Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 562 Zombies knock on the door at night

The three of them looked at each other.

Looking at his appearance, he couldn't tell who he was at all. Judging by his Feiyu suit, he must be one of his own.


"Go back and ask Ouyang Qianhu!"

After leaving two people to guard the place, the other Jin Yiwei left quickly.

Soon, Ouyang Quan came with a small team of royal guards.

But he was accustomed to being cruel by following the factory owner.

Cutting the body into pieces with five horses, cutting out the tongue and gouging out the eyes are just commonplace, skinning and cramping, being burned at the gunfire, and being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts are just a joke.

Ouyang Quan, who had developed a ruthless attitude, still felt a chill in his heart when he looked at the two mummies.

"This should be a master of evil martial arts!"

"Qianhu, isn't it some kind of beast that kills and sucks blood?"

"It's true that it sucks blood, but what beasts have you seen that only suck blood and don't eat meat?" Ouyang Quan bent down, held the knife on the mummy's head and gently broke it, pointing to the wound and said: "The tooth marks are also human, and the wounds are It’s rotten and must be poisonous!”

"Dig a hole and bury it immediately. Don't light a fire. The factory owner has ordered us to hide carefully!"


"I will report this matter to the factory owner." Ouyang Quan left one sentence and left without stopping.

This matter is of great importance. Someone attacked Jin Yiwei, which means that Jin Yiwei may have been exposed. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this was an accident. However, the scheming factory boss Gu Jinfu and Qianhu Ouyang Quan, who has evil intentions, must not believe this. It was an accident, but I thought it was someone in the dark trying to test me.

The Jin Yiwei who was ambushing nearby immediately reduced their forces and widened the ambush circle, only to scare away Lin Zhennan's accomplices.

It gets dark very quickly.

When the Jin Yiwei left with their shovels, there was already a huge grave in the distance.

The moon is raised very high.


A snake scurried through the grass.

It spits out red tadpoles and searches for its prey.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak," a gray-haired long-tailed mouse digging a hole became the target of a venomous snake.

The snake's sinuous body slowly approached the mouse. The venom had already been stored in its teeth, waiting for the right moment to kill it with one blow.


The shallow soil was dug up by the mouse, and a finger emerged from the soil.

"Hiss!!" The venomous snake immediately launched an attack on the mouse with gray fur and long tail. The mouse's reaction speed was not slow either. It ran towards the dirt bag, its four little paws clawing at the soil crazily. Although it was fast, it was They only dug down some soil, but couldn't move much.

The shallow layer of soil gradually slid away, revealing a skinny human face with its mouth wide open.


The venomous snake that jumped out finally bit the gray-haired mouse, and its teeth penetrated the mouse easily like daggers. The mouse's body was twitching, its breathing was rapid, and its belly was trembling with "snoring".

Eventually, the mouse died from the snake's venom.

The venomous snake's mouth began to expand, and its upper and lower jaws detached so that it could swallow the gray-haired mouse that was three times larger than its own head.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from the grave bag and pinched seven inches of the poisonous snake. The poisonous snake was frightened and immediately turned its head to bite. The teeth bit through the dry palm without any hindrance. The only scattered bits of venom left in the teeth were crazy. Instill it.

But the owner of that hand was not affected, and the strength of the fingers holding the poisonous snake did not weaken.

The buried person raised his hand, pushed open the grave bag, and crawled out of the mound.

It was the two mummies of the Jinyiwei whose blood had been sucked dry that were hastily processed along with the entire Lin family who died tragically!


The two mummies wearing Feiyu suits, without the suppression of sunlight, the corpse poison quickly spread throughout their bodies, turning them into two zombies.


The zombie let go of its hand, and the viper fell to the ground, dropped the rat meat it had brought to its mouth, and disappeared into the grass with a slurp.

The two zombies dragged their heavy legs and left in the opposite direction of the dyeing workshop...

Later in the night,

The air is a bit colder.

Zhaozhuang is thirteen miles away from the dyeing workshop. There are hundreds of families in the village.

There is no one to keep watch. The farm owner relies entirely on dogs to look after the house and chickens to tell the time.

"Woof woof!"

The napping dog suddenly opened his eyes and bared his teeth through the wall.

A bark was like a fuse being lit.

"Woof woof woof——!!"

All the dogs in the village woke up, roaring at the top of their lungs with a ferocious attitude that would make their hearts roar out.

"Meow!" The cat crawled on the eaves and cried coldly.

"Cock!" The rooster crows at an inappropriate time.

All the animals in the village were in chaos, like before an earthquake struck, roaring restlessly, but all pointing to the same target.

"It's so annoying! Oh, yawn~"

The man, who had just put on his cotton trousers and a cotton-padded jacket, opened the door and walked into the yard.

A small gust of wind blew, and the man tightened his clothes to block the wind knife that tried to get into his neck.

"Calling in the middle of the night, are you attracting thieves?" The only thing that kept him up at night in the cold weather was the three jars of grain that had just been harvested in the east room.

The man rubbed his sleepy eyes, not daring to be careless. He grabbed the hoe beside the door and stepped to the east room.


My feet came out of the shoe holes, and I touched the door with my toes. As usual, the already crooked east room opened by itself as soon as I touched it.

Moonlight then squeezed into the east room, which was empty except for three large vats of food.

"Hey! That's weird!" The man scratched the back of his head.

Looking at the livestock in the yard, they were still restless and swung their hoe angrily, "Barking! Barking! What a fart! Are you going to let people sleep in the middle of the night?"

Knock knock knock…

Someone knocked on the door and there was a lot of movement.

"Who is it?" The man's eyes rolled, and he tightened his grip on the hoe in his hand. The hoe was considered the most dangerous person in the field of crops, along with the rake and the shovel. .

Knock knock knock…

The knocking on the door still continued, and the force was even stronger.

"Master, what's going on?" The candles in the room were lit, the firelight flickered, and only the shadow of a woman with loose hair wearing clothes could be seen through the window paper.

"Watch the child and don't come out!" The man lowered his voice and asked. He waited until he heard the panicked response from the woman in the house, then raised his voice and replied: "Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! I don't know why I'm still asleep. Got it? Open the door right away!"

He came to the door with a hoe on his shoulder, but he did not open the door immediately. Instead, he cleverly lay down at the door and looked out through the crack in the door.

The moonlight is not as cold as the daytime, but it can still give people a clear picture.

This is remarkable.

Feiyu suit, Jin Yiwei!

The man's heart suddenly turned cold. Officials don't dare to neglect him, otherwise they will cut off his head with a knife and there will be no way for him to explain!

"Open the door now! Wait a moment, wait a moment!"

He threw away the hoe, quickly unlatched the door bolt, opened the door, and stood aside with his head lowered, "I wonder if the official is here in the middle of the night. What are your orders?"

The official boots dragged on the ground, approaching the man, but the Jin Yiwei did not respond.

The man didn't dare to ask any more questions, but when he raised his head, he saw two guards in golden clothes rushing toward him.


The screams spread throughout Zhaozhuang.

The two bodies sucked the man's blood, and their bodies changed slightly. Maybe they sucked too little blood, so the changes were not obvious.

There's nothing that can be done about walking dead, and it can't suck people's flesh and blood dry.

Therefore, the man's body did not change significantly after being sucked blood. He squirmed and got up from the ground.

The smell of blood relatives urged him to go to the inner room.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!!"

The dog barked at his master, and the rooster crowed indifferently at the man.

The two mummies of Jin Yiwei were afraid of roosters and dogs, and were so frightened that they trembled in place and dared not move. However, the man was attracted by the scent of his close relatives, and the temptation defeated his fear, and he finally walked to the door step by step.

Knock knock knock…

The knock on the door came again.

"The head of the house?" the woman asked in surprise in the room.

"Wow~wow~" The child was so frightened that he cried loudly.

The action in the back room instantly detonated the man who became frozen. He stared at the angry eyes and slammed the door with his head.

The broken door was old and easily knocked open.

Screams came soon.

After another stick of incense, the ranks of the frozen army expanded.

They split up and headed towards different houses.

Knock knock knock…

My head knocked on the door, and I didn’t know how hard it was.

That night, knocks on the door and screams gradually spread throughout Zhaozhuang.

In a martial arts world without gods and monsters, a group of zombies is growing like a snowball without anyone knowing it.


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