Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 378 Meeting old friends in Lanruo Temple (seventh update)

"I'm afraid I just walked through the hell gate, and this time I saved my life."

Seeing He Cheng walking away, Gongsun Jiuniang picked up her skirt and hurriedly chased after him with her little feet.

Further forward is the martial arts arena.

With a sound, the green snake in a green shirt and long skirt waved the sword in his hand and fought against Yan Hong, who was holding two swords.

After more than a dozen moves, the Green Snake Sword was defeated in one slow move.

"You two are so shameless in dealing with me together!"

Yan Hong put away her swords. The left and right sword moves were completely different. It would be impossible to use them both distractedly and skillfully.

"You can also turn into a green snake. I heard that when a demon transforms into its original form, its strength will increase."

"I changed back to my original form and you used it as a target?" Green Snake was not fooled.


Yan Hong suddenly lowered her head.

"Su Su, your sword moves are good." Others couldn't tell Zhang Susu and Yan Hong, but He Cheng could distinguish them clearly.

"I can't escape your zombie eyes every time." Zhang Susu felt bored, and with a slight shake, Yan Hong took control of her body, and she went back.

"Zombie, is this your little wife?"

Green Snake looked at Gongsun Jiuniang who was following behind him carefully.

"you guess."

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you... But I heard that you want to take a concubine. Which family is she from? Is she as beautiful as me?"

"never seen it"

"If you are not as good-looking as me, I advise you not to marry me. Hey! Zhang Susu, why are you laughing!"

Yan Hong waved her hand, "I am Yan Hong, not Su Su. I laughed just now, but some of the words made my teeth hurt, so I couldn't help but want to laugh."

"Sore teeth?" Green Snake didn't understand the joke yet, but Gongsun Jiuniang, who was behind He Cheng, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Why are you laughing again? Zombies, what are they laughing at?"

Green Snake turned around and found that he was surrounded by dull Yin soldiers. Except for Yan Hong and Gongsun Jiuniang, the only intelligent ones were He Cheng.

He Cheng ignored her, "Yan Hong, Gongsun Jiuniang will practice with you from now on."

"Yes" Yan Hong agreed abruptly.

"City Lord, the matter is done!" Yuan Detai has returned.

Gongsun Jiuniang waited eagerly to know the outcome of the sisters who had suffered together.

"They all died in vain, and some lost their virginity and committed suicide. They cannot enter the underworld and be reincarnated."

He cannot be reincarnated, and he can only be a lonely ghost after leaving the City of Wasted Death.

He Cheng nodded casually. He didn't care what happened to those female ghosts. It was simply because he ate them in one bite.

"Lao Yuan, let's talk!"


"Is it strange that I left Gongsun Jiuniang behind?" He Cheng leaned in front of the city wall, pinched a wall brick with his fingers, and twisted it into pieces with two fingers.

"It's not surprising. My subordinates have also noticed her. Hui Xinlan is a strange woman."

"Yeah, there are a lot of people with brains around, so you have to help train them."

Although he only uses the city of Fu Si as a post station, he comes and leaves whenever he wants. But he didn't want to see Yuan Detai control the troops all by himself.

Yuan Detai's abilities are not much weaker than his, and if he controls a hundred thousand Yin soldiers, it's just a matter of raising his hand to start an uprising.

Therefore, there must be someone to share the burden of the troops.

Gongsun Jiuniang has a good brain, so she is undoubtedly a good candidate.

"Don't worry, City Lord." Yuan Detai's expression remained unchanged, but he spoke loudly.

"I don't have the heart to care about the City of Wasted Death. I have taken a fancy to Gongsun Jiuniang, and I also want to help you share the burden."

As he patted Yuan Detai on the shoulder, the matter was over.

Only then did He Cheng ask, "The old monster from Montenegro takes a concubine?"

"Promote to the outside world that he is an old demon from Montenegro." Yuan Detai nodded. He was using the title of old demon from Montenegro, not Wang Sanchu. So after Wang Sanchu died, He Cheng was still the old demon from Montenegro, still getting married.

"What's your name when you get married?"

"The tree demon gave her a list of names and birthdays. She seems to be called... Nie Xiaoqian?" Yuan Detai frowned. He only glanced at her and didn't pay much attention.

"Who's coming?"

"There are well-known ghost kings everywhere, but they are just trash, but their reputations are not small."

"Who's in charge?"

Yuan Detai knew that He Cheng loved to fight to the death with masters, which was called bloodthirsty.

"There is the God of Plague in the Immortal Realm, Lord Wude Xing, the National Preceptor in the imperial court, the centipede spirit in the East China Sea, the Nanshan Weng in the south, and the butterfly monster in Mount Tai."

"Three enemies?"

The God of Plague and Wude Xingjun came here just looking for trouble. The centipede spirit of the national master may not know if He Cheng destroyed his centipede nest, and the centipede spirit of Donghai also doesn't know if it was the help of the national master. As for the Nanshan Weng and the butterfly monster. He really hasn't heard of it.

"Lao Yuan, this banquet is really lively. How many Yin soldiers do we have now?"

"Less than 80,000"

He Cheng scratched his tongue and said, "This Wang Sanchu is really good at ruining my family fortune."

"Old Yuan, I have to borrow your face to invite someone else."

"Zhong Kui?" Yuan Detai asked.

"Yes, Zhong Kui."



There are still burning red clouds hanging in the west, and a black cloth has been covered in the east.

Under the shadow of a big tree, a carriage floated from the sky. The horse's legs did not move, like a paper kite floating in the wind.

You can also hear the sound of horse hooves in "Tap Ta".

The carriage landed lightly in front of an unknown, dilapidated temple.

A broken plaque at the door reads "Lanruo Temple"

"Master, we're here"

The driver was a fat man. He got off his horse and said respectfully.

“Tourist attraction Lanruo Temple”

A big hand grabbed the car curtain and opened it.

He Cheng walked out and turned around, "I have been in this world for decades, but this is my first time here."

The gods in the sky were enough to give him a headache, but the ghosts and tree demons in Lanruo Temple were not in his eyes.

"Master, do you want me to notify the tree demon?"

"Go ahead"

This time, when facing three enemies, two uncertain big demons, countless local demon kings and ghost kings, hundreds of ghosts appear in groups, one must be prepared.

He came to the tree demon to absorb living power.

The fat ghost took the order and turned into smoke and left.

"You scholar, you are so obsessed!"

As soon as I entered Lanruo Temple, I heard a familiar shout.

"Yan Chixia?" He Cheng was confused.

"How did you come?"

Yan Chixia jumped out from the second floor, slightly wary holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword in her hand.

"I've told you before, that old Black Mountain demon was an imposter and has nothing to do with me." He Cheng waved his hand, "Did nothing go wrong in the City of Wasteland that was under my management before?"

"Huh!" Yan Chixia snorted coldly and stuck the sword on the ground.

When He Cheng was the lord of the City of Undeserved Death, he suppressed demons everywhere, and the entire Zhejiang Province was in order, and the reputation of the Golden Sword Ghost General was established at the beginning.

But later on, the person was changed and the style changed drastically, causing demons to run rampant and hundreds of ghosts to appear.

"What are you doing here? Oh, I forgot, the tree demon is your monster!"

The two sides are still in a stalemate.

"Big Beard, is this your friend?"

A handsome scholar came out, looked at He Cheng and said, "Hello, young student Ning Caichen..."

"Don't go there!"

Yan Chixia raised her hand to stop Ning Caichen.

"What are you doing here?"

"Big Beard, how can you let your friend stand here?" Ning Caichen shook off Yan Chixia's hand, walked to He Cheng and cupped his hands, "Big Beard has such a bad temper, please forgive me! Haven't you asked for advice? "

"Me? He Cheng." He Cheng looked at this familiar face.

"Yan Chixia, I'm not here today to talk about evil things like murder and arson. I'm going to get married in a few days. Do you have time to have a wedding wine with me?"

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