, she can be persuaded to behave.

As for the villain... He Cheng meant to beat him into the ninth generation of beggars.

A wicked person still needs to be tempered by a wicked person. After beating him for decades, he will become obedient.

The Nine Evils are the most difficult and have no clue.

"They came from Europe?"

The people gathered in a circle, led by a Taoist priest, and burned the woman to death. Isn't this the way to deal with witches?


Ji Dian waved the cattail leaf fan in his hand without giving up, but there was no movement.

The flames grew stronger and stronger, the ninth pheasant died, the dragon-subduing Arhat's mission failed, and the black Rakshasa was impossible to appear.

You can't even get a golden body.

"This is not okay!"

He Cheng's body was like a snake, but his toes were like iron hoes. He kicked the ground left and right and dug several big holes. He knocked away the onlookers in an instant, and raised his hand to catch Xiaoyu with tears in her eyes.

The hot flame burned on He Cheng's hand. His face was expressionless, and he raised his hand and pressed it hard.

call! !

A gust of wind blew out from under the palm of his hand, and Xiaoyu, who was the closest, was almost blown away along with the pillar.

"Holy shit, so fierce?"

Ji Dian shook his head and looked at He Cheng raising his hand to create wind, knowing that this zombie was not simple.

But he has more important things to do now, which is to deal with this group of unruly people.

"Who are you? You dare to touch the sacrifices casually. If you don't kill him, we will all die!"

Someone pointed at He Cheng without clapping him to death.

"Leave it to me! You take Dazhong and Xiaoyu with you first!" Ji Dian blocked He Cheng when he saw this. He was really afraid that if he slapped them again, the strong wind would blow these people to death.

"Okay, you have the final say"

He Cheng turned around and pulled Xiaoyu and Zhu Dachang, his body flew close to the ground and disappeared in an instant.

"You were so handsome just now~"

Xiaoyu held He Cheng's arm, her eyes twinkling with stars.

"Yes, so handsome"

He Cheng turned his head and glanced at Zhu Dachang. Zhu Dachang turned his head away in fear, but He Cheng still saw a hint of "jealousy".

He smiled and said, "That's interesting!"

Drop down at Yixiang Courtyard.

"Go back and rest, I will take care of the other side of the matter."

Xiaoyu nodded and suddenly asked him, "Are you a god?"


"It must be a god. I haven't done anything with a god yet. Do you want to try it? I know a lot of tricks!" She said and whispered a few words into He Cheng's ear.

"Can ice and fire still play like this?" he said in a loud voice.

Xiaoyu nodded vigorously, "Yes, I have never used this trick on anyone else!"

Zhu Dachang's expression on the side was even worse, but he did not dare to refuse.

"You go back first, I will come back to you later"

Xiaoyu reluctantly returned to Xiangge.

"Special code! Why are you back? I asked you to die, but you dare to live!"

Yuan Batian's voice and Xiaoyu's scream came.

Zhu Dachang suddenly raised his head and looked at He Cheng, "Master Immortal, Master Zombie, go save Xiaoyu!"

You can see that Xiaoyu was beaten with three punches and two kicks until she vomited blood.

"You don't need me to go, you can"

"Me?" Zhu Dachang was stunned.

"I'm a zombie god. It's easy to lend you some magic power." He Cheng slapped him on the shoulder, and Zhu Dachang's body shook.

"I feel like I have infinite power!"

"Yes, I gave you the ability to open mountains. Go over and punch him, and then tell him who you are."


Zhu Dachang felt the infinite power in his body and walked towards Yuan Batian step by step.

"You dare to attack me?"

"My name is Zhu Dachang. I have magic power given by the gods. What's wrong with attacking you?"

Snapped! Zhu Dachang punched Yuan Batian in the face. Yuan Batian did not move at all. Instead, Zhu Dachang hugged his right wrist in pain.

"You special code, you stinky beggar, go to hell!"

Yuan Batian only used two punches to hit Zhu Dachang until he vomited blood and died.

"Zhu Dachang likes Xiaoyu and gives him strength and courage, which is enough for him to express himself in front of the people he likes and find himself for a moment."

Regardless of whether Zhu Dachang finds himself or not, his most important task is to go to the underworld.

Yuan Batian raised his head and looked at He Cheng.

"Humph!" He snorted coldly, turned around and left.

He Cheng also turned and left.

A quarter of an hour later,

"Big seed! Big seed!"

Ji Dian finally arrived. Looking at the beggar's body on the ground and the unconscious Xiaoyu, his anger could not be increased.

"Fuck! Land, get out of here, get out of here!"

"What are you doing?" Tu Tu came out and asked him.

"Dazhong shouldn't die like this, tell me how to save him!"

"People cannot be resurrected. Are you a god for nothing?"

Tutu just mocked, and when Jidian raised his fist, he immediately gave in: "There is a black Rakshasa in the underworld, who specializes in collecting souls. If you can snatch Zhu Dachang's soul from his hands, maybe he can be saved. But you are a mortal in the flesh. The fetus cannot enter the underworld, it must rely on the blessing of your golden body."

"My Dragon Subduing Golden Body?"

"But think about it carefully. Black Rakshasa's abilities are extremely high. I'm afraid you are no match for him."

"Oh, I can't control it anymore!"

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