Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 459 Massacre of Thirty Thousand People


He Cheng was beaten into a hornet's nest and walked out.

What caught his eye were dozens of corpses on the ground, a dozen wounded, and a group of soldiers holding guns.

It spread from the front of the camp to the top of the mountain in the distance.

A sea of ​​people surrounded the two of them.

"Adjutant He! What happened inside?"

A young officer asked from a distance.

The sound of bullets being loaded was constant.


The officer who had just asked the question had a red spot on his head and fell to the ground.

The soldiers trembled with fear, but no one dared to shoot.

He Cheng looked at the green snake beside him who was blowing gently on the muzzle of the gun. The green snake understood his thoughts perfectly.

He opened his mouth and shouted, and his voice sounded like thunder for more than ten miles:

"A dozen division commanders inside colluded with General Zeng, a deserter, and planned to force me to step down from the position of commander! As a commander, of course I would not agree! So I killed the deserters and the rebels together!"

"Now I want to re-select senior officers, and all brothers will have a chance! Of course, those who are not convinced by me..."

He took a step forward and lifted his coat off his shoulders.

With a body like a strong bull and an aura like a tiger, it actually frightened countless soldiers in front of them and all of them took three steps back.

The soldier standing a mountain away was so frightened that his legs went weak and he almost knelt on the ground.

The soldiers seemed not to be alone, but to face natural disasters such as snow-capped mountains collapsing and flooding.

He Cheng is like a wild beast.

The nearly a hundred people closest to him closed their eyes and fell to the ground dead.

When his evil aura was completely unleashed, even gods would feel numb. A group of mortals resisted head-on. It was lucky to have incontinence and fainting, and cardiac arrest was also within the normal range.

"Those who don't agree with me can choose to take action, but once they do, the whole body will not be left behind!"

On the one hand, he is a high-ranking official and rich in salary, but on the other hand, he is in dire straits. He Cheng could also put a little more thought into it, but he didn't want to waste energy on this, especially after knowing the existence of Gantian Town.

And in front of tens of thousands of soldiers, his words were like the speech of a madman.

One person faced tens of thousands of people, but he was still prepared not to leave his body intact? One spittle can drown him!

Almost at this moment, someone shouted, "Kill him, and we will all have a chance to become commanders!"

The first bullet came, followed by countless bullets that hit his head and face.

He Cheng took a step forward with his left foot and let the bullet clank against his body.

He dug out a piece of dirt on the ground with his right foot and kicked towards the soldiers in front.

"What kind of monster is he, not afraid of bullets?"

"Quick, run! He's coming! Help!"

He Cheng raised his two hands, and his palms were like fly swatters, swiping left and right.

A soldier who was about to turn around and run away was hit by a slap and flew up in a spiral. He jumped over a distance of more than 20 meters and fell into a sea of ​​people, knocking down a group of people.

The screams quickly drowned out the gunshots.

He Cheng rushed into the sea of ​​​​people, it was the killing god, and the blood mist filled the sky.

There are 200,000 troops, and there are only 40,000 troops near the main camp. There are troops distributed throughout the provincial capital.

Of the forty thousand people, he actually killed thirty thousand of them with his palms like swatting flies.

Rivers of blood flowed.

He didn't stop until the gunfire stopped.


The official boots stepped into the bloody water.

He Cheng exhaled softly, and Green Snake came over and put on his clothes.

"Big...big, handsome!" There were less than ten thousand people left, kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Everyone was frightened, and their mouths were covered with sticky tears and mucus.

"Now we can have a good talk... Well, all the officers are here, and we will conduct a unified assessment." He stood in the river of blood as if nothing was wrong, but the officers suffered a lot and crawled out of the river of blood holding their breath in front of him. .

Bai Min'er took the ten brothers back to the Marshal's Mansion.

This trip took more than half a month.

"Where's Marshal He?"

"The commander is waiting for you inside." The maid looked at the ten brothers curiously.

A group of people who looked like adults but had the IQ of only four or five years old looked like retarded people. They bared their teeth at the maid, making her giggle.

"Commander! We have completed the mission this time. Do you have anything to reward us?" Da Koujiu said in an astonishing voice.

"Reward? Of course there is. What do you want?"

He Cheng looked at Bai Min'er who was hesitant to speak.

What he wants to break is Bai Miner's heart of "eliminating demons and defending the Tao", which seems to be not going well now.

"I want to eat meat"

"I want to set off fireworks"

"I want to get a wife"


Everyone talks about their own thing, and it's like a duck going to market.

"By the way, mother, what do you want?" Tenth sister is a caring little cotton-padded jacket.

"Tell me and listen." He Cheng stood up.

Bai Min'er gritted her teeth and said, "I want to persuade you to stop!"

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, Marshal He is a good man. It was you who taught us, have you forgotten?"

The ten brothers surrounded Bai Min'er, chattering and rambling.

Bai Min'er glared at He Cheng, "Caiyi died because of you, and you have harmed so many people, why didn't you stop!"

"I'm a zombie."

"Zombie?" The ten brothers were shocked.

"Oh! I know!" Shunfeng Er suddenly shouted, "I know why I feel something is wrong every time I see Marshal He. He has no heartbeat and is dead!"

"So you are the bad guy!"

Dali Sanmang rushed in front of He Cheng. His small fist had the power to split mountains and rocks, and rushed in front of He Cheng.


He Cheng raised his hand and easily caught Dali San's fist. He flicked his wrist back like a rubber band and smashed it twice on the ground like a rag bag.


Dali San rolled on the ground, and when he returned to his brother, he was covered in bruises.

"Third brother, how are you?" Lao Wu helped Dali San up.

"He is so strong, I am no match for him."

"so smart?"

"I'll do it!" Zhuang Pisi took two steps, and his waist suddenly lengthened, turning into a rope and wrapping it twice to tie up He Cheng.

Tongtou Liu hit his body with a "dong dong" sound, making a muffled sound like a bell, and hit He Cheng.

Tong Tou Liu had a bronze head and iron bones, and hit He Cheng on the waist with his elbow. The moment he hit, his fist was lifted up and went straight to He Cheng's chin.

"Ouch! So hard!"

He Cheng's body didn't shake, but Tong Touliu himself was knocked painfully.

"Let's come together." He Cheng grabbed it casually and pulled off Napisi from his body. Although the rubber man was difficult to deal with, he couldn't withstand the fire. He opened his mouth and spat out, and the flames cut Napisi like a knife.

"It hurts, it hurts!!!" The Cuckold was also slippery when he ran away.

Dali San, who had irrigated Shi Mei's tears, recovered and looked at He Cheng again, but there was unconcealable fear in his eyes.

Their abilities are too different.

"It's my turn." He Cheng leaned forward slightly, broke through the protection of the ten brothers, and came to Bai Min'er.

Ignoring her defensive movements, she slapped her with a palm.


Kill with palm!


"How dare you kill my mother!"

"We're going to kill you!"

Ten people besieged He Cheng. He Cheng only raised one finger and flicked it. The strong wind roared and the ten people were blown away. He seemed not to be prepared to fight anymore and turned towards the door.

"Tenth sister, use your tears to save my mother!"

"Ugh, it's useless, my tears are useless!"

"My mother is the best to us, we can't let her die!"

Ten people gathered in a circle and slowly ascended to the sky.

Golden light flashed, and a bracelet made of ten beads fell into Bai Min'er's mouth.

Bai Min'er, who had just closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes. She woke up, but her stomach bulged little by little.

He Cheng suddenly turned around and rushed to Bai Min'er's side. He raised his hand to hold down his bulging belly, "Do you still want to have another baby?"

"What are you doing?" Bai Min'er was shocked.

Corpse energy and mana mixed together and enveloped Bai Min'er.

The method the Great Demon God once taught him, Immortal Refining!

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