Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 441 Banshee Money Laundering

Bai Min'er didn't see the seemingly normal junior sister Cai Yi beside her, whose eyes were flashing red.

"Senior Sister, since the evil queen has been eliminated, I want to go down the mountain to practice."

"In two months, let's wait until the matter of the Facsimile Sect is settled." Bai Min'er looked at the bloody Facsimile Sect and sighed. "...If Qiu Chunan sees this scene, ugh."


Liao Mansion,

in the hall,

Mr. Liao sighed and beat his chest, while Mrs. Liao wiped her tears with white silk. "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

The maid was holding her breath, her eyes were red, and her palms were red.

I don’t know if I am really sad with Mr. Liao, or if I am hurt by the beating.

"Master! Master!"

Waizui ran in, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or accidental. When he took a step forward, he accidentally kicked the door on the threshold. With an "ouch", he fell to the ground and lost a small piece of his face.

The skin was rolled up at the corner of the eye, exposing the red flesh, and blood was flowing down violently.

His face hurt, and his mouth became even more crooked as he "hissed" in the cool breeze.

"He's in a hurry, not calm at all!" Mr. Liao looked at him crookedly and became even more angry.

The auspicious day of getting married turned into a strange incident where the daughter-in-law flew away and the son escaped from the marriage.

The storytellers in the theaters and teahouses to the east all started telling stories, making up one after another.

There are also many versions. Some say that the daughter-in-law is a fairy from heaven who came down to earth and fell in love with Liao Zhen, but Liao Zhen was not so lucky.

Some people also said that the daughter-in-law of the Liao Mansion was a demon and planned to dig out Liao Zhen's heart and eat it on the day of her wedding. However, they did not expect that Liao Zhen got guidance from the gods and escaped. If someone asks, why was Liao Zhen able to meet an immortal and avoid this disaster? Do immortals only help rich people? The storyteller can also be successful, because Liao Zhen is an "immortal madman", which is known to everyone in the town, and only he can encounter immortals descending to earth.

"Master! Madam! The young master is back!"

"Okay, okay, let's go out." Mr. Liao didn't listen carefully, and waved his sleeves impatiently, "Get out of here, I'm annoyed by your crooked mouth!"

He was stunned for a moment, then said "Hey!", turned around and walked out blankly, scratching his head, unable to figure it out.

"Wait! What did you say?"

He covered his mouth with a crooked mouth, hunched over his waist, and hissed at the cold air.

"I said... the young master... is back..."

"My son is back, where is he?"

"In the front yard..."

"Hahaha, good! Good! I'm finally back!" Mr. Liao was overjoyed, and looked at his crooked mouth strangely, "Why are you covering your mouth?"

"Sir, aren't you annoyed by my crooked mouth? I have to cover it up. As the saying goes, out of sight is out of mind."

"You are quite thoughtful!" Mr. Liao was very happy in his heart. "No need to cover it up. I like your face no matter how I look at it now! Especially your crooked mouth!"

"Butler, look at Waizui, his face is broken. I'll give you ten taels of silver to cover the medical expenses!"

"Yes" the old housekeeper nodded.

"Also! Each person in the house will be given two taels of silver to celebrate the occasion!"

"I understand, Master..."

Wizui was happy to receive the reward. He had to quickly squander the ten taels of silver to feel happy. The injury on his face caused by his smile made it hurt even more.

Tears welled up in my eyes, I wanted to laugh but I didn’t dare.

Master Liao walked to the front yard and saw his son Liao Zhen, with tears in his eyes, "My son, you are finally back!"

Liao Zhen turned his head, his face changed slightly, he pinched his orchid finger... but pressed it down uncomfortably, "Dad, I was wrong, I shouldn't have run away from the marriage."

"No, it's dad who is wrong. This wife also knows the magic. It's a good idea not to marry her! I'll find a new one for you another day!"

"Yes, yes," Mrs. Liao also nodded. She was happy to see her son back, and her tears fell down again.

Although Liao Zhen's condition was not right, no one cared about it. He must have been in trouble after running away from home. He was an only son in the family. Who would be willing to scold him?

For half a month, Liao Zhen ate and slept every day, and never once said he wanted to cultivate immortality.

On this day, Liao Zhen suddenly found Mr. Liao and said that he wanted to take over the family business.

Mr. Liao was originally worried that he would not be able to take over the business with his son's "immortal-crazy" temperament. His son would have to live on his laurels, and his grandson would also have to spend money, as well as his great-grandson.

The least he says is that it may not be enough to earn gold and silver.

But Liao Zhen suddenly said that he wanted to do business. Master Liao was overjoyed. He saw that Waizui was very thoughtful and ordered Waizui to keep an eye on him.

On the day Liao Zhen got married, the black-robed True Immortal sent him a box of gold, which was equivalent to their family's income for seven or eight years. If they were rich, they would not be afraid of squandering it.


"Hiss yo~"

Mr. Liao took a sip of hot tea and exhaled happily, "Ha~"

"Young master has been spending time in the accounting room these days, and he will definitely be able to take over the master's business! Move the gold and silver to the house!" The fifteen or sixteen-year-old maid who was fanning her mouth said sweetly.

Mr. Liao smiled, "I want him to study hard and become an official, but this kid spends all day sitting on the storytelling table in the teahouse. If we don't become an official, we don't have that fate. Being able to pass on the family business is worthy of our ancestors." "

"You are such a sweet-tongued maid. I think you will fill in a house for my son someday? Become a concubine and fill in the two sons first."

The little maid blushed and lowered her head, daring not to speak.

Liao Zhenchang is handsome, and his family still has money, so being able to marry him is a high-achievement.

"I've been making fun of the maid all day long!" Mrs. Liao was laughing and scolding.

"Can't you see it?"

After listening to Master Liao's words, Mrs. Liao turned to look at the maid fanning herself, and nodded with satisfaction, "Write down your birth date for me another day, and I'll go to the temple to ask for a fortune to see if you can have a son."

The maid's head almost dropped to her feet, and she whispered "Hey!"

"Master! Master!"

Waizui ran in, holding his knees and breathing heavily.

"what happened?"

"Master...Master, he..."

"Running away again?" Mr. Liao stood up with a cry.

"No, it's not!" He said with a crooked mouth and waved his hands, "It's the young master who went into business and bought a clothing store opened by a foreigner in Qianzhen."

"It's a clothing store opened by foreigners, what's the point?" Mr. Liao didn't care. Their family has a big business, so what's the point of buying a clothing store?

Outsiders call him Liao Banzhen, and his property can buy half of the town!

"No! The young master didn't buy a store. He bought the clothes in it and ordered five thousand sets from a factory in England."

"How many?"

"Ten taels of silver a piece, five thousand sets..., they want half of the deposit, I can't stop it, the young master has already paid the deposit, and the goods will come in a month and a half..."


Mr. Liao sat in the air and threw his butt on the ground, overturning the tea table and smashing pieces on the floor.

"This traitor has ruined all my family's fortune. Who did he buy and sell those clothes that exposed shoulders, squeezed breasts, and were immoral?"

His mouth was crooked and he was trembling and he didn't dare to speak.

"Hey, dad, why are you sitting on the floor?" Liao Zhen happened to walk in and saw Master Liao sitting slumped on the ground, as well as the maids with pale faces.

He quickly helped Mr. Liao up and said, "Dad, I have good news for you!"

"Okay, good news? Waizui told me all about it!"

"Have you told me? It's good if you know. We made a net profit of five hundred catties of gold, which is fifty thousand taels of silver!"

"What?" The ups and downs were like waves, almost knocking Mr. Liao to the ground.

Liao Zhen glanced at Weizui strangely and saw that he was trembling. He explained, "There was a rich man from the province. He said he liked these clothes. When I heard that I ordered 5,000 sets, I bought them all, one piece at a time." Twenty taels.”

"Where did this take advantage of?"

Mrs. Liao also supported Master Liao and said, "Bah, bah, bah, my son has a lucky star and has met a noble man!"

"Yes, yes! I met a noble person!"

Mr. Liao nodded vigorously.

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