Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 438 The Evil Queen Kowtows

"...Fishing, fishing?"

Qiu Chunan patted the loess on his buttocks and did not dare to talk about slaying demons.

"You want to kill Xie Ji?"

If such a strong person takes action, Xie Ji will definitely not be her opponent.

The Seven-Star Witch can induce the Evil Queen to appear, and the combination of the Evil Queen and the Seven-Star Witch will induce Master Liansheng to appear.

One ring on top of another, one pile on top of another, they are all bait for fishing.

Besides, the Seven Star Witch also has great uses.

He Cheng shook his sleeves and turned to look at the fax sect that had smashed into the wall. "Are you here?"

"Zhenxian, we meet again~"

Liao Zhen stood behind the broken wall and awkwardly raised his hand to say hello. He had not seen the green snake transform into its original form just now, otherwise he would never have been this calm.

They were visiting the Faxist School just now when they heard a roar and ran over.

The reincarnation of Master Liansheng is Liao Zhen, but Liao Zhen is not Liansheng. The things in the past and present life are blurred, and no one can tell for sure.


The microwave door opened and Caiyi came out.

"Am I the Seven-Star Witch?" She raised her head and looked at He Cheng.

"Caiyi..." Bai Min'er opened her mouth to stop her.

"Master has always loved me the most, but he suddenly found a man for me to marry. I have always found it strange. Do we cultivators still need to get married?"

"Go in and say..." Bai Min'er begged and looked at He Cheng.

Bai Min'er's gesture undoubtedly admitted Cai Yi's guess.

Sitting on the futon in the main hall,

Green Snake looked around curiously. Although she had nearly a thousand years of cultivation, she had never entered a sect, so she felt it was new.

He Cheng sat down safely and drank the tea in one mouthful.

Xie Ji, Liansheng, etc. are not necessary for He Cheng, they are just boring pastimes for him while waiting for the Tianmen to open.

No need for He Cheng to explain, Bai Miner, who saw that paper could not contain the fire, had already explained the cause and effect clearly.

"The Seven-Star Witch must find a man who is strong enough to have sex with her. If the magic power disappears behind her, Xie Ji will not be able to use the Seven-Star Witch to enhance her skills?" Cai Yi bit her lip lightly.

"Then why not kill me..."

Some words said to one's face will make a person blush.

The little girl who has not yet left the court can't stand it even more.

"Did we really know each other in a previous life?"

Bai Min'er looked at He Cheng with a strong sense of familiarity.

"Well... eight hundred years ago," He Cheng said with his fingers.

Green Snake smiled, "You are really busy."

In fact, there was still one thing she didn't understand: why He Cheng, who came from the same place as herself eight hundred years ago, knew what happened five hundred years ago.

Eight hundred years ago was just a few days ago for Qing She, He Cheng and Yan Hong.

"You were a vixen in your last life, a green fox."

After chatting, Bai Miner also agreed to use Caiyi as bait, because the handsome man Caiyi married escaped from the marriage and was nowhere to be found, so he could only wait for the female demon Xie Ji to come to her door.

Not only do they have to wait, they also take the initiative to spread the news.

The night is like splashing ink.

On the top of Gushan Mountain, eight people stood side by side.

He Cheng grabbed his hair like steel bars and scratched his scalp.

There were eight people standing in front of me.

Zombie Immortals.

His method of making zombies is the simplest. He only needs to cut off his own arm and with some effort, he can create a zombie, but what he creates will always return to its original shape.

He remembered the horror movie "Fujiang" he had seen, which could split infinitely, but He Cheng couldn't do that step yet. He could recover and grow infinitely, but he only had one consciousness.


Following his sigh, Lu Dongbin suddenly fell to the ground and turned into an arm.

Some become legs, ribs, spine...

A bunch of scattered parts were all dismantled by He Cheng himself.

It is also difficult for the Eight Immortals of Zombies to practice. They have no Dantian and three souls and seven souls, so it is impossible for them to practice.

"What does it smell like? It's such a strong corpse smell!" someone shouted.

He Cheng turned around and saw a person jumping seven or eight feet high, jumping like a grasshopper.

Qiu Chunan was just going to go shopping at Microwave Store. It would be nice to talk to Bai Min'er.

The presence of two guys who didn't know whether they were friends or foes happened to give him an excuse to spend time alone with Bai Min'er late at night on the grounds of "concern."

Just when he reached the path, he smelled a strong smell of corpse and climbed to the top of the mountain worriedly.

After landing on the ground, Qiu Chunan's nose twitched hard, followed by a smell of spicy corpse air entering his nose. He locked his eyes on the black-robed figure in front of him, and immediately shouted, "Zombie! Dare you harm anyone in front of my fax sect Qiu Chunan, see if I don't... it's you..." He saw clearly who the other person was, and his expression suddenly changed. .

This is an unpredictable master.

"You came just in time, do me a favor." He Cheng grinned.

"No, no need..." Qiu Chunan slowly rubbed his feet outwards, his thighs and calves were so tight that they were about to cramp.

Zombies are the weakest monsters in the world. They are stupid and should be dealt with easily.

However, once the zombies have successfully cultivated, they will turn into flying zombies. Very few monks in the world can subdue them. If they continue to turn into bones, they will not be able to be dealt with by ordinary monks.

Qiu Chunan's eyes were bright, and the man in front of him was at least stunned.

"I'll give you a fairy tale!"

He Cheng raised his hand and shook it.

"I don't want your immortal fate!" Qiu Chunan ran away. He jumped up to the sky with his legs, kicking wildly, and he climbed up another ten feet.

"Puff——" An arm followed closely and hit Qiu Chunan on the back of the heart.

"What the hell!" Qiu Chunan vomited a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, rolled around a few times, broke a tree, and then stopped.

He raised his hand and looked, and his heart was shocked.

A thick arm bit into his right hand, and in the blink of an eye it had replaced his arm and became his new arm.

Corpse energy surged violently, wrapping Qiu Chunan...

When Liao Zhen got up the next day, he found out that his master and seven senior brothers had gone down the mountain to practice. He didn't know when he would come back.

"I'd better practice sword control... I hope Zhenxian is not angry that I accepted someone else as my teacher."

On the top of the mountain, with your back to the west and to the east.

The first ray of sunshine comes,

The purple energy was like a knife, slashing at He Cheng's head.

He shook his head slightly, opened his hand to catch the hair cut off by the purple energy, and touched the wound between his eyebrows with his other hand.

He said to himself, "One hundred years is enough."

The body has no Dantian, no soul, three souls and seven souls. No matter what shape it becomes, it is impossible to practice.

So he found eight male cultivators to practice walking corpses, but he didn't know what he would get in the end.

"Xie Ji is here! Xie Ji is here!"

Shouts came from the bottom of the mountain. This was the female cultivator from the Microwave Sect asking for help.

"It came so quickly..."

He Cheng turned his head and looked at a burst of black mist coming from the west. He turned around and jumped back to the door of the Microwave Sect.

The female cultivator from the Microwave Sect looked up at the billowing black mist above her head as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Senior sister, if that expert can't defeat the female demon later, just kill me with one sword..." Cai Yi bit her red lip with her teeth and two drops of blood oozed out.

"Caiyi..." Bai Min'er shook her lips, pursed her lips, and nodded heavily.

It would be best if she could save Caiyi. If she couldn't be saved, she would have to make a huge sacrifice for the sake of the world.

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Seven Star Witch, Seven Star Witch! So she is hiding here!"

Xie Ji laughed wildly, fell to the ground and looked directly at Cai Yi with her eyes: "Come on, Seven Star Witch, as long as I become one with you today, from now on, heaven and earth..."

She paused suddenly, swallowed the words in her mouth and made a sound like "uh--" braking.

When she caught a glimpse of Qing Yi's figure next to Cai Yi, she still felt familiar.

When she saw the man in black robe again, the memories that had been stuck in her heart suddenly surged up.

Eight hundred years ago, the demon was defeated and the demon world and the fairy world were destroyed...

Under the surprised gazes of Cai Yi, Bai Min'er and other female cultivators from the Microwave Sect, Xie Ji knelt down to He Cheng and kowtowed vigorously.

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