Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 433 Eight Hundred Years Later

The heavenly soldiers and the heavenly generals attacked the city of Fushou with great momentum.

"Crooked ways! Hmph!"

Erlang Shen swung the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand with disdain, and wiped out most of the evil dogs with iron teeth and orangutan tongues in the Evil Dog Ridge.

The Roaring Sky Dog roared again. As the god among dogs, the vicious dogs tucked their tails and lay on the ground whining, not daring to move.

"Go to Fusi City first, don't let the old Black Mountain demon escape!"

Erlang Shen gave an order and rushed to the city of Fusi with a burning murderous aura.

The high wall, which is tens of feet high, looks like a huge mountain.

The three words "City of Wasted Death" were hung on a gold plaque inscribed by the emperor himself, emitting golden light.

Erlang Shen narrowed his eyes. There was a golden dragon nestled above the golden plaque. If he attacked forcefully, he would definitely be counterattacked by the dragon.

"That old monster from Montenegro is coming out to die."

The city was quiet and motionless.

"Old demon from Black Mountain! You have violated the rules of heaven and killed the immortal god General Wude Xingjun, the God of Plague, the underworld judge Zhong Kui, and the judge Lu. You should go to the Immortal Beheading Platform! Come out and die!"

It was still quiet.

"Woof woof!!"

Dalmatian Roaring Dog roared twice.

The door opened with a "squeak".

Fifty thousand Yin soldiers came out with black energy.

"Okay!" Erlang Shen also laughed angrily, "Now that you are ready to fight, where are the heavenly soldiers and generals?"

"Yes!" The shouts of every god general were like thunder, and they shouted together, causing the soil around the city of Fusi to tumble and the mountains to shake.

It doesn't take fifty thousand, just fifty heavenly soldiers and generals to destroy this group of Yin soldiers.

"Immortal, have mercy on me! Immortal, have mercy on me!" A fat ghost ran out and crawled on his knees on the ground. "That damn old Black Mountain demon has run away!"


"He said he would kill the Immortal Realm today and unify the three realms!"

"What! How brave!" Erlang Shen waved his weapon and shouted, "First flatten the city of Fusi, then return to the Nantian Gate of the Immortal Realm to surround and kill the old demon of Montenegro!"

Thunder echoed: "Yes!!!"



In Shanxi, three people rode two horses on a small trail.

The sun is warm and feels lazily on my body.

"Sister, where are we going?"

Some slick Taoist priests with swords on their backs followed up with their legs tucked under the horse's belly.

There were two girls sitting on another bay-red horse.

The horse driver in front is dressed in white and carries a sword, followed by a girl in wedding dress.

"When we go to Wusi City, Senior Brother Jia Yilong is missing, so we can only ask him for help." Bai Yi said.

"Looking for the Lord of the City of Wasted Death?" The Taoist priest frowned and grimaced. "Even if we can go, how can ordinary person go to the City of Wasted Death?"

"Please find a place to put Mengxue down. The entire village of Mengxue was killed by the Ghost King, and there is no point in living anymore." The girl in the wedding dress turned pale.

"That won't work. If you let the Ghost King snatch you away, all sentient beings in the three realms will be in danger!"

As he spoke, the girl in white suddenly raised her head.

Seeing her move, the other two people also raised their heads.

The Taoist priest asked strangely, "Why is it so dark?"

For tens of thousands of miles, the sky was pitch black.

From time to time there is red light spreading.

Thousands of meteors fell from the sky and crashed to the ground. Fires broke out everywhere and wails filled the ground.

In just this moment, the color of heaven and earth changed.

There was no light in the sky, the sun was blood red, and it was hard to see five fingers even if you stretched out your hand.

By chance, a meteor hit in front of the three of them with a "bang" sound. The big noise frightened the horses to their knees and crawled to the ground. Fortunately, they were not ordinary people, so they jumped off the horse with a slight jump.

The horse fell to the ground, kicking its hooves wildly, and panting loudly, as if something very frightening was approaching.

"Ahahahaha, ahahaha!"

A hand stretched out from the firelight, raising its hand and tearing open the fire curtain.


A general wearing broken armor crawled out from the flames. He was overjoyed when he saw the three people. He opened his mouth to speak. He just took two steps towards them, and bang——! It exploded into black blood and flesh and disappeared without a trace.

"Senior sister...that's it?" The Taoist priest licked his lips, his throat was dry.

"Well, that's... a fairy..."



The beads in my hands twinkled,

The scene in his eyes changes rapidly.

Ta Ta ~

He Cheng landed lightly and stepped on the green grass.

"What a thin spiritual energy."

Green Snake and Yan Hong followed closely, guarding their surroundings to prevent the local gods from discovering them and being surrounded.

“It’s better to be thin”

He Cheng glanced at Yan Hong, but then turned to look at Qing She, "Go and take a look at the surrounding situation."

Green Snake did not quarrel with him this time. She glanced at Yan Hong seemingly casually, turned around and flew away.

Yanhong is now a time bomb.

There are good and bad bombs, but at least she knows that the Bodhisattva is staying inside her body, and she also has a big helper.

The disadvantages are more obvious. He can't do things by himself, which is what He Cheng hates the most. He likes to control his own destiny. Even if he is a fugitive bandit, he doesn't want to be an emperor who listens to politics behind the curtain.

"Bodhisattva, how do you feel?"

Yan Hong smiled and held the orchid in her hand, "These two beads are really special, but... this world is no different from what we had before."

"This bead can only travel through time, and time is not controllable. It can be used in emergencies." He Cheng explained.

She nodded, and suddenly her expression changed, "Why in the fairy world..."

"I thought you knew everything, but you didn't know that I was responsible for the destruction of the fairy world." He Cheng thought to himself, thinking that he could successfully get rid of her in the future.

"Does the Bodhisattva know when the Heavenly Gate will open?"

"..." She shook her head slightly.

"Since Tianmen is so rare, we can only wait."

As long as he waits for the gate of heaven to open once every thousand years, he will be able to wait for several thousand more years. If there is no life crisis, of course he is not in a hurry.

"..." The Bodhisattva did not reply and had already withdrawn his consciousness.

For gods and Buddhas, isn’t thousands of years a blink of an eye? He Cheng could afford to wait, and she could even afford to wait.

"But this kind and compassionate Bodhisattva has such an attitude when facing the disappearance of the fairy world..." He Cheng seemed to see the shadow of his own actions.

Shaking his head, he found a stone and sat down.

"Go! Go faster!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

There was a sound of thin ropes in the grass, and a man wearing brocade clothes, his forehead shaved brightly, and a braided braid emerged from the grass.

When he saw He Cheng, he knelt on the ground with a plop, "God! God, accept me as your disciple!"

The green snake swept away the branches, stepped through the grass, and followed the young master.

"This is……?"

"I was going out on a cloud just now, and I happened to be bumped into by him. He yelled at Fairy Girl and insisted on learning magic from me. I said there was a great fairy here, so I brought him over." Green Snake pouted and flashed his left eye. blink.

Seeing He Cheng's expressionless face, she muttered "Dead man."

"What age is it now? How long has it been since the Dayu Dynasty?"

The hair styles have changed, which must be similar to the Manchus entering the country and the change of dynasties. The Dayu Dynasty must also have been destroyed.


The young master scratched his forehead, "Ah, I remembered! That dynasty that was destroyed overnight has been more than 800 years ago." He glanced at He Cheng secretly. "I heard that the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and the stars were like stars. It fell like raindrops. Hundreds of thousands of people died, and the people in the Central Plains area were almost extinct. Emperor Taizu led his people to settle in the Central Plains area, and established the Qing Dynasty..."

"Are you really a god?" he asked, tilting his head.

He Cheng asked him back: "Do you want to learn magic?"

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