Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 406 Weird

"What did you say!"

He Xiangu banged the table and turned around, kicking over the passenger who was swallowing the dried steamed buns. She stepped on the bench like a tiger, pinched her waist and stared at the visitor.

She looks pretty, has a vicious expression, and looks sweet.

"I said, black shop!"

The person who came was wearing a black robe, with a gray complexion, a long face, eyebrows like two steel forks, and sparse hair tied on the top of his head.

When he smiles, his teeth are black and his teeth are yellow.

It was dark outside, and a dark cloud, whether it was a coincidence or not, followed him above his head.

"Are you right?"

The weirdo threw the words to He Cheng, who was sitting at the Eight Immortals table.


He Cheng took a wine cup and placed it opposite him.

"Thank you, haha, I haven't drank for a long time..."

The weirdo lifted up his robe and sat down at the table in front of He Cheng.

When he raised his sleeves, a fishy stench hit his nostrils, and when he opened his mouth to speak, the stench of blood sprayed from his mouth became even stronger.

"Do you care about personal hygiene? If you come to eat without taking a shower, will my guests still eat?"

He Xiangu couldn't bear to see others showing off above her head. This was a black shop. What did she mean now, treating the wife of the black shop like a stone?

"Huh?" The weirdo twitched his eyebrows and moved the fingers hidden under his sleeves slightly.

"Honey boss, please go cook two side dishes."

He Cheng took out a fist-sized silver ingot with his backhand, and when he threw it into He Xiangu's arms, she bowed her waist and almost failed to hold it.

"Okay, wait a minute!" He Xiangu instantly calmed down her anger when she saw Qian, turned around and left happily holding the big ingot in her arms.

"Come, let's drink"

He Cheng raised the jug and filled the weird man with a cup of wine.

"Hey hey hey" the weirdo's black and yellow tongue stuck out and swept across his lips.

He picked up the wine cup and poured it into his mouth.

This wine is not watered down, but genuine cold water.

The two of them didn't speak even after three drinks, but there was an aura around them, which made the people around them unable to eat. Besides, the cold-dried steamed buns were not easy to eat, so they dropped the steamed buns and ran away in despair.


The wine cup followed He Cheng's wrist and pressed down on the table, making a small round hole.

"Hey hey hey"

The weirdo's black and yellow tongue hung down on his lips like a dead snake, and his sticky saliva dripped down.

His nose twitched slightly and he looked at He Cheng.

"You have..."


He Cheng raised his hand and turned his head to look at himself.

There are indeed some things on him, the most holy weapon in the world, the golden sword, the broken sword of Wude Xingjun, the Qinxin rake, the fire-proofing cloak of the heavenly general, the iron spear of Master Taiyi, the magic mirror of the Maoshan sect, and the black and yellow ghost-controlling flag of the layman in the thatched cottage. , the sun-chasing bow and arrow of the Ancient Sword Villa, as well as the succubus' earth-yin magic bead, the sky-yang god bead, the cornucopia of the plague god, the priesthood of the plague god, and the priesthood of the Wude Xingjun.

There are countless other gadgets and magic weapons that are of little use.

"drink wine"

He Cheng raised the cup again, he already had a guess in his mind.

"Hehehe~" The weirdo picked up the wine glass.

"I know there is another guy who has it, but why is it on you?" The weirdo scratched the back of his head with black and gray nails. He didn't understand.

"Come on! The food is here!"

He Xiangu interrupted the weirdo's thinking with a sweet shout.

He twisted his waist and walked step by step with a plate in both hands.

A large silver ingot worth at least thirty taels was exchanged for a plate of vinegared peanuts and a plate of diced pig ears.

The vinegar peanuts had a strong medicinal smell, and the pig's ears were foaming out. They were all heavily poisoned.

It's really a black shop.

“eat vegetables”

He Cheng pretended not to see the poison and raised his hand to signal.

He grabbed the chopsticks with his right hand and lifted it forward, while his left hand slowly touched his back.

"Hey, hey, eat, but compared to eating this..." The weirdo didn't seem to know how to use chopsticks. He picked up a piece of pig ear meat with his dirty black fingernails. Sun Wukong raised his head and put it into his mouth like eating noodles.

After chewing twice with difficulty, the weirdo continued, "I still like to eat human flesh."

He Xiangu had been standing nearby, staring at the weirdo.

But when the weirdo finished eating, he smiled disgustingly at her, and it was nothing wrong.

"It shouldn't be," she thought to herself, "It's all Zhang Guolao's fault. He didn't pay attention to this when he gave the medicine and poured the whole package of medicine into it.'s okay to take so much medicine, isn't it human? "

"Go get another pot of wine," He Cheng ordered.

He Xiangu didn't want to do it at first, but out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a long sword in the palm of his hand behind his back.

With a sudden thought in her heart, He Xiangu nodded obediently and walked away.

The weirdo didn't seem to notice He Cheng's little move, but he was still obsessed with pinching the pig's ears and eating them.

"The wine here is good, and the food is also good," He Cheng commented casually, but his eyes were fixed on the weirdo like iron hooks.

"Yeah..." The weirdo nodded in agreement.


He Cheng suddenly stood up, pulled back his left arm and drew a long arc, swinging the sword in front of the weirdo. His knees were like hammers and he smashed the Eight Immortals table into pieces in an instant. He kicked off the bench with his back foot and overturned it, and he came at me with a sword to press him!

The weirdo was still holding the strip of meat with one hand, and gently raised his other hand to block He Cheng's long sword.


He had just caught the sword and before he could say anything, He Cheng flipped his right hand and was already chasing after him, stabbing the weirdo in the face with an iron spear like a drill bit.

The weirdo opened his mouth, and his tongue caught the iron gun like a soft whip, and even strangled the head of the gun, making it difficult to withdraw it.


The weirdo raised his left hand again and grabbed the nine-tooth nail rake that was sweeping toward his head. However, the rake was very powerful and his arm was slightly soft when he used it.

"Poof" another arm rushed out like lightning, with long nails like scarlet iron hooks, and stabbed through the weirdo's chest. Another "Pfft~" sound came out, grabbing his heart and penetrating from his back.

At the same time, a cylindrical golden light fell from above the head, covering the strange man.

In an instant, the weirdo was seriously injured by a hacking move.

It's just that the weirdo is still laughing weirdly.

But before his weird smile ended, a golden light came under the big iron spear, cutting off his entire head and flying it away.


He Xiangu knew that the two were about to fight and walked away quickly. However, she thought that when they were done fighting, both sides would suffer, and she would take the opportunity to extort some compensation.

It doesn't need to be more, a thousand taels is enough. She didn't call it a black shop for nothing.

But they saw the handsome young master smashing the solid wood table with his knee, drawing his sword and bullying himself in front of the ugly weirdo. His attack was fast and fierce, but he didn't expect that the weirdo easily raised his hand to block it.

However, the young master did a magic trick and flicked his right hand to create a large iron spear that went straight to the weirdo's head. The weirdo was also very skilled in martial arts and actually caught the iron spear with his mouth.

No matter how you look at this battle, the weirdo wins. He still has one hand free. Unexpectedly, an arm suddenly stretches out from behind the young master, tears his clothes, grabs a big iron rake and hits the weirdo on the head.

That's not all. In the blink of an eye, two more arms grew out of his back. One of them pierced the weirdo's heart from below, and the other arm grabbed the mirror with a bright beam of light and covered the weirdo.

As soon as the weirdo's body touched the light beam, thick yellow smoke first appeared, and then small bubbles exploded.

The situation of the battle changed in an instant. The strange man who just took the sword with his bare hands was now stabbed through the chest and heart, and was at a disadvantage.

But the weirdo continued to laugh weirdly, as if he was sure of victory, until... the young master grew a sixth arm, grabbed a shining golden sword, and cut off the weirdo's head like tofu.

"Three heads and six arms! Humph, what a magical power!"

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