Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 454 Substituting one thing for another (5,000 words)

county seat,

On the outskirts of the city, there was a thatched house along a muddy river, with candlelight flickering.

It was getting dark, Huiniang wiped the sweat from her forehead and came back from an acre of thin fields.

The baby was eaten by her, and she gave birth to five monster-like children. The fields lost their magical power and became barren again.

Not only does she want to save her husband, but she also wants to farm the land. The whole family cannot starve to death.

"Oh, once I finish sowing the seeds this time, I can go to the provincial capital to look for prawns with peace of mind."

Hui Niang sat on the horse with her back bent.

Some time ago, she was the second young mistress of the Chen family. She was well-dressed and well-fed. After being kicked out, she could only use her soft shoulders and jade fingers to carry a hoe and pick manure for farming.

There were few strong laborers in the family, and the farm work fell on her shoulders. After only one day, her white fingers were covered in blisters.


Hui Niang took out her embroidery needle and popped the blisters.

"Mom! We are back!"

After a while of laughter, five people ran back. Except for the handsome little girl who followed at the end, the other four looked older than Huiniang.

Hui Niang wiped her hands on her trouser legs, "You are finally back. Are you hungry? Mom will make you something to eat?"

"Okay, I'm so hungry, let's eat quickly!"

"Yes, yes! Let's eat."

The five people were jostling and talking loudly, making the room very lively.

"Wait a minute, I asked you to go out and find information about your father. How are you doing?"

"We are looking for him, but the news is not good..." The son who spoke had big and long ears, like two cattail fans.

"I stayed in the brothel for a whole day and saw every woman wearing clothes or not. I just didn't see my father~" This one had a big mouth, and his words seemed to be suppressed, but his voice was still high.

"Yo yo yo~"

The brothers booed.

"I was sitting on the roadside crying, and many uncles came over to give me loving hugs and kisses!" the only girl said with a proud face.

They did not find their mother. Huiniang looked angry at this time.

"I asked you to go out to find news about dad, and you actually went out to play? I'm so angry!"

"Mom, I can be different from them. I didn't bring anything back, but I brought something back!" He said looking at the oldest man with the biggest eyes.

"Boss, tell me what you brought back. Is it news about your father?" Huiniang felt a glimmer of hope in her desperate situation.

"Humph!" The boss pinched his waist proudly, "I've been staring at the toilet all day! Look, I have such a big pinprick, here! Here!"

The other four people also started to heckle.

The five people were making a scene, but Hui Niang was so angry that her teeth itched, "You, you are so disobedient!"

"Mom, don't you know how to teach children? Do you want me to teach you?"


When the five of them saw Hui Niang being angry, she was trembling all over and making a fuss with pride again.

"Knock knock~"

The knock on the door seemed a bit abrupt.

The door was open, and the six people in the room could clearly see the two people standing at the door.

The green clothes on the left were weak and boneless, leaning against the door.

The face on the right has an evil smile, but it's so beautiful that it's bone-deep.

"What two beautiful sisters~" the five people exclaimed in unison.

"Although I am an outsider, I feel so angry when I see them being so disobedient." The woman on the right said.

"Susu...ah! Caiyi, I still like your temperament," the woman in green said.

Upon hearing that they thought they were unfilial, the faces of the five people also changed. "Who are you, coming to my house to cause trouble? Do you believe that our five talented prodigies will teach you a lesson?"

"Can you bear it anymore?" The woman named Caiyi looked at Huiniang.

"Why does my mother care about you if she can't bear it? I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be polite!"


The woman's figure disappears.

"Ouch! Ouch!"



She passed around the five people like a butterfly through flowers. When she stopped, she was standing next to Hui Niang, while the five naughty children were kneeling on the ground with bruises on their bodies.

"If the child disobeys, he will be beaten!" She threw it away.

Only then did Huiniang see clearly that the weapon she had just beaten the five naughty children with was the chopsticks from her home. She didn't see the chopsticks she had taken.

"Mom, we were wrong..."

The five people were kneeling on the ground, not daring to move.

"If it were Yan Hong, she would definitely not be too harsh." The woman in green walked through the door.

"So she asked me to come this time. It would be even worse if she asked someone else..."


Huiniang couldn't understand what the two women were talking about.

She just turned into a peasant woman and didn't want to dress up. Otherwise, her appearance would not be any different from these two, and she wouldn't be surprised by them.

"What brings you two to our place?"

"I am Xiaoqing, she is Caiyi, and we are from Adjutant He. He wants to invite you to the provincial capital."

"Adjutant? Are you from Marshal Xu?" Huiniang's expression changed.

It was the Marshal's men who captured Chen Daxia.

Cai Yi on the side said: "Adjutant He just took office today, he can't stand that Marshal Xu is always in the fish and meat village, and wants to bring down Marshal Xu.

And... he heard that you have five children with extraordinary talents, and wanted to invite them to deal with Marshal Xu together. By the way, the adjutant said that he saw a man when he was at Marshal's house. He was beaten badly and was imprisoned in a prison. , seems to be called Chen Daxia..."

"Prawn?...I can go with you, but not my child!" Huiniang gritted her teeth and shook her head.

Caiyi shook his head, "What we want is your child's ability to help us investigate Marshal Xu's movements and collect evidence. What's the use of you going to a woman's family?"

Hui Niang hesitated. Marshal Xu had a high position and was indeed not something they could easily influence. "Then... I will go to the provincial capital with you first. If you can find a way for me to meet Da Xia, I will agree to let my child help you." !”

"You have no reason to bargain with us." Cai Yi shook his head.

"What if it's us?" The kneeling clairvoyant raised his head, "If you don't promise my mother, we won't help you!"

"Okay, I can agree to your request." Cai Yi agreed simply.

"Tomorrow I will take the second brother's car from the village to go to the provincial capital. I should be able to arrive in the afternoon." Huiniang was ready to see off the guests.

Caiyi grabbed her wrist, "Adjutant He doesn't wait for anyone."

"What about my child?"

"Xiao Qing is here to watch, she is even more capable."

The five children wished the hitting woman would leave quickly, cheering and nodding.

"Okay then...see the adjutant, do I need to tidy up?"

"The carriage is ready, no need to pack it up"

Huiniang was still worried, "I'll go find the village chief..."

She wanted to find a few more people to keep an eye on her, to prevent the handsome man from robbing her.

The two left in a hurry.

"Sister, we are hungry and want to eat..."

Green Snake smiled and licked her lips lightly with her tongue, "Okay, sister will cook for you~"

She muttered to herself, "He is indeed a devil, he can actually play with people's hearts to this extent."

From the beginning, their target was Hui Niang, but now Hui Niang thinks that their target is five children, and they even voluntarily gave them to themselves, which is playing into the hands of the succubus.

"He Cheng, He Cheng, can you tell which of her words are true and which are false?"

"Sister, the He Cheng you are talking about is the adjutant?"

"Seeing as your ears are so big, nothing can escape your ears." Green Snake looked at Shunfeng Er and nodded, "Yes, he is the adjutant."

"Is the adjutant a senior official?"

Facing the beautiful sister, the five people who had just been beaten became dishonest again.

After traveling all night, at the fourth watch, the carriage entered He Mansion directly.

Huiniang got out of the car cautiously.

The financial status of the Chen family in front of the He family is like an ant looking up to an elephant.

"Jinshan Galaxy, so majestic..." Huiniang said the rumors circulating in the market.

The two of them walked into the main room, which was huge and empty, just like a palace.

To the north, sat a man in military uniform.

Hui Niang thought to herself that this must be Adjutant He, and quickly said hello, "Adjutant He~"

"It's been a long journey, thank you for your hard work."

He Cheng stood up and glanced at Hui Niang a few more times.

Then he looked at Huiniang's side and said, "Why did you become like this?"

"Demons are impermanent, and I can feel that you like this. Yan Hong agreed and will call me Caiyi from now on."

"what ever"

He Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and thought to himself, "It seems that after the inner demon swallowed the Seven Star Witch, it has a greater influence on Yan Hong."

Deciding on appearance is a declaration of body sovereignty.

The inner demon can choose to turn into any shape, as long as it is different from Yan Hong, she has the upper hand in this competition.

"Adjutant He, have you really seen a prawn? Can you let me see a prawn?"

Hui Niang knelt on the ground with a plop, "As long as you can save the prawn, Hui Niang will repay you like a cow or a horse."

"Prawn, Chen prawn?"

He Cheng looked at Caiyi strangely, wondering what she had promised.

"Chen Daxia is being held in a cell in the Marshal's Mansion, and I have no right to arrest him."

But Hui Niang still begged: "Adjutant, you must have a way! Please!"

"If you want to save Chen Daxia, you can only forcefully snatch him. You will escape death. Do you dare?"

Huiniang trembled when the word "death" was mentioned.

This word was too far away for her.

"I want to save the prawn!" Hui Niang said through gritted teeth.

"The helper is ready for you, Min'er, come out."

A woman wearing white clothes, with a white mask covering her face, and holding a long sword came out.

Hui Niang looked at the other person's eyes and felt that they were familiar, but she didn't think much about it. She just thought that this was the martial arts master that He Cheng had hired to help him rob the prison.

"After success, she will help you arrange to fly away."

"Hello..." Huiniang greeted cautiously.

Bai Min'er, who was wearing a mask, couldn't help but breathe rapidly when she saw Huiniang.

She really looked exactly like her, and she understood He Cheng's reason for awakening her past life memories. Even so, she couldn't refuse.

Bai Min'er turned her eyes and looked at Cai Yi.

"I'm not your junior sister," Cai Yi said more simply, telling the truth, "but your junior sister wanted to kill me, so I killed her."

Bai Min'er nodded, "When she came down the mountain, I knew she was possessed. If you can get rid of her, you will also do a good deed for the Three Realms and Six Paths."

Good deeds? She knew exactly who was standing behind her.

Now He Cheng has the power to unify the three realms, but he chooses to hide it, which shows that he does not do evil simply for the sake of doing evil.

If he does evil only for himself, does that mean he can also do good for himself?

"The carriage is ready, let's go," Bai Min'er said.

"Oh okay" Hui Niang followed Bai Min'er in confusion.

The two of them got into the carriage, listened to the sound of the carriage turning, and left from He Mansion.

The carriage drove quickly all the way to the Marshal's Mansion.

From the fourth watch to the fifth watch, it is the darkest and sleepiest.

"Stop! Stop!"

In front of the Marshal's Mansion, the guard who was dozing off suddenly trembled.

Take out your gun and aim.


A white light flashed, and the guard fell to the ground, with a red line on his neck.

The white light flew through the sky following Bai Min'er's fingers, and the guards who ran out fell one after another like cutting leeks.

Hui Niang, who was hiding in the carriage, curiously opened the curtains of the carriage and saw the body lying on the ground.

Her heart was pounding with fear, and she quickly lowered the carriage curtain.

"follow me!"

Huiniang was pulled out of the carriage by Bai Min'er, and the two of them moved forward and rushed into the prison.

The guards blocking the road also had no chance to shoot, so they died in the white light.

A long sword, driven straight in. No one could resist Bai Min'er's offensive, and he fought until he stopped in front of Chen Daxia's cell.

Bai Min'er cut off the chain with a sword.

Chen Daxia and his wife met each other and hugged each other excitedly.

"Hui Niang, you came to save me!"

"Stop talking, let's leave quickly, otherwise the commander's troops are coming and no one can escape!"

Chen Daxia paused, "Wait a minute, can you save the other people in the cell? They are all victims of the commander's misfortune."

Hands stretched out from the cell, begging for help.

A white light flashed past, the cell door opened, and the prisoners who had just been praying for help were freed. They instantly put their grudges behind them, pushed aside Chen Daxia and his wife, and rushed out with a squeeze.


The prisoner who ran at the front flew back, knocked down seven or eight people, spit out a mouthful of blood, and died.

There was a small round pit on his chest.

"Dare you run?"

The five-year-old boy made a fist stance and blocked the door of the cell. "Whoever dares to run away, I will beat him to death!"

Bai Min'er rushed forward with a sword, pointing directly at the boy's neck.

The boy dodged backflips continuously, but there was still a bloody mark on his face. "What a sharp sword!"

"Third brother, I'm coming!"

A fat man covered in copper ran over and Bai Min'er stabbed him with the sword, but it only sparked a string of sparks.

"Punch me!" The boy rushed over and hammered his small fist in front of Bai Min'er with terrifying wind pressure. Bai Min'er hurriedly withdrew her sword and blocked it in front of her. The small fist hit the spine of the sword, and the sword was bent immediately. Bai Min'er uncontrollably took a dozen steps back before stopping.

"Look at me!"

Another person came out next to him, his arms were as soft as ropes, and he grabbed Bai Min'er.

She raised her hand, and the sword light was like rain, covering the figure.

When the sword light disappeared, the man pointed at his own body proudly, "I, the shameless one, can't be cut to pieces! The tall one, seven, kick her!"

A long leg came through the air and kicked Bai Min'er away, whose old strength had been exhausted but new strength had not yet been regenerated.

The five of them fought fiercely, and the balance of the battle seemed to be leaning towards the side of the Marshal's Mansion.

Only then did Chen Daxia and his wife quietly touch and run out.

But a little fat man blocked the two of them.

Chen Daxia and his wife felt something bad, and it was too late to stop them.

"Third brother, someone is trying to run away!" the little fat man shouted.

"What? Want to run?"

The vigorous boy who was pursuing victory was stunned, stamped his feet on the ground, and jumped towards Chen Daxia and his wife like a cannonball.

"You can't do anything to me, I am you..."

Before Chen Daxia finished speaking, a white sword light flew over and took the two of them away.

"Those boys wanted to kill me, but I gave birth to them!" Chen Daxia lay on his sword and coughed.

The surrounding scenery changed rapidly, from trees rapidly retreating to clouds retreating.

Hui Niang took one look at the sesame-sized house under the sword and felt dizzy. She sat on the sword and did not dare to move.

"If you eat those five beads, you will give birth to five children, right?"

"What? Huiniang...did you eat it too?"

"Yes, they are very naughty at home and cannot be taught well." Hui Niang smiled bitterly. If Adjutant He hadn't sent someone here today, she would have been pissed to death.

"Adjutant He is such a good man, he promised to rescue you," Huiniang said.

Chen Daxia agreed very much, "I actually invited a god to come, a god..."

When he looked up, he was stunned. The white cloth on the god's face had disappeared, revealing a face that was exactly the same as his wife's.

"Hui Niang, do you have any sisters who went up the mountain to practice and become immortals?"

"No, are you kidding me?" Hui Niang turned around and was also shocked.

No wonder she looked at him with familiar eyes, which were exactly the same as her own.

"After I put you down, run away. It's best not to return to Guangdong for the rest of your life." Bai Min'er touched her face and said.

"Of course, if we go back we will definitely be eaten alive by Marshal Xu!"

Chen Daxia chuckled, "But I still have to trouble the gods to bring my ten children here. I'm sorry for bothering you to make an extra trip."

"I'm not talking about Marshal Xu."

"If it's not Marshal Xu, who would want to kill us?" Chen Daxia smiled in disbelief, but was suddenly stunned.

When he looked at his wife, he found that she was also stunned.

Bad thoughts are growing in my mind.

"Adjutant He wants my child?" Hui Niang asked tremblingly, even though she was protected by magic, she still felt cold.

Chill ran up his spine.

It couldn't be easier for a woman who looks exactly like herself to change her role and become a "Hui Niang".

Their sons have become other people's children.

Hui Niang knew from the beginning that Adjutant He was interested in the children's abilities.

I don’t know how long I flew, but it was already bright.

By noon, they finally landed on the ground.

Bai Min'er left only one sentence, then left with her sword: "I gave you this life..."

In the barren mountains and ridges, there is no village in front and no shop behind.

Chen Daxia and his wife have left Guangdong thousands of miles away...

Caiyi walked back and forth in the main room.

There were some things that she couldn't figure out in her mind, so she couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure you can let her go? It's already dawn, maybe she has hidden Mr. Chen Daxia and his wife in a place where you can't find them."

He Cheng stood up, walked to the door of the house, watched the sun set, and said, "It's just a little willfulness, it's nothing."

"Do you know that she will definitely let Chen Daxia and his wife escape?"

"Whether Chen Daxia and his wife are dead or alive has nothing to do with me." He Cheng turned around calmly and asked her with a smile.

Caiyi suddenly woke up.

The guy in front of me is already the Supreme of the Three Realms in this world.

Small plans are just for fun, so what if the plan fails?

He is the strongest in this world. Even if Chen Daxia and his wife get help from noble people and come back to gather their ten sons and prepare to work together to settle the score with He Cheng, they will only fail in the end.

When you are not strong enough, you will be mean-spirited, but when you are strong enough, your way of doing things will change drastically.

Ten minutes later, Bai Min'er came back anxiously. She expected He Cheng to ask her how she was doing, but she didn't expect He Cheng to directly tell her, "Go back and be Huiniang for two days, let the children accept your changes, and then Bring them to the provincial capital.”

"Yes..." Bai Min'er may have something in her heart, so she left without stopping without rest.

"What's your plan?" Caiyi always felt that He Cheng had gone full circle, not just for the ten brothers.

"Bai Min'er is dissatisfied with me after all. I want to give her strong power and responsibility. How can I make her dissatisfied?"

The memory of the green fox is the influence of the past life, and the arrangement of places for the old ladies of the Microwave Sect is the influence of the environment.

The most important thing is that Bai Min'er's inner thoughts are still very hazy.

Caiyi asked curiously, "So are you ready?"

"I'll give her a chance to slay the demon, and then defeat her!"

He Cheng grinned.

He wants to solve the problem in the way he is most familiar with.

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