"Master, it's time to go take a look."

Gongsun Jiuniang waved away the kid and said softly from the side.

"Yangnu," He Cheng sighed.

All the monsters and monsters in the world cannot escape from the complementary relationship between yin and yang.

Female ghosts sleep with scholars to obtain yang essence, and male ghosts forcefully marry women to collect yang and replenish yin. It’s all about the complementarity of yin and yang.

The appearance of the Yang Nu is simply the legendary sweet pastry. Taking a bite of it can prolong your life, and marrying home will lead to immortality.

It's just that Yang Nu doesn't have much effect on him, because he doesn't rely on practice to improve his strength.

"Who is the ghost king of the ghost world?"

There are countless ghost kings in the world.

Gongsun Jiuniang pursed her red lips lightly and said: "It should be the ghost king who didn't come to attend the last time you got married. I heard that he was injured by the sun chasing method of Gujian Villa. He only recovered in recent years and tried to unify the world. Three Realms.”

"Unify the three realms? My ears are getting calloused"

He Cheng took out his ears, while Gongsun Jiuniang smiled bitterly.

Demons like to make harsh words to unify the three realms, while decent people like to talk about saving the three realms. But the real situation is that the three realms often ignore who you are.

"I have heard the name of Gujian Villa many times."

More than twenty years ago, when Yan Hong first arrived in this world, she went to investigate, and the initial information she got was that Gujian Villa was a powerful mortal force.

Moreover, when he saved a little vixen, he was also chased by the people of Gujian Villa.

In fact, Rong Xiaoyi and Zhiqiu Yiye also went to Gujian Villa.

He Cheng stood up, patted the sleeves of his robe up and down and said, "Prepare gifts, go and have a look."

With multiple threads tangled together, it would be a waste to stay in the City of Fusi, so it’s better to go and have a look.


Shanxi, near Gujian Villa.

In the dead woods in autumn, black sedan chairs are carried on four sides,

The bearers stepped on the loess path and pressed their heels against the yellow withered grass on the tomb as they walked ahead, making a creaking sound.

Behind the sedan there is a long procession, the leader is holding a phoenix crown and a harem, and then he is holding a paper tying the little man, the gold and silver money bank, the big yellow paper horse, the Naihe bridge and the paper bridge...

Sobbing kept coming from the sedan.

"Mengxue, Gujia Village depends entirely on you!" The old woman beside the sedan secretly wiped her tears, "If you don't marry, we will all die!"

The crying stopped, but the sobbing continued.


Hearing the crying voice in the sedan chair, the old woman choked and couldn't respond.

A group of seventy or eighty people followed the sedan and came to an uncovered cemetery.

The sedan was put down, and the bearers trembled and ran away quickly.

Only the woman with a red hijab sat motionless in the sedan chair, her shoulders moving up and down, probably crying.

"What should we do?" someone asked immediately.

Even though it was just dusk and daybreak, standing around the cemetery, the chill in my heart could not be suppressed.

"The people have been delivered, why don't we go back!"

Someone immediately proposed.

"What if she runs away?"

There are still smart people.

"Stay here and guard?"

"Just keep it"

"What if the Ghost King kills us too?"

Everyone was silent for a while.

The village head of Gujia Village put down the phoenix crown and Xiapei, opened the curtain and said to the woman in the sedan, "Mengxue, you have to sit in the sedan obediently and not run away, otherwise not only will the ghost king not get around you and me, but your parents... …I won’t show mercy either!”

"Village chief, I..."

Gu Mengxue paused, then suddenly there was the sound of horse hooves in front of him, and a melancholy man rode up with a sword on his back.

The desire for life suddenly became angry in her heart.


After more than a month of walking and walking, Jia Yilong finally arrived near Gujian Villa, but his dream about a woman never stopped.

As he was riding his horse forward, he saw a black sedan sitting on the tomb in front of him, and dozens of people behind him.

"It's a ghost marriage again, it's very harmful to people!"

He raised his feet and pedaled on the horse. As soon as his toes were retracted, he had already leaped more than two feet away. He brushed past the side of the head of Gujia Village with a "slipping" sound like an oil snake, got in through the curtain, and then He emerged from the sedan with a "stab" sound.

The sound of horse hooves followed.

Jia Yilong hugged the woman and said, "Don't be afraid, I will take you away!"

Under the desperate eyes of everyone in Gujia Village, the two people turned over and jumped on their horses.

A scene of a hero rescuing a beauty was supposed to be going on, but suddenly he heard the sound of a hammer hitting his ear. Jia Yilong was hit on the brain and rolled several times on the ground before falling to the ground.


The change happened so fast that Gu Mengxue herself didn't even understand the situation, but she had already transitioned from a swordsman to a general.

"It looks like, it really looks like"

"Please let me down..." Gu Mengxue struggled hard, her face turned red, but she found that the opponent's arm was as strong as an iron chain.

The other party stared and looked at her for a long time, and the nose exuding cold breath was nuzzling back and forth between her neck. Only when Gu Mengxue's body stiffened did the other party let go of her arm and let her down.

"Yangnu, she is like a ginseng in the eyes of demons."

he sighed.

Gu Mengxue's face froze, she must have been frightened.

"Let her go!" Jia Yilong, who was kicked away, rubbed his head and got up, holding the sword and shaking it. Just as he was about to take action, he heard the man spat at him.

A ball of flame "swish" hit Jia Yilong's chest, carrying a smell of meat, and took away his life.

"Jia Yilong, this face... I should have thought of it a long time ago"

Gu Mengxue watched the man in front of her spitting fire and killing the swordsman with fear in her heart, but she did not dare to move.

Not only her, but also the seventy or eighty people behind her didn't dare to move, for fear that the man in front of them would spit out a few more words and burn them alive.

"Your name is Gu Mengxue?"

the man asked.

Gu Mengxue nodded, "...Yes..."

"Gujian Villa, Gu Mengxue, Jia Yilong, Zhuri... should have thought of it a long time ago." He patted his head, led Gu Mengxue and walked to Jia Yilong's body like a puppy. He bent down and groped around the body. , and finally took out half of the red bracelet.

"This is my bracelet!" Gu Mengxue was surprised.

Her bracelet suddenly broke one day and only half of it was left. Unexpectedly, it was on the swordsman just now.

"Give me yours too." The man stretched out his hand.

Gu Mengxue did not dare to refuse, and obediently handed over the other half of her bracelet. The two halves of the bracelet connected and instantly turned into a whole red bracelet.

The ghost king of the ghost world takes a fancy to the yang girl's physique and wants to take back the yin and yang to increase his own power.

Yangnu committed suicide and died. Swordsman Jia Yilong admired Yangnu Gu Mengxue, so he learned the sun-chasing method at Gujian Villa to reverse time and space, saved Gu Mengxue from death, and finally used a red bracelet to gather the blazing sun to kill the ghost king.

The swordsman Jia Yilong is infatuated with Gu Mengxue, and the little vixen Qing'er devotes himself to Jia Yilong through fire and water.

There are only two things that He Cheng can remember.

One is a bracelet that can gather sunlight to instantly kill the Ghost King.

The second is to chase the sun, the bow and arrow that can travel through time and space, and Kuafu's sun-chasing method.

"Gujian Villa, do you know how to get there?"

Gu Mengxue nodded when she heard this, "But... the villa is closed at this time..."

"Then kick open the door"

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