Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 620 The elder brother-in-law of the Dragon King of the East China Sea

It’s the third day of the lunar month again,

On the surface of the East China Sea, only the "splashing" water waves exploded, the water and the sky merged, and a red dragon emerged from the water and soared over the East China Sea.

During the rolling, the clouds and mist were pulled in and wrapped into cloud clothes, accompanied by the red dragon dancing in the sky.


The red dragon landed on the ground and turned into a dragon robe with a human body and a dragon head.

He is the legendary Dragon King of the East China Sea, who rules the four seas. He is also the rain god canonized by heaven, and the dragon god who controls the world. However, he did not go out to the East China Sea today just to make clouds and rain.

There are dragon clans stationed in all the rivers, lakes, and even wells and pools in the world. They all perform their duties, and there is no need for the Dragon King of the East China Sea to take action. He has other important things to do when he goes out today.

"Prime Minister Turtle of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, he has arrived at the age of nine thousand years~"

The gong clangs.

"Prime Minister Turtle of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, he has arrived at the age of nine thousand years~"

The waves in the distance hit the shore,

Bang, throw out a turtle.

The turtle squirmed, stood up and transformed into a human, touched the black gauze hat on the top of his head, straightened the big red flower on his chest, took out a pair of gongs from somewhere, and started beating them.

While beating, he also shouted "drive" to highlight his identity.

"Prime Minister Turtle, what's the matter? If you're not at home taking care of your own Granny Turtle, what are you doing here on the shore?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea was bumped into by Prime Minister Turtle, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Dragon King! Big deal! Big deal!"

"What's the big deal?"

"The Dragon King of Bohai Sea just sent a message. There is a monkey who claims to be the Chaotian Great Sage. He went to the Bohai Sea and snatched away Optimus Prime. Now the Bohai Sea is flooded, killing and injuring millions of lives!"

"Great Sage Chaotian? Another monkey?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea dislikes monkeys the most. Five hundred years ago, he took away the iron needle that anchors the sea in the East China Sea. Now another monkey comes to take away the pillar supporting the sky in the Bohai Sea.

"They are causing floods. How can we, Donghai, help? If the Dinghai magic needle is still there, I can borrow it from Dinghai. Hasn't it been snatched away by another monkey and hidden in the ear?"

"Hehehehe..." Prime Minister Turtle smiled awkwardly, "Dragon King, this... I'm worried about you. I heard that the ape monkey was so powerful that he slapped the Dragon King of Bohai into a dead dragon. He opened his mouth and ate two more Prince Tiaolong just grabbed Optimus Prime and left, this...this..."

"Prime Minister Turtle is worrying too much!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea's expression was already bad. Originally he had important matters and could not delay, but now listening to Prime Minister Gui, he seemed to be unable to defeat that monkey. The Dragon King of the Bohai Sea, a little dragon who was dissatisfied with the immortals, dared to fight with the majestic Lord of the Four Seas. Comparable?

"If nothing happens, Prime Minister Gui, you should go back first. I still have something to do!"

"Yes..." After all, Prime Minister Turtle has lived for thousands of years. He knew that he had offended the Dragon King of the East China Sea by stroking the dragon's beard. He did not dare to say anything more immediately. He could only watch the Dragon King of the East China Sea turn into a red dragon and fly into the clouds. Head west.

“I have to go out every month and I don’t know what to do. I spend all day messing around and causing trouble. It’s probably not going to end well~”

Prime Minister Turtle muttered something, plunged into the sea with a sudden force, and swam into the deep sea.

And the Dragon King of the East China Sea turned into a dragon and flew towards the west, preparing to meet the beauty he had been thinking about day and night for a month.

"The Dragon King stays!"

A woman's voice came from a distance, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea stopped subconsciously and turned into a human form.

As soon as the Dragon King of the East China Sea landed on the clouds, a figure in green clothes followed him in the distance.

"Beauty, why is it you? Why don't you wait in the deep valley for me to come and have a private meeting with you?"

The figure came closer, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea realized that the person who came was actually the beauty he had been thinking about day and night.

"Dragon King, it's not that I don't want to go to the Bird Immortal, but it's that the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom has become very powerful recently, and that place has been occupied by many monsters from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom. If I go to the Bird Immortal, I'm afraid I'll be eaten alive by them!"

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons! I heard that the king of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons was General Drought and Plague who fought against Tathagata Buddha a few years ago. Some time ago, he trapped Tathagata Buddha and forced back the Buddhas in Lingshan Mountain. I can't believe this nonsense, but they With these lies, I have attracted quite a lot of power!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea does not believe that the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom is really capable of challenging Lingshan. If he had been able to do so earlier, he would not have scared the so-called Queen of Ten Thousand Demons into hiding in the barrier when he was near the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom a few years ago. Then he shivered.

"Beauty, if that's the case, why don't you come and live with me in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea? You and I are in love. I'll make you a concubine, and you'll have endless glory and wealth for the rest of your life, as well as an endless supply of fairy fruits and herbs. Inexhaustible!"

"Thank you Dragon King for your kindness. It's not that the little demon is unwilling, but that there is an older brother in the family who has recently lost his way. In order to take care of him..."

"It turns out he is my uncle! I directly made him the general in front of the palace. He has a high position and is protected by the Dragon Palace. No one can hurt him!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea poked his head around looking for "Where is my uncle?"


A little head poked out from behind the Bird Fairy, with a tender little face and a red robe.

He didn't seem to know how to ride the clouds, and his whole body was hanging on the hem of the Bird Fairy's clothes.


The Dragon King of the East China Sea did not expect that his elder brother-in-law was actually a half-grown child. Although he had an extraordinary bearing, he looked like a little adult, but he was not an adult after all.

"Beauty, why haven't I heard you talk about this little brother?" The Dragon King's uncle is a little brat who can't even be laughed at.

Moreover, the little boy has little magical power, so he probably took some kind of elixir and transformed into a human form. To make such a little kid a general in front of the palace, the face of the East China Sea Dragon Palace is no longer wanted.

If he said it out loud, it would be like throwing water away. The Dragon King of the East China Sea could only grit his teeth and ask with a smile, hoping that the Bird Fairy would change his mind.

"He is indeed my brother. Hundreds of years ago, he transformed early. However, when I was chased by the ten thousand year python spirit, my brother gave up his cultivation for me. After that, he kept practicing and finally transformed back into a human form. , if the Dragon King feels embarrassed, the two of us, brother and sister, just don’t bother us.”

"Don't! Don't say goodbye. I welcome you very much. There are many treasures in the Dragon Palace. I believe they can cure my uncle's disease. Why don't we go back to the Dragon Palace?"

"Thank you Dragon King." The half-grown child had a very calm attitude. The Dragon King believed a little more what the Bird Fairy said.

The three returned to the East China Sea Dragon Palace together.

Even before the Dragon King's wife knew that a bird fairy was coming, the bird fairy was already made a noble concubine.

For two days, the "brother-in-law" of the Dragon King of the East China Sea wandered around in the Dragon Palace. With the Dragon King's nod, he entered and exited the Crystal Palace as if he was in a deserted place, and no soldiers or generals dared to stop him.

Two days later, in the main hall of the Crystal Palace of the East China Sea, the Dragon King of the East China Sea hugged the Bird Fairy energetically, looked at the sad little boy below and asked: "Why, don't there be treasures in my treasure house that can help you?"

"Thank you Dragon King for your love. There are many treasures in the Dragon Palace, but little demon, I only lack one strange stone. If I can find this strange stone, it will definitely restore my injuries!"

"What strange stone?"

"Seven Emotions and Six Desires Stone"

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