Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 497 The Bodhisattva Five Hundred Years Ago

Holding the imperial edict in hand, He Cheng came out from Nantian Gate and descended under the clouds.

After falling from the ninth heaven, when passing through the third heaven, I happened to see a man sitting at a wine table eating food, still muttering "Why hasn't the Weaver Girl come yet?"

"Wow, there are gods!"

When the man saw He Cheng, he waved to him excitedly.

After leaving the fairyland and flying towards the town, he was like a big bird without wings, and the white clouds spread out and drew out white lines.

How many people were killed, how many fish ponds were dried up, and how many rivers there were were clearly stipulated. No more, no less. Hundreds of years later, the Dragon King of the Jing River was arrested and had his head chopped off for arbitrarily changing the rainfall.

When He Cheng landed on the ground, before he had taken a few steps, he saw a lump of earth bulging out of the ground, and an old man with white hair emerged from the ground.

"But General Drought and Plague from Heaven?"


"Hehe! Yes, the little old man is from the land near here. There is an order from above for the little old man to lead you." The old man from the land bowed and nodded, with a polite attitude.

He Cheng was slightly surprised: "Heaven transmits news very quickly. Let's go."

"Yes, that town is not far from here. I am afraid that you are looking for the wrong place. And it is said that you have just taken office not long ago, so you can avoid making a big mistake, so I sent this little old man." The land is afraid that He Cheng will think too much, Every sentence is explained in detail.

"How many people are there in the town?" He Cheng asked casually.

Tu Tuqian was leading the way. When he heard He Chengwen, he turned around and replied: "There are two thousand and twelve people, and everyone does evil."

He doesn't care whether people are good or evil, as long as he doesn't waste his time.

He Cheng wore a black robe and followed the land into the town of Evil. Although the town was said to be evil, it looked quite prosperous. There were people selling pork and mutton on the streets.

There are also sellers of haggis soup and pork buns.

There are also the laborers who carry the burden, and the rouge horse who shakes the handkerchief.

Everyone has an evil appearance, and his face has an evil appearance.

"May I ask General, when will we take action?" Tu Tu asked.

"The fifth day."

"Isn't it too late? If we fail to fulfill the Jade Emperor's will, I'm afraid..."

"My plague is unparalleled in the world. Gods may not be able to withstand it, let alone mortals?"

The earth shrank its neck, and he only listened to the message from the general above, telling him to have a little immortal official come down to bring down the plague, but he didn't know what the immortal official's skills were.

He Cheng was telling the truth. He had absorbed the Plague from the previous world, and after evolving into a Drought Demon, the Plague had undergone new changes. Of course, it was of no use against masters, but it would still be a wink if it was used to kill a small fairy like the Earth God. of effort.

"You can go to my Earth Temple to rest for a few days, and then take action again when the time comes."

"No, you go back first. I will call you if anything happens."

"Yes, General" the land sank into the ground and disappeared.

He Cheng was walking around the town by himself. He had been in this world for a long time and was almost out of touch with the human world. It had been like this since the last world. The circles were different and the levels were different. Human beings had changed from what he had to avoid at the beginning to Ants in the eyes.

"Steamed buns, thin-skinned and juicy big meat buns, two copper coins each, hey!"

"Haggis soup, haggis soup~"

A big butcher selling pork and mutton stood on the street corner holding a knife. Next to him on the left side of the corner was a bun seller, and on the right side of the corner was a haggis soup seller.

"What kind of steamed buns, haggis soup? Damn, they are stuffed with human flesh. You never buy meat from me. Where do you get the meat?" The butcher sold the meat and chopped it with his kitchen knife on the chopping board.

"What do you do?"

Suddenly an unkempt man appeared in front of him, and the butcher was startled.

"Okay, okay, okay, my wife is starving to death, can you give me a piece of meat?" The beggar prayed with his hands in hand.

"You stinky beggar, believe it or not, I will chop you up! Get out of here! The stench on your body will make my meat stink again!" The butcher raised his knife and drove the beggar back seven or eight steps.

The beggar accidentally bumped into a passerby. The passerby became anxious and hit him with his fist.

"Ouch, ouch, don't fight! Don't fight..." The more he whined, the more ferociously the person he beat became. Perhaps because he was tired from the beating, he spat and turned around to leave.

"You are a stinky beggar. Other beggars are starving to death. They are grateful for the leftover soup. You still want to eat meat! You deserve to be a beggar! Why don't you, my wife, live a complete life?" "

"You..." The beggar raised his finger, but he didn't know what to say.

"Give me ten pounds of meat." A gold ingot fell on the oily chopping board.

The gold shone brightly, instantly attracting the attention of everyone around it.

"Okay!" The butcher was overjoyed after receiving the gold ingot. He raised his hand and chopped up a large piece of meat. After weighing it, he tied it with a straw rope and handed it over with two straight hands.

He Cheng turned his head and looked around. From the moment he took out the gold ingot, everyone looked at him with hot eyes. The reason why he gave him a small ingot of gold ingot was because it was the smallest thing he had on hand.

What's more, if he is thinking about him, he will naturally give him a ride when he comes.

"Take the pork," He Cheng turned to the beggar and said.

"Huh? Me?" The beggar raised his head blankly and pointed at the tip of his nose.

"Sir, are you going to give this good pork to this beggar?" The butcher didn't even talk about the fact that Jin Yuanbao could buy him twenty butcher shops. It was a pity, "If I had known, I would have just thrown some pigs into the water." .”

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

The beggar grabbed the meat and ran away.

He Cheng followed the beggar as he was greeted by the butcher and watched reluctantly by the shopkeepers who were trying hard to sell the goods and earn a piece of gold ingot.

"Madam! Madam! I'm bringing back the meat for you. You can't not see me!"

The beggar rushed into the ruined temple, and He Cheng followed him in to take a look.

In the temple, an ugly middle-aged woman broke her neck and died in front of a cracked pillar.

The beggar held the woman in pain and threw the pork aside.

"Although you are blind and decades older than me, you are good to me and I really love you. What does it matter if others say we are an old couple and a young wife?... But I didn't expect that you would lie to me and sell me out." Meat, kill yourself here!"

The beggar stood up and looked at the blood-stained pillar angrily: "Since ancient times, there has always been a lot of passion and hatred, and this hatred lasts forever!"

After saying that, he turned around and bumped into him, stepping onto the underworld.

"Reincarnation is the sea of ​​suffering. Marshal Tianpeng has thousands of love tribulations. Each life is destined to be unforgettable. The same is true for people. The seven sufferings in the world are birth, old age, illness, death, resentment and hatred, love and separation, and failure to seek. Only by escaping from the sea of ​​suffering can the body and mind be restored. Extreme.”

He Cheng turned his head and smelled a pungent fish smell.

Behind him stood a fisherman girl wearing blue floral fabrics, an ugly face, and spots like sesame seeds in sesame seeds.

He Cheng looked the fisherman girl up and down and grinned: "It so happens that I also have doubts. I want to make a lot of money, and I just happen to make a lot of money. I should be happy at this time, so how can I be considered a sea of ​​misery?"

"That's just temporary happiness. You will eventually want more because you don't have enough money, or you want power or beauty because you have money. You are constantly troubled and suffer both physically and mentally."

People who live in this world suffer, He Cheng remembers this sentence.

"That's right. Human emotions and desires are the sea of ​​suffering." He nodded in agreement: "But I think it's quite interesting. Only when you want something can you experience the happiness after getting it. If you get rid of the sea of ​​suffering, wouldn't everything be boring? "

"You have a destiny with the Buddha, but the time has not come yet, and the Bodhi has not been cleared, so it is difficult to appear on the spiritual platform."

"Many people say that I have a relationship with the Buddha." He Cheng stared at her, not disgusted at all because of her ugly appearance: "But I have to make it clear that I snatched this Buddha."

"This is also fate~"

The fisherman girl looked at He Cheng with a smile, not impatient or impatient, and seemed to have no objection to what He Cheng said about "grabbing".

How to become a Buddha must be traced back to the Great Demon God in the first world. His promotion all the way relied on killing eminent monks and Buddhas to steal their hearts and brains. To say that he had a fate with the Buddha was a bad fate.

"I haven't asked you yet, who are you?"

He Cheng was listed as General of Drought and Plague in Heaven, so he didn't need to run away when he met Lingshan Buddha.

At level 119, the one who comes is either a Bodhisattva or a Buddha.

"General Drought and Plague, I'm here to stop you from bringing down the plague. I have a discussion with the Jade Emperor to save the evildoers in the town in four days. If you fail, it won't be too late for you to take action again."

The Buddha's light emerged from her body, revealing a figure dressed in white.

"Master Guanyin!" He Cheng suddenly realized that although his face was completely different, this result had already appeared in his mind.

The Bodhisattvas of five hundred years ago did not recognize him.

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