Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 672 Killed with one slap

The woman who opened the bar was Ma Xiaoling's aunt, Ma Dingdang, the 39th generation descendant of the Ma family.

The two girls following her also have some backgrounds. They are two cats raised by Kuang Fusheng sixty years ago. By chance, they ate the dragon balls of the Ma family's dragon, and thus transformed into human form. They can even use the dragon's command to subdue demons. Get rid of demons.

As for his abilities... I can only say that he is good enough to deal with ordinary people.

He Cheng came here this time because of Ma Dingdang.

Ma Dingdang is known as the most talented descendant of the Ma family. If she had not fallen in love with the general, shed tears for him in the end, and was expelled by Ma Danna, it is immeasurable how strong she would be now.

Maybe Ma Dingdang really shed tears for the general, or maybe she just lied, but Ma Dingdang's strength is an important reference for He Cheng.

She is in the middle of the pack, not as good as above, and is the bottom line in high-level battles.

"This general is not that general"

The only thing He Cheng can be sure of is that the general must be stronger than the Tathagata in this world, and may even be stronger than the strongest Tathagata he has ever seen.

And the generals he had seen in the unchanged history were most likely fakes, or generals whose strength had been completely sealed.

If the general's strength is not as good as that of Ma Dingdang, then it will be ridiculous.

It's just that He Cheng's 100% chance of winning was reduced by 40% for no reason.

Now he is just guessing that after meeting the real general, he may not even have a 10% chance of winning.

Whether it was a mirror image of the previous life, or whether this life was turned upside down, He Cheng had never seen his destiny and could not guess.

Walked out of forget it bar,

Clear skies and bright day.

He Cheng's favorite thing is to bask in the sun. For decades, he was a low-level zombie who died in the presence of light. He was first afraid of Taoist monks and secondly the sun. He hid day and night and was very miserable.

It's not that he likes to bask in the sun, but the feeling of being able to bask in the sun is of great significance to a zombie.

Naturally, the generals and ministers will not have these pains. Since they turned into zombies, they can move easily under the sun. Apart from three meals and three meals of blood, the generals and ministers will be perfect. Even Fei Zombie dare not compare with them.

It is precisely because there is no such pain that these zombies clamor to die every day.

He Cheng has never seen any of his subordinates, those zombies who evolved from low-level zombies to flying zombies and have just become intelligent, willing to die.

In order to live, they can sacrifice everything.

Puzzled, He Cheng has always been puzzled by the love affairs between generals and ministers.

He even once wondered whether these guys were too full to seek death. He had lived for hundreds of years and it was still not enough. He could kill endless enemies and eat endless gods and monsters.

People must watch themselves grow old before they are alive?

He couldn't figure it out, or he had figured it out before, but now he was too lazy to think about it.

The sidewalk light turned green.

He Cheng walked slowly.

He gave people the impression that his temperament was unusual, and the pedestrians around him subconsciously trailed three or four steps behind him and kept their distance.

Looking from a distance,

Cars on both sides stopped, and pedestrians were three or four steps behind. He Cheng was leading the way, like an emperor inspecting the world, or like gods coming on clouds to form a battle array.

Due to its momentum, even if it is walking on the sidewalk, it still gives people a majestic feeling.

Didi didi! !

The horn sounded, and a car crashed straight into He Cheng.

He Cheng didn't squint his eyes and still walked slowly.

"Quick! Quick! Get out of the way!"

The man riding the motorcycle shouted in horror. When He Cheng was still five meters away, the motorcycle broke free from the man's hands. Without anyone to accelerator, the motorcycle still rolled over him relying only on inertia!



The motorcycle turned into a wild bull running wildly, with a fierce momentum that did not know how to suppress itself.

He Cheng gently raised his hand, but his palm was like a magic weapon that could tame a thousand-year-old dragon. He gently brushed it in front of the violent motorcycle. The crazy motorcycle stopped slowly and stood honestly on the roadside.

Pedestrians were stunned by this scene.

He Cheng did not pause. He had smelled two interesting scents just now and was going to go over to take a look. As for his strong ability, he didn't care whether he was seen by others.

This era is what he is waiting for, because only in this era can he catch his destiny.

In a world where time and space have not yet turned back, destiny is elusive.

A commercial car, the rear window slowly lowered.

A pair of eyes stared excitedly at He Cheng's leaving figure: "This is my kind! Finally I found the second zombie in the world!"

"Follow that guy!"

As soon as the green light turned on, the car started chasing in the direction of He Cheng.

"Levis, what, were you found out?"

The car was parked on the side of the road, and a big bald head was hiding in the car, but it still reflected light and was bright and eye-catching.

"It's the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan. It seems that Ma Xiaoling summoned something strange when she summoned the dragon."

"weird stuff?"

The fat man in blue paused: "Is there anything strange in this world that can compare to him?"

The two people sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger's seat looked at each other and shook their heads.

There is absolutely no one in this world who can be stronger than the one known as the King of Zombies.

"Where are the Ma family members?"

The fat man in blue asked as he gently cut open the cigar with scissors.

"They were involved in a case recently and seem to be planning to go to the UK."

"England?" Fatty Lan Yi said with a playful look on his face: "Kino, England, your former emperor seems to be in England."

"I have nothing to do with him. At most, it is a master-servant relationship more than two thousand years ago," Huang Mao said.

“How heartless”

The fat man in blue felt a little pity.

A man happened to park in front of their car.

The other party was wearing a black suit with a black windbreaker. He looked very young, but he had an air of dignity that no one could despise.

"It feels like a true ancestor!"

The other two people also nodded in agreement. He Cheng gave them a very powerful feeling.

"Friend, what's going on?"

The fat man in blue smiled and lowered the window and asked the people standing outside the car.

The other party ignored the fat man in blue, and instead looked at the two people in the driver's seat. Under his calm gaze, the two of them became a little excited, and their corpse teeth almost burst out.

"Kill him." The fat man in blue became a little angry. He lowered his face and negotiated with others, but the other party treated him like nothing. This contempt made him even more angry than killing him.


The two people in front of the car nodded, opened the door and stepped out, looking at He Cheng.

"Boy, you're out of luck! I'm going to take your head off right now!"

The man named Levi raised his hand, ready to slap He Cheng's head off.

He Cheng nodded strangely: "Okay."


A head soared into the sky and fell to the ground, grunting...


A headless corpse fell to the ground.

"Levis! Levis!" The man on the side was shocked. He didn't see what happened just now.

I only heard Levi's say that he was going to take off the opponent's head, and then Levi's own head flew into the sky!

Happy New Year, happy New Year to everyone~

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