Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 648 Yamamoto Kazuo


He Cheng did not refuse. In his ears, Ma Xiaoling's thoughts were as if they were read out loud. With the magical power of six ears, it was difficult not to hear them.

"Why, Hanba still takes the elevator?"

Ma Xiaoling and He Cheng took the elevator side by side and went out. She was very surprised and amused by his skillful control of the elevator.

If you know a monster, he can destroy most of the world in one night, but he is very disciplined in taking the elevator, waiting for the bus at the station, and even waiting for the traffic light.

You will definitely feel a little strange in your heart.

"Do you want me to fly out directly, and then the next day Jiajia Building will be published in the newspaper, there is a flying person?" He Cheng asked her back.

"You'd better be honest"

Ma Xiaoling opened her mouth to threaten, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't think of any threats she could make.


The elevator door opens.

Kuang Tianyou happened to appear at the elevator entrance.

"What a coincidence, Miss Ma, Mr. He!"

"Sir Kuang, do you have any cases that need cleaning at the police station? Maybe you can come to me and I can give you a discount."

"No need for the moment, there is no special case." Kuang Tianyou shook his head and waited for He Cheng and Ma Xiaoling to come out before walking into the elevator.

Ma Xiaoling felt relieved. She didn't want anyone else to get involved with this zombie king, but Kuang Tianyou seemed to be in a strange state just now.

"Why do I feel that his face looked strange when he saw you? Does he know you are a zombie, or did you bite him?"

"Hanban and generals are different. The strength of a person bitten by a general will be lower than that of a general. And with each bite, the bloodline will be diluted and the strength will become lower and lower. It is the bloodline that transfers strength from strong to weak."

He Cheng stepped out of the elevator first.

"Where's Hanbao?"

"The bite of Drought Demon is the same as that of an ordinary zombie. It will first turn into a walking zombie, and then become a zombie. It will gradually evolve from a brainless walking zombie into a Drought Demon. It is an evolution from weak to strong. Any zombie in the world may evolve into a Drought Demon. , but no zombie can evolve into a general."

Ma Xiaoling's face changed slightly: "So, you evolved from an ordinary walking zombie to a drought demon?"

"What to eat?" He Cheng didn't answer her.

"Get in the car and I'll take you there, but since you've lived for so long, you must be very rich! This is your treat!"

He Cheng got into Ma Xiaoling's red convertible and drove all the way. He walked for more than ten kilometers before stopping.

A restaurant.

The two sat down and ordered a few dishes. There were not many people eating at this time, and the location was on the third floor.

Except for He Cheng and Ma Xiaoling's table, all other tables on the entire floor were empty.

"What story do you want to hear?"

He Cheng held a knife and fork, cutting the steak leisurely, and put it into his mouth without hesitation. There was no situation where zombies could only drink blood.

"Do you still remember what happened before you became a zombie?" Ma Xiaoling held the goblet and saw the red wine in the glass tilting, slowly touching her lips, and she took a sip.

"It is said that the prince who guarded the territory in the Qing Dynasty, Aixinjueluo, was injured by a bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna and eventually became a zombie. In fact, being a zombie is quite tiring. As long as others know that you are a zombie, they will be merciless. "take action"

He Cheng put down his knife and fork, held the goblet, took a sip of wine to moisten his mouth, and then continued: "I was just white-haired zombie at that time, and I was chased by Taoist priests and monks for a long time, so when I have the strength, I will do what I want to do Just massacre these people.”

Ma Xiaoling's fingers suddenly tightened. The handsome man in front of her who talked about murder as if it was a trivial matter gave her an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"I was hunted by the entire Maoshan sect, by heavenly soldiers and generals, and by monks with powerful magic powers. Of course I couldn't just catch them when they wanted to kill me."

"You haven't thought about a peaceful solution?"

"Will you give zombies a chance to prove that they are good people?" He Cheng asked her.

Ma Xiaoling was speechless.

Yes, zombies deserve to be killed. This is the belief that has been instilled in her since she was sensible, and she has acted this way for so many years.

Who can give a zombie an explanation?

"So, you killed those people?"

"Absolutely" He Cheng nodded,

"I killed all my enemies. I was once revered as the Supreme of the Three Realms. I once turned an entire world into a world of zombies and was called the Zombie Supreme. However, the game of unifying the three realms is too boring. Now I want to find something. A certain answer, that’s why it stays here.”

Ma Xiaoling didn't understand the meaning of the last half of He Cheng's sentence, but she knew that the man in front of her was a typical lunatic who would not offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will definitely kill your whole family.

A reasonable lunatic is easier to get along with than a zombie that only sucks blood.

The two were silent for a long time, during which time there was only the slightest sound of chewing.

"Is it because of you that Ping Ma was arrested in the first place?"

"It's normal for low-level zombies to be afraid of high-level zombies, not to mention she's just a living zombie." He Cheng didn't care. If his momentum was completely released, ordinary people would be crushed by it and their souls would fly away.

"Do you know who turned Ping Ma into a zombie?"

"I know"

"who is it?"

"Yamamoto Kazuo's daughter, Yamamoto Mirai" He Cheng didn't hide it at all.

Although he did not deliberately affect the "plot", the direction of the story is no longer under his control. Fahai's violent death museum, Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen are strangers to each other.

Wang Zhenzhen fell in love with He Cheng.

The two snake demons Bai and Qing are still running a bar, and their lives are not in danger.

He didn't know whether the "new script" of fate was just like this, or whether He Cheng's appearance caused the "script" to change in ways that fate could not predict.

It's just a matter of words for now, because no matter what kind of change it is, he can afford it.

The body of Han Bao is one foot taller during the day and another ten feet taller at night. He Cheng doesn't know how strong he is now. He is really getting stronger even while lying down and sleeping.

"Kazuo Yamamoto? Sounds a bit familiar. Is he the father of Takeshi Yamamoto of the Nitto Group?"

"Kazuo Yamamoto, Takeshi Yamamoto, there is only one person from beginning to end"

"How is it possible? I have met Takeshi Yamamoto. He is still very young...wait!" Ma Xiaoling was stunned: "You mean, he is a zombie?"

"Would you like some more dessert?" He Cheng asked.

Ma Xiaoling was obviously absent-minded: "Yes, no... I still want it."

"They are the queens of generals"

He Cheng put his left arm on the table and leaned his head forward, his forehead almost touching Ma Xiaoling's forehead.

Ma Xiaoling was startled by his "frivolous" action and quickly retreated.

"To be honest, I am quite interested in the general. If you find out about the general, remember to give me a lead."

"You zombies, just talk properly and don't get so close suddenly!"

Ma Xiaoling was a little angry. She didn't want to admit that her mood suddenly changed a little because of the approach of a good-looking zombie.

However, He Cheng's words played right into her heart, just like He Ying's previous plan of "diverting disaster to the east" and letting Han Bao deal with the generals.

However, for some reason, Ma Xiaoling felt a sense of guilt after playing dirty tricks. This sense of guilt made her no longer feel so unpleasant when facing a heinous zombie king like He Cheng.

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