Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 576 I am a zombie too

The sea of ​​corpses surged, squeezing Yue Buqun and Gu Jinfu into a small circle. There were two thousand heads, and at a glance there was nothing but darkness.

White and black shadows jumped among them, blocking the way in the air.

"Mr. Factory, don't hide your clumsiness anymore, otherwise the two of us will definitely die!" Yue Buqun's eyes began to roll again.

"Although the Zajia family would like to tear you into pieces, they also know which is more important than the other!"

Gujinfu strikes again.


The white-haired zombie had already surged forward, and when he was hit by a palm, he immediately flew backwards.

"White Mao is not as strong as Black Mao, but he is still strong. Mr. Factory, you have to be careful!" Yue Buqun fired thirteen swords in a row, knocking five white-haired zombies away and hitting them, and beheaded seven more zombies.

The zombie's head fell to the ground with a grunt.

The sword energy was swept again, and two white-haired stiff heads were chopped off.


The blade made a crisp sound and was about to break.

"Sword energy can really kill zombies", He Cheng saw it clearly in the dark.

Bai Maozheng's body that can ignore bullets is nothing compared to martial arts masters. If he has a good sword in hand, it is extremely easy for Yue Buqun and Gu Jinfu to kill all the zombies present.


The black-haired zombie chased after the white-haired zombie who was knocked away. His ten fingers were like small files, and as soon as his eyes were pierced, they were like rocks falling from the top of the mountain, hitting Yue Buqun with great force.

"Mr. Factory, help me quickly!" Yue Buqun's expression changed slightly and he took half a step back, bringing Gu Jinfu closer to Heimao Zheng's attack range.

"What a hypocrite. He is less of a man than a useless member of the Za family!" Gu Jinfu was angry in his heart, but he did not dare to look down upon the black-haired monster that hit him. The true energy in his hand burst out, smashing the black-haired monster with more force. It flew back at a fast speed.


A large group of zombies collapsed, but Gu Jinfu spat out a mouthful of blood.

He only used half of his strength to deal with the black-haired zombies. Before the outbreak, he had to pay attention to the arrogant walking zombies. Unexpectedly, Yue Buqun turned around and ran away without saying a word, causing Gujinfu to suffer a big loss.

Although he finally used his strength to knock Heimao Zheng away, the force of Heimao Zheng also hit Gu Jinfu.

Internal injuries aggravated his body, making Gu Jinfu's complexion even worse.

"Yue Buqun!" Gujinfu was furious and yelled in a high-pitched voice.


Urgent fire attacked his heart, and he spit out another mouthful of blood. The blood ignited the entire zombie group, and the lifeless zombie group became excited.

Gu Jinfu hurriedly raised his energy and blood, but he didn't expect that he would be poisoned by corpse poison.

His entire face quickly turned livid, but before Gujinfu had the chance to turn into a zombie, the Zombies had already pounced on him, tearing him apart, biting him to bits, and turning him into pieces of flesh.

The corpses rolled over and chased after him, chasing after Yue Buqun's clothes brought up by Qinggong, and poured into the woods.


Yue Buqun just entered the woods, but was surprised to find someone hiding in the woods.

"Why are you here?" he asked cautiously.

"Monsters don't eat dead bodies, so I faked my death and escaped." He Cheng also didn't expect that Yue Buqun would come towards him. His brain was flashing and he temporarily found a coping strategy.

"Fake death..." Yue Buqun muttered.

This was the second time he heard that He Cheng used some kind of "secret method" to fake his own death to escape from trouble.

"It seems that this is also the secret knowledge of the Lin family. That's right. How could Lin Zhennan bring only one secret book to the palace?" Yue Buqun immediately changed his expression and said gently: "Pingzhi, I will take you away!"

"Thank you, Master, for the rescue!" He Cheng was pleasantly surprised.

Yue Buqun passed by low, grabbed He Cheng, and flew away using Qinggong.

As soon as I took a step forward, the wind howled.

Branches and fallen leaves passed by.

"Roar!" Howls from behind followed closely, but when the zombies entered the woods, they were scattered by the intricate trees. The momentum of the mountain roar and tsunami was instantly broken down and became fragmented.

"This Yue Buqun has something on his mind."

After just a few minutes of contact, Yue Buqun actually saw the problem with zombies. He knew that although zombies were numerous and unstoppable, they had no brains and would turn into loose sand if they were scattered.


He Cheng grinned, lowered his head and let Yue Buqun pull him by the shoulders and fly low.

"Master, I saw Senior Brother Linghu Chong coming before."

"Well, I've met him," Yue Buqun replied nonchalantly.

"He's trapped in a horde of monsters."

Yue Buqun was bent on escaping, hoping to obtain from He Cheng the secret method of feigning death and escaping, and then practicing the Sunflower Book, without intending to live or die as his apprentice.

"And..." Seeing that Yue Buqun turned a deaf ear, He Cheng's lips curled up slightly, "Besides, I don't know what kind of peerless martial arts Brother Linghu has acquired. He can actually kill two black-haired monsters with one sword."


Yue Buqun had nails on his feet, which were driven into the trunk of the tree.

He knew his son better than his father, and he handed over all his disciples hand in hand. Yue Buqun probably knew Linghu Chong's level better than Linghu Chong himself.

Even if he encounters a white-haired monster, he has to scramble, but he can actually kill two black-haired monsters with one sword.

"Pingzhi, how can I ignore my apprentice?" Yue Buqun smiled elegantly: "Don't worry, we will go back to rescue him immediately."

Being able to turn a useless apprentice into a top-notch master in a day or two, even if it is not as good as the Sunflower Book, is definitely extraordinary!

"Pingzhi, do you know where Chong'er is?"

Seeing Yue Buqun's eager inquiry, He Cheng glanced at the group of corpses below that had gathered around him.

"They are..."


The hand knife cut Yue Buqun's wrist, drawing a red line, and at the same time, a thick black corpse aura penetrated along the wound.

"You!" Yue Buqun felt pain in his wrist and let go, watching He Cheng fall into the group of corpses.

The corpses swarmed up and engulfed He Cheng.

Yue Buqun couldn't figure out why He Cheng cut his wrist with his nails and fell into the group of corpses.

"Hiss——, it's poisonous!"

The whole arm turned black, stiff and numb in an instant.

"What a poisonous boy!"

Yue Buqun stared and touched his shoulder with his left hand, but the poison was still crawling up his flesh and blood.

"It's useless, what kind of poison is it?"

Yue Buqun's body stiffened, his internal strength stagnated, and he fell into the group of corpses.

The group of corpses swarmed up and swallowed him up in an instant.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

The purple energy suddenly expanded from the sea of ​​corpses, boom!

Twenty lines of zombies turned into a rain of corpses and flesh, splattering everywhere.

In the open space, Yue Buqun stood with one arm, his clothes were in tatters and his body was covered with scratches.

He cruelly broke his right arm, but failed to stop the invasion of corpse poison.


Yue Buqun raised his head, his eyes blurred. Half a foot away, He Cheng looked at him with a smile.

Behind him were countless corpses, as thick as a city wall.


Yue Buqun asked why he wanted to attack him and cause him to be like this.

The second question is, why was He Cheng standing among the corpses and not being attacked.

"Could it... be a secret method?" Yue Buqun's eyes lit up. If he could obtain this secret method of not being attacked by corpses, and then raise an army of hundreds of thousands, he would be able to unify the country, let alone the martial arts world!

The ambition in his heart was expanding rapidly.

"Secret method?" He Cheng grinned mockingly, his handsome face smiling happily, "Master, I am also a zombie."


He looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar became the last signal for the attack. One head froze, two heads, three heads,... ten heads, a hundred heads...

He Cheng passed by the shoulder and knocked Yue Buqun down.

Completely submerged…

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