Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 569 True and False Lin Pingzhi

late at night,

He Cheng went to Ye Dian as requested.


He pushed open the door and naturally attracted everyone from the Huashan sect who occupied the wine table on the first floor.

Linghu Chong, who was holding the wine jar and pouring wine, raised his eyelids and glanced at He Cheng, muttered a few words, and then continued to pour wine nonchalantly.

There was murderous intent hidden in Lin Pingzhi's gloomy eyes, and he wanted to devour his flesh and blood and drink his blood.

There is also Yue Lingshan sitting next to Yue Buqun, disguised as a man. Except for Lin Pingzhi, who is unlucky in this world and was killed as an impostor at the beginning, Yue Lingshan in other worlds can be admired by Lin Pingzhi and is an iron nail. wife.

"Hahaha, Chenger, you are finally here!"

Yue Buqun laughed loudly and stood up, and said to the confused Huashan disciples: "He is my new disciple, and he is also your little junior brother!"

"Master, when did you take in your junior brother?" Everyone was confused.

"Junior brother?" Linghu Chong put down the wine jar, and as the senior brother was the first to welcome He Cheng, "Junior brother, don't worry, in the future you just need to bring more wine, Huashan will send me to protect you!"

"Yes, yes, it's great to have a junior brother!" Others reacted and gathered around He Cheng to inquire about his welfare.

"I originally planned to ask He Cheng to become my disciple tonight, but things are urgent. I have to choose an auspicious day to become my disciple." Yue Buqun put his fist in front of his mouth and coughed lightly. The Huashan disciples also calmed down and turned their eyes on themselves. The most respected and admired master.

"So, you just need to know that he is still your junior brother, and a member of my Huashan sect is enough!"

"Yes! Master!"

All the disciples in Huashan said in unison, their true energy gathered in their throats and exploded. The sound penetrated the roof and caused the birds and insects in the forest to flee.

"Yes!" Yue Buqun nodded with satisfaction.

"Now that the first good thing has been announced, I will announce the second good thing for you to bring a double happiness!"

He Cheng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he guessed it was not a good thing.

Sure enough, I heard Yue Buqun say: "I want to betroth Shan'er to He Cheng!"

"Ah?" Everyone, look at me and I look at you. I can't figure out what happened. Although the newly recruited junior brother is handsome and has an extraordinary bearing, the decision to marry cannot be decided by the touch of lips. thing.

"What!" Yue Lingshan was stunned. "I won't marry!"

"You don't want to marry? It's not up to you! If I ask you to marry, you must marry!"

"Then I would rather die!" Yue Lingshan stood up angrily, gave He Cheng a hard look, stepped on the wooden stairs, and went upstairs to her room.

"Master, please think twice..." The disciples of the Huashan Sect knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

It's just that Yue Buqun has a big plan in mind, and even his daughter is willing to carry out such a big plan, so it doesn't matter if a few disciples kneel down.

"Elder brother..." Everyone looked at Linghu Chong, hoping that he would persuade Yue Buqun.

"Master! Although my junior brother appears to be talented, but... as far as I know, he seems to have a Miao wife. It would be inappropriate for my junior sister to marry her..."


Yue Buqun snorted "Huh" coldly.

He shook his sleeves and said with his hands behind his back: "I am the head of the Huashan Sect and her father. If I ask her to marry, she must marry! Even if I am a concubine, she must marry!"

Linghu Chong shut up and sat back down, not daring to persuade him any more.

He had known since childhood that although his master was elegant and easy-going, some things were decided at once and no one could change them.

"Cheng'er, come to my room. I have something to talk to you about."

"Yes" He Cheng turned around and followed Yue Buqun away.

"Senior Brother Linghu, is what you said before about my father's instructions true?"

Just after He Cheng followed Yue Buqun into the room, fake Lin Pingzhi approached Linghu Chong who was drinking.

"Of course! Senior Lin Zhennan told me before he died that this matter can only be told to you, Lin Ping." Linghu Chong said nonchalantly.

Linghu Chong had been by Lin Zhennan's side when he died, and was entrusted by Lin Zhennan before his death to tell Lin Pingzhi the location of the Sunflower Book.

But now, the real Lin Pingzhi appears, making the fake Lin Pingzhi doubt Linghu Chong's words.

"By the way, Senior Brother Linghu, you have been such a big help to me. To take advantage of the Miao people's happiness today, I bought a jar of good wine, just in time to lend flowers to the Buddha!"

"Good wine?" Linghu Chong suddenly woke up from drunkenness.

"Wait a moment, I'll get it to you"

"Go, go!" Linghu Chong pushed the fake Lin Pingzhi, swallowing dryly and said: "Because of your words, I have brought out all the greedy people."

"Hey, good!"

Lin Pingzhi returned to the room and closed the door. He sat back on the bed, murderous intent appearing in his eyes.

He took out a packet of medicine from his body, uncorked the wine jar, and poured all the white medicine powder into it.

The smell of the medicine blended into the aroma of the wine and was instantly swallowed up, leaving no trace behind.

"Linghu Chong may not be telling the truth to me. He said that when Lin Zhennan was dying, he told him that the sunflower treasure collection was hidden under the waterwheel in the dyeing workshop. It was probably a lie." He held the wine jar and couldn't stop thinking in his heart: "On the contrary, it was Lin Pingzhi, after escaping the disaster, claimed to be He Cheng. It is very likely that he has obtained the Sunflower Book! Maybe he wants to borrow the Sunflower Book and ask Yue Buqun to help him take revenge!

It's a pity, Lin Pingzhi, you are too short-sighted to know that the so-called Jianghu sect is just a mantis in front of the big wheel of Dongchang! "

"Kill Linghu Chong first to prevent him from spreading nonsense. Even lies cannot be spread back to the ears of the factory owner. The Sunflower Book, which is unique in the world, can only be cultivated by me!"

If Lin Pingzhi is obsessed with the secrets of peerless martial arts and plans to use the Sunflower Book to reach the sky in one step, how can he be publicized?

"If the factory owner knows that I have found out the whereabouts of the Sunflower Book, I can get the secret book. If I can't get it, Gujinfu is so ruthless, I will definitely not survive. And the secret book that can move thousands of miles, why don't I look at it myself first? To pay my respects, if I can deliver it to the Emperor in person, the factory owner will change his surname to Ouyang!"

Bang, the door was pushed open violently.

Fake Lin Ping was shocked and immediately hid the medicine wrapper under his butt.

"Pingzhi, you're too slow to get the wine~"

Linghu Chong walked in with a complaint. When he saw the wine jar in Lin Pingzhi's hand, he stretched out his hand to grab it. Holding the mouth of the jar, he took a deep breath: "It smells so good~ It's such a good wine! Are you suddenly reluctant to part with this wine?"

"Senior Brother Linghu, this wine is just for you, why can't I part with it?" Lin Pingzhi said.

"Haha, then I'm not welcome!" Linghu Chong held the wine jar and drank heavily.

After a short time, the wine tank bottomed out.

"Ha~, so happy!" He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, leaving a trace of water behind.

A sound of pushing and shouting came from the door, and all the Huashan disciples grabbed Linghu Chong: "Senior Brother, you are here, come quickly, my junior sister is about to hang herself, please come and persuade her."

"Pingzhi, hiccup~, thank you for the good wine~" Linghu Chong waved his hand to the fake Lin Pingzhi and followed the Huashan disciples away.

"Hmph, after tonight, all your internal organs will be damaged!" The fake Lin Pingzhi stood up, opened the window and jumped out: "I want to hear whether Lin Pingzhi knows the whereabouts of the Sunflower Book."

He now knows a piece of news from Linghu Chong. If Lin Pingzhi can tell the location of the Sunflower Book, he will definitely be able to get the real martial arts secret book if he has two pieces of information.

On the other hand, if Zhen Lin Pingzhi does not know the whereabouts of the Sunflower Book, it means that only Linghu Chong and he know the whereabouts of the Sunflower Book.

No matter how you calculate it, the secrets of martial arts are in his hands!

The reason why he was so wary of He Cheng was because He Cheng "faked his death".

He can endure all kinds of torture and beatings, and endure the hatred of genocide. His character is even fake and Lin Pingzhi finds it terrifying.

Therefore, we can only be on guard against He Cheng and never dare to relax at all.

Lin Pingzhi was like a snake, lying on the wall and swimming quickly to the window of Yue Buqun's room.

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