Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 652 Generals

These two people are Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling who traveled through time and space.

They wore anti-Japanese clothes. Kuang Tianyou dressed up like Kuang Guohua sixty years ago, and Ma Xiaoling also wore floral clothes.

Eliminating the generals is their first goal, but since seeing the strength of the Zombie King Hanba, they have a clear understanding of their own power, and the possibility of killing the generals is very low.

Except for Ma Xiaoling's decision to kill the general in one go, Yamamoto Kazuo and Kuang Tianyou have the same idea, to change the history of being bitten by zombies, and then live an ordinary life as ordinary people.

After the mountain road became quiet, Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou emerged from the grass.

The two quietly came to the top of the mountain. Kazuo Yamamoto, wearing a Japanese military uniform, had been waiting for a long time again.

"You two are finally here." Yamamoto Kazuo squinted at the two of them.

"Did you do anything else?" Kuang Tianyou asked Yamamoto Kazuo. Just now he almost couldn't help but save Axiu and change history. He couldn't trust Yamamoto Kazuo.

"I went to the Japanese military camp and saw me sixty years ago."

Yamamoto Kazuo didn't care about Kuang Tianyou's question.

"I could have told him that the United States would drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in the near future, and I could also tell him about the development of the world in the future, but I didn't. The purpose of our visit this time is just to prevent the generals from biting people, and nothing else matters. "

Yamamoto Kazuo's answer made Kuang Tianyou stunned. He could guarantee that he was definitely not as rational as Yamamoto Kazuo. If Ma Xiaoling hadn't pulled him just now, he might have caused a lot of trouble.

"Are you ready?"

Ma Xiaoling ordered: "You go follow the generals first, and I'll go find my aunt. Only two Ma family dragons may be able to kill the zombie king."

When she said this, Ma Xiaoling felt uncertain.

If the generals and He Cheng were equally powerful, she wouldn't have confidence in twenty of them, let alone two Ma family dragons.

Things have come to this, but we can only fight for it.


Kuang Tianyou and Yamamoto Kazuo can only temporarily put aside their prejudices and join hands to change history.

The night is deep,

The Japanese invaders entered the village and failed to find any trace of the guerrilla leader Kuang Guohua for a day. The Japanese finally decided to... massacre the village!

Rifles fired randomly and blood flowed like rivers.

At this point, Kuang Guohua finally couldn't hold it any longer and rushed out of hiding.

The night gets darker,

Yamamoto Kazuo and Kuang Tianyou, who returned from sixty years later, finally found the general.

The generals and ministers were in ragged clothes, with rags wrapped around their heads. They looked even more miserable than wandering beggars, like wild men in the mountains.

There was only a pair of zombie tusks, like two short daggers, reflecting bright light under the moon.

This is the Zombie King General, completely different from the Zombie King Hanba that Kuang Tianyou has seen.

Han Bao gave him the feeling that he was the supreme god who ruled the world, while the generals gave him the feeling that they were simply wild beasts.


The general was confused about the two people who appeared in front of him. He detected the aura of zombies from the two people, but he could not remember when he bit these two people.

He hesitated, but Kuang Tianyou and Yamamoto Kazuo would not show mercy.

The two of them rushed forward, one behind the other.

Kuang Tianyou's left fist moved forward, and in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed in front of the general. His fist was quickly sent to the general's face, "Bang!" With a punch, the general's head tilted back slightly.

Yamamoto Kazuo flew across the air with a kick. Hearing the sound of wind, his right foot struck like a sharp knife.

A white line drew in the sky.


The general was kicked to the ground.

There's drama!

Yamamoto Kazuo and Kuang Tianyou looked at each other, and both saw the possibility of victory in each other's eyes, so they no longer prepared to hide their weakness, their hair actually turned silver, and their strength increased to another level.

They all showed their corpse teeth.


The general was furious, his body straightened up, and he hit Yamamoto Kazuo like a cannonball. With one punch, all his bones were broken and his chest was sunken.

With another punch, Kuang Tianyou could not escape the fate of serious injury!

"This is the Zombie King General!"

Kuang Tianyou clutched his chest injury, his eyes widened.

The angry zombie king is simply not something they can resist.


The general did not continue to chase the two men, but turned his head and looked to the other side.

In the open space in the distance, there are two women who look exactly the same, holding handprints.

Bursts of divine light flashed, and the yellow aura was as dazzling as the sun.

"Come! Soldiers! Fight! All! Array! Arrange! In front! Punish the evil!"

"Come! Soldiers! Fight! All! Array! Arrange! In front! Punish the evil!"

Two golden dragons appeared out of thin air, entangled and intertwined with each other, and crashed into the zombie king general at the same time!

"We will definitely be able to deal with the general directly this time. The Ma family's mission is finally completed!" Ma Xiaoling let go of her hand and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the dragon crashing into the general.

"Thank you, aunt"

"Auntie? Don't think that just because you look like me, you can call me auntie. I see you are much older than me!" Standing next to Ma Xiaoling, a woman who looked exactly like her did not like the title of Ma Xiaoling.

Ma Xiaoling's expression was stagnant. Her great-aunt was exactly the same as she was decades later.

"not good!"

Ma Xiaoling's face suddenly changed as she saw two golden divine dragons colliding with the generals. Although they were knocked away, they were not killed.

The general who was shot away became fierce and ferocious, and happened to bump into Kuang Guohua, who was fighting a decisive battle with Yamamoto Kazuo in this era, and Kuang Fusheng beside him.

The general bitten two people.

Then fled quickly.

"Bite!" Young Ma Danna's face changed slightly.

If a zombie bites someone, it will definitely turn into a zombie. If it is not dealt with in time, it will be very dangerous.

But Ma Xiaoling was unwilling to let go of the general and pursued him desperately.

The general was injured by two dragons and ran away in panic.

Relying on only two legs, he ran at a speed that was beyond the reach of a cheetah. The mountains and forests receded rapidly around him, and the cold wind blew on his face.

"General, where are you running?"

It was Ma Xiaoling who caught up again, and with her came a Ma family dragon!


The divine dragon roared and hit the general on the back, inflicting more injuries on the downtrodden zombie king.


He was injured and beaten many times, and the general's good temper was worn away.

He finally couldn't help but turned around and pounced on Ma Xiaoling!

"not good!"

The general came at him like a thick iron cannonball. Ma Xiaoling tried to dodge, but her body couldn't keep up with her thinking. She could only watch as the bloody mouth came towards her.


At this moment, Ma Xiaoling's eyes caught a glimpse of a man dressed as a rich man coming from a distance.

What a success!

She felt happy, as long as He Cheng took action, she could be rescued.

But then her heart became cold again. She met He Cheng sixty years ago. How could He Cheng know her at this time?

It seemed that he was destined to die.


He Cheng's figure over there disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already grabbed the general's neck and slammed him to the ground with his backhand.

"Moving mountains and unloading ridges!"


The general's head sank and a huge pit was made on the ground. It was difficult to move for a while!

The previous title was written incorrectly and has been corrected.

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