Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 536 The three leaders of shrimp

The remnant of the victorious general returned with his head held high and the twenty-foot-long corpse of the evil dragon, attracting a lot of attention.

Each team returned to their resting place and waited for their reward.

The three shrimp soldiers in the team knew that He Cheng had made great achievements today and would definitely jump over the dragon gate. Their status was aloof. When they saw He Cheng sitting on the stone slab where he was resting, they did not dare to sit together and stood far away.

The seal on his body was a little loose. He Cheng couldn't remove more than a dozen mountains from his body, but he could learn from Yu Gong's move of mountains and break away the mountains little by little.

He had just removed a few baskets of soil, and he was happy. At least this method was feasible. What he didn't lack was time.

"Ah San, Ah San!" Captain Duceng's excited shouts came from outside.

I saw Captain Duceng swimming in with a purple sea snake, "Ah San! Stand up quickly!"

"Captain!" He Cheng stood up immediately, "What's wrong?"

"You guys have done a great job in slaying the evil dragon, and the Dragon King has given you a reward!"

Looking at Captain Duceng's excitement, it seemed as if a reward was about to be given to him.

If it is some treasure reward, you must pay filial piety to him in the end.

"This is Deputy Commander Ziying. I haven't seen the Deputy Commander yet!" The captain turned sideways and let go of the sea snake behind him.

"I've met Deputy Commander Ziying!"

"Don't you dare!" Deputy Commander Ziying turned out to be a female snake. Seeing He Cheng bending down, he shook the snake's head in fright. "You are the commander-in-chief recommended by General Jin Snake to the Dragon King personally. I don't dare to accept your worship." "

"Commander?" He Cheng was confused. His ability was only at the bottom among the shrimp soldiers. If he wanted to be a commander, he must at least have a golden elixir. General Jin Snake should know that without ability, he would not be able to serve the public in that position. , not a reward but a harm.

Could it be that he wanted to drag himself up and give him a vacant position, with fame but no power, to show that he, the Golden Snake General, would not take the credit for himself and encourage his subordinates to work hard for him?

He Cheng nodded silently in his heart, it was very possible.

Ziying continued: "Yes, General Jin Snake resolutely recommended the commander-in-chief in front of the Dragon King of the South China Sea and praised the commander-in-chief for your bravery. From now on, the commander-in-chief will be under General Jin Snake, ranking thirteenth among the thirteen commanders!"

"Commander!!" The one who overreacted was naturally Captain Duceng. He knew exactly what the lobster Ah San was capable of. If Ah San could make meritorious service and become a commander, he would definitely become a commander if he left.

The little shrimp soldier who could still shout casually yesterday has now become his immediate boss. Captain Duceng has mixed feelings in his heart.

There is a huge difference in status between the two sides. There is a huge difference between the captain and the commander. The commander can see the Dragon King at any time, but the captain may not be able to see him once a year.

"General Jin Snake also ordered that if the three commanders of Xi have familiar friends or subordinates, they can be promoted together to better serve the South China Sea Dragon Palace!"

When a person achieves enlightenment and ascends to heaven, no matter how many worlds he changes, it remains the same truth.

He Cheng didn't have any familiar shrimp soldiers. If he had any, they could only be counted as the three shrimp soldiers who went with him to slay the dragon and survived.

The three shrimp soldiers also looked at him expectantly, and already opened their mouths to shout thank you to the "Three Shrimp Commanders".

"No," He Cheng said calmly, "Deputy Commander Ziying, do I have my own place to live?"

Zi Snake nodded, "Of course the commander has his own cave."

"Deputy Commander, please lead the way. Please take care of me in the future."

"You will be my immediate boss from now on, so I should ask more attention from you."

He Cheng looked at Deputy Commander Ziying, who had advanced Jindan cultivation, and actually assigned him a little shrimp soldier who had not yet formed the pill as deputy commander, and then thought that she and the Golden Snake General were both snake demons.

It seems that General Golden Snake has made arrangements clearly.

One snake and one shrimp left quickly, leaving only three shrimp soldiers who opened their mouths and wanted to say thank you to the commander, together with the captain of Dupin, who froze in place in embarrassment.

"Xia San is so lost. Did he forget that I gave him a chance to become the commander? He didn't even leave a word!" Captain Duceng made sure he was gone before he cursed.

"Yes, yes, that's too much!" The other three shrimp soldiers also nodded. They had the chance to leap over the dragon gate right in front of them. Who would have thought that shrimp three would be a guy who is unjust for profit.

There was naturally a reason why He Cheng didn't want to bring three shrimp soldiers with him. The opportunity to kill the evil dragon was right in front of them, but they fled for their lives. It was a burden to have these little shrimps with them.

He has always believed that he should have strong heroes as his subordinates, and not obedient and loyal idiots.

Although the former requires him to be more vigilant, he will be more effective at doing things. The latter will not make him more vigilant and can be used with confidence, but a straw bag is a straw bag, so what's the use of being obedient?

Ziying led He Cheng to a tall seahorse and said, "Three commanders of shrimp, this is the mount rewarded by the Dragon King!"

A seahorse in the realm of elixir formation, the horse's cultivation level is also higher than his.

The seahorse has also been trained to know who its master is at this time, and it obediently waits until He Cheng climbs on its back before moving. Ziying is truly worthy of the word shadow, moving like a shadow, swimming in the water like a sharp arrow shot out, and traveling in the blink of an eye. Far!

Soon we arrived at the Commander's Mansion.

Of course, the Grand Commander's Mansion is not as good as He Cheng's mansion when he was in Heaven. It is just a dark cave with some luminous pearls, pearls and other treasures.

"In three days, General Golden Snake will hold a banquet to celebrate the Dragon King's reward. The commander-in-chief can have a good rest during these days, but he will inevitably have to drink a few more drinks."

"Excuse me, Deputy Commander Ziying."

He Cheng nodded and didn't pay much attention to the so-called banquet.

Three days passed by in a flash, and He Cheng had been breaking the ban in the mansion. However, during these days, he was busy with hundreds of thousands of sailors from the South China Sea Dragon Palace, as well as the heavenly soldiers and generals carried by Erlang Shen.

Within the waters of the South China Sea, no one is allowed to leave the South China Sea, including fish, shrimps, turtles, snakes, and dragon kings and dragons. Of course, other aquatic tribes are also not allowed to enter.

There are tens of millions of aquatic people in the sea. The shrimp soldiers, crab generals suppress them with force, and the divine power of the heavenly soldiers and generals can suppress them for a while. After a long time, problems will inevitably arise.

But the drought demon that burned the purple bamboo forest seemed to have evaporated from the world, and jumped into the South China Sea without a trace.

There are no waves on the surface of the South China Sea.

Erlang Shen stepped on the water, his body rising and falling with the waves. He looked around with three eyes, and only looked back when he saw the line where the water and the sky connected.

"Who is under the water here? Why are you having a banquet?" Erlang Shen frowned and pointed to the deep sea under his feet.

His eyes had seen through the sea water dozens of miles deep, and he saw the shrimps, soldiers and crabs below were toasting happily. Now that the situation in the South China Sea was urgent, there were still people enjoying themselves, which naturally attracted Erlang Shen's attention.

Immediately patrolling the sea, Yaksha knelt on one knee on the water waves and said, "Report to the True Lord, below is the territory of General Golden Snake... I heard that he had done great work in slaying the evil dragon two days ago and was rewarded by the Dragon King. A celebration banquet should be held in the mansion. ."

"Go and have a look!" Erlang Shen rushed down to the sea, and the heavenly soldiers and generals flying in the sky also dropped into the water like dumplings.

"This... Zhenjun, wait a minute!" Patrolling Yaksha sighed and followed.

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