Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 368: Corpse-building Pill, Return to Zhejiang

"I am Chen Zhitian, I have a name and surname in the book of life and death."

The grass-clothed man looked straight at the giant blue snake and said, "It's a surprise to meet you."

He borrowed people's names and looks to deceive the Book of Life and Death, so he dared to act in the human world.

Green Snake also guessed the meaning of his words, "Didn't Monk Fahai promise to give you an explanation? Why do you still come to trouble me?"

"It seems you don't know"

"what do you know?"

The green snake swam in the black clouds, its huge tongue spit out fishy wind and stuck it in front of the grass-clothed man.

The bloody snake Xinzi fanned the fishy wind, vomiting and retracting in front of the grass-clothed man.

"Fahai is dead"


"Of course it's true. It was done by the zombie who went to Kunlun Mountain with you."


Green Snake only remembered that the zombie picked him clean and then left, with no further news. She and White Snake jointly resisted Fa Hai, but Kun had no help. In the end, her sister died and she ran away in a hurry.

Originally, she was holding her breath in her heart, and would rather die than go to the City of Fusi again.

did not expect……

The snake's eyes sparkled.

Green Snake choked him, "Why, he killed Fahai and left you with no one to take to the immortal to explain to, so you want to capture me?"


The grass-clothed man shook his head, "Your head is not that big."

"Don't think that he killed Fa Hai for you two sisters. When he went to Kunlun Mountain with you to steal medicine, did he leave alone?"

"What do you want to say?"

"He killed hundreds of spiritual beasts and immortal beasts on Kunlun Mountain, and also ate all the sacred objects in the Fire Clam Cave. This crime was enough to make him disappear!"

"He is a zombie. How else can you gods deal with him if you catch him?" Green Snake asked.

She also has a lawless temper and doesn't care about the fairy beasts on Kunlun Mountain at all.

I just didn't expect that the zombie was so powerful that he dared to come and go freely in the Kunlun Fairy Mountain, and that Monk Fahai would kill him whenever he asked.

The grass-clothed man was not angry either, as if he had changed into a human skin and a human face, and his attitude towards doing things had also changed.

"I don't know the reason for killing Fa Hai, but I do know that he was the one who captured Xu Xian and went to Tiantai County! He led you to flood Tiantai County!"

It was true that he captured Xu Xian, but it was his guess that he would lead the snake demon to flood Tiantai County.

Without exaggerating, how could Green Snake hate the zombie who deserved death?

"What good will it do him if we flood Tiantai County?"

"Benefits? As far as I know, Tiantai County is the place where the Dragon Subdued Arhat descended to the earth, and in this game, he got a lot of benefits, magic weapon and fairy fruit, tsk tsk. You are being used as a gun!"

"Bah! I don't understand!"

The big green snake spat like a girl, "Besides, do you think I believe it?"

The grass-clothed man fell gently to the ground.

"That zombie is so powerful that I alone am no match for him, but... I have already communicated with the old Black Mountain demon in Wusi City. If he takes action, plus you, he will be defeated! Wait until I take his head." Ask the Immortal Master to help you, and I can help you with a few words later, so that you can clear your past debts and be ranked in the Immortal Class in the future."

"The old Black Mountain demon who died in the city in vain?"

Green Snake wonders, is there a second city of vain death?

"His skills are no less than Zhong Kui's, and his golden sword ghost generals are even more capable at slaying demons. With them taking action, you only need to suppress the situation, and you may not need to take action."

Seeing the confident look on Cao Yiweng's face, Green Snake was even more confused. They were talking about the same person.

But she still nodded the snake head, "Okay, if it's really him, I will definitely kill him to avenge my sister!"

She also added in her mind that if she defected in battle, she would kill this annoying crane first!

"The Corpse Killer is tonight!" The man in grass clothes smiled, as if he had really picked the fruits of victory.

"He is in Zhejiang?"

"He is in Zhejiang, and he is accompanied by a human female cultivator..."



Just this morning,

Shanxi, near Montenegro.

There was a "bang" in the sky, a bolt from the blue.

A thunderbolt struck from the ceiling like an axe, and when it hit the ground, it instantly cut a ravine!

Then the trend does not decrease and continues to drill down.

Thunder drills down very fast.

I dug more than ten feet deep, but I didn't expect that there was a magic weapon with a nine-tooth nail rake buried deep in the ground. The manic and invincible thunder hit the nail rake, and most of its power was instantly offset. Only two or three sporadic lightning continued downward. Drill.


Thunder struck him.

He Cheng, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes.

A thin electric snake was wrapped around his body, burning his skin black, spinning twice, leaving two thunder marks, and then disappeared completely.

"Finally formed the Corpse Pill"

At this moment, there was a small, dark bead spinning around in his belly.

The evolution of zombies is similar to the transformation of a snake into a dragon, and the transformation of a dragon into a dragon, while corpse cultivation is just a matter of simply cultivating mana to improve one's realm.

He cultivates both internally and externally, and is both a Buddha and a zombie, in order to improve his combat power as much as possible among the same level.

He Cheng stood up, pushed his legs off the ground, pressed his heels, and then bounced up. His body rushed upwards, and the soil above his head collapsed in an instant.


There was a big hole in the ground. When I looked down, it was more than ten feet deep and it was bottomless.

Ta Ta ~

He Cheng landed with his feet on the ground, and with a move of his hand, the nine-tooth nail rake flew automatically and fell into his hand.

Next to the cave where he retreated, there was a small bamboo house on the ground.

Hearing his movement, Rong Xiaoyi came out wearing white clothes that she hadn't changed in more than ten years, followed by the little vixen.

"Have you completed your cultivation?"


More than ten years of seclusion is just a blink of an eye.

Form a corpse elixir to greatly increase your magic power.

When there is an emergency and you need to use the Tianyang Divine Pearl and the Earthyin Magic Pearl, you don't have to worry about not having enough magic power to open the Heavenly Gate.

He can also use many small spells.

Very rewarding.

"I'm going back to Zhejiang, you should go your separate ways." He looked up at the sky, which was clearing.

It has been more than ten years, and the people above should not be watching him so closely anymore. Even if they really continue to watch him, they still have to go back.

"You seem to be ready to die. What does Zhejiang have?" Rong Xiaoyi asked.

"My destiny has been written long ago"

After meeting Huang Chuping, his future enemy, he ran away to the future. A strategic retreat was far better than a fight to the death. Although there are still twenty years before he needs to complete his mission and confront Huang Chuping.

This does not mean that He Cheng is really resigned to his fate. If he can master the ability to subdue dragons in the remaining twenty years, he will still have a chance to survive.

If you understand, you can leave.

The little fox spirit was overjoyed, nodded towards He Cheng, turned around and turned into a fox and jumped away.

After more than ten years together, she felt reluctant to let go, but she advocated freedom more.

"Aren't you leaving?" He Cheng looked at Rong Xiaoyi.

"I'm going back to Huangshan Master, please come along," Rong Xiaoyi replied.

"If you say you're on your way, just drop by."

He Cheng put away the nine-tooth rake and walked to Rong Xiaoyi.

"Can you ride on clouds?"

"...can fly" Rong Xiaoyi shook his head, not understanding why he asked.

Those with high magical power can fly, which is also called floating.

Floating and driving clouds are not the same level of abilities.

"Put a cover over our heads"

"Ah?" Rong Xiaoyi looked confused.

boom! !

She was dragged by He Cheng's neck and rushed into the sky, with the strong wind blowing around her.

The baby face was blown out of shape by the strong wind in an instant.

Running out for several miles in an instant, Rong Xiaoyi defeated all the strength of the Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, and finally used the shield.

With the wind in front of her, Rong Xiaoyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you flying so fast?"

"Because I'm flying zombie"

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