Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 642 Kuang Fusheng is “dangerous”

The Stone Spirit of Zhenguo possesses extremely powerful magic power. It is said to be the ultimate treasure to suppress all evil spirits and heretics in the world. It is even collected by the mainland as a super national treasure and will not leave the capital easily.

This time, the Ridong Group was able to bring this stone to Hong Kong, and even the news was speculating on how much it paid, so that the lion was willing to spit out the meat it swallowed.

But only two or three people knew that the so-called Zhenguo Shiling actually had an old monk living inside.

His true form is Fa Hai, an old monk with powerful abilities who once fought against the two snake demons Bai and Qing.

His ability can simultaneously fight against Kuang Tianyou, the white and green snake monsters, and Ma Xiaoling. Together, he can kill anyone one on one. His magic power is so powerful that he may have achieved Arhat status.


The bedroom door opened, and Green Snake walked out, the drunken red on his face had disappeared.

"You came just in time, look at this"

He Cheng waved to Qing She and asked her to sit on the sofa.

Television broadcasts on the matter of the Nitto Group borrowing a world-class super national treasure for exhibition.

"What happened to the crab?"

Green Snake took one look and lost interest.

The TV is not a magic power that can see from a thousand miles away, so you can’t see anything fishy about the stone crab on the screen.

He Cheng only said two words gently, but the green snake instantly changed from laziness to murderous aura!



There was an extremely terrifying pressure in the air. The nearest E-yao's face turned slightly pale, but he could still bear it, but Kuang Tianyou who was upstairs turned pale and almost fell to his knees.

"Where does the momentum come from?" Kuang Tianyou's shoulders slumped and he put his elbows on his knees, barely avoiding kneeling on the ground.

"Fortunately, Fusheng didn't come back." He breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Kuang Fusheng would faint under the pressure.


Night is coming, and the two snake monsters are cleaning the house, casting spells to move some drinks and fruit plates, and making final preparations for the night.

But the pressure came suddenly, like an evil tiger descending from the mountain.

"Ah!" Xiaoqing suddenly fell to the ground and hugged her head. Her legs were twisted on the ground, and a snake's tail was looming. She was frightened by the momentum and almost revealed her true form!

White Snake Demon Susu frowned tightly, "Where did the strong man come from?"

The strong momentum almost pushed her to the ground, but after all, she was taller than Xiao Qing Daoxing, so she could barely withstand the pressure.

But she couldn't figure out why she hadn't seen a master in eight hundred years, but she met him frequently after her two demon sisters moved to Waitingbar.

She could tell that the only one with strong strength was E Yao, and E Yao was faintly superior to her.

She couldn't see the beauty in the green skirt at all.

The most important thing was He Cheng, who just glanced at her and made her fall asleep without any resistance.

"This is really a dragon's pond and a tiger's den..."

The Waiting Bar has just opened for two days, but due to the constant appearance of masters around it, the white and green snake demons who have been at the "peak" for hundreds of years have a sense of imminent death.

Su Su now thinks of leaving this place of right and wrong, where gods and gods fight. They are the remaining monsters in the Dharma-ending world who are "the tallest among the shortest". They can still dominate in front of little ghosts and little monsters, but in front of real masters, There is only one way to die!

Nitto Group,

In the office, Yamamoto Kazuo looked out the window at the gloomy sky, and his expression became increasingly gloomy.

"Boss, it's dark clouds again!" the female zombie Bijia exclaimed in shock.

"Dark clouds...but they are different from last time."

The last time he saw Master Miaoshan, suddenly dark clouds covered the sky and the whole world fell into darkness. However, the dark clouds came and went quickly. He did not figure out who was releasing such powerful pressure. It was easy for the other party to control it. Got momentum.

Yamamoto Kazuo could feel more clearly that the pressure this time was much weaker than the last time.

But even so, he still realized that he was not the opponent of the master who caused this discoloration of the world.

"Ken, Herman, Biga"


The three zombies were standing side by side. They knew that Kazuo Yamamoto had a mission to give.

"Among the five obstacles mentioned by Miaoshan, the Zhenguo Lingshi has arrived. You go and capture the kid around Kuang Tianyou and force Kuang Tianyou to destroy the Zhenguo Lingshi for me!"

"Yes, boss!" The three nodded.

But Aken took a strange step forward and asked: "Boss, why don't we destroy the Zhenguo Lingshi directly, instead of using Kuang Tianyou's hand? The stone is right in front of us, and there is no need to destroy it. If there is any trouble, the most it can do is for the Ridong Group to compensate the mainland for some losses."

When it came to compensating for losses, all the zombies present curled their lips indifferently. Zombies are immortal and immortal, and they never look at the money in the human world.

"Ken, do you dare to doubt the boss's words?" Bijia was the first to jump out and question.

"It's not a suspicion, it's just a suggestion. I will seriously follow all the boss's orders."


Yamamoto Kazuo said indifferently, "After all, Kuang Tianyou and I are the same people who have been bitten by generals. His potential is the same as mine, and... he can destroy my national spirit stone. Are you three capable of destroying it?"

The three zombies looked at each other, and they all saw it in each other's eyes, feeling unconfident.

Yamamoto Kazuo's strength has been integrated into their bones. They cannot resist or dare to resist!

"Go ahead." Kazuo Yamamoto waved his hand carelessly and drove the three of them out.

In the afternoon, primary school students were on their way home from school.

"Resurrection, see you tomorrow~"

The little girl waved goodbye affectionately to Kuang Fusheng, who was carrying a schoolbag.

"See you tomorrow~"

Seeing the little girl jumping home happily, Kuang Fusheng sighed: "What's the use of picking up girls? There are elementary school students around, and they can't do anything. It would be great if they could grow up~, alas!" He used Sighing, I ended this soliloquy.

Kuang Fusheng always walks alone on his way home from school. He doesn't need to be afraid of meeting bad people. On the contrary, he should feel afraid when bad people meet him.

Thumb thump, thump thump!

Four leather shoes and black trousers came into view.

Kuang Fusheng looked up along his four legs and saw two men in windbreakers with pale faces and strange faces.

"Who are you two looking for?"


Unexpectedly, the two men suddenly grinned.

They are using a pair of long, pointed corpse teeth in their mouths!


Kuang Fusheng secretly thought that something was wrong. It was absolutely impossible for him to be a friend when he came to his door at this time.

"Want to run?" Herman reached out his hand disdainfully, raised his hand to Kuang Fusheng and gently grabbed it, holding Kuang Fusheng's shoulder.

Then he pulled back, but instead of being pulled back by Herman's strength, Kuang Fusheng's small body was as powerful as a locomotive, dragging Herman forward quickly.

"This kid is weird!"

AKen on the side also decided not to watch the show anymore. He jumped up and punched Kuang Fusheng.

At this point, it doesn't matter whether he reveals his identity as a zombie or not.



Ken stayed where he was.

Kuang Fusheng, who was supposed to stand there and take his punch, suddenly appeared in front of Ken and penetrated him with his fist!

"How can it be!"

Herman was shocked. A little zombie who drank expired blood and was hungry every day actually punched Akon in the chest!

A fantasy!

Kuang Fusheng turned his head and looked at Herman!

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