Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 75 Heizong fights with the sword fairy with a gun!

Zhang DaDa's daughter-in-law hadn't heard the disgust in Boss Tan's words yet, so she leaned in front of Boss Tan and blew wind at him.

"What kind of trick is this?"

She just deliberately ate lemons from Nanyang. Although the sourness made her cry, her mouth was filled with sweetness and her breath smelled good.

Following Zhang DaDa, it was difficult to eat steamed buns for every meal, and he could not afford to eat fruit at any time.

Boss Tan snorted coldly and ignored her. Goujizi stood aside to ease the embarrassment. He explained with a smile, "This is the magic that Master Qian uses to control the zombies to kill Zhang DaDa."


She raised her finger and pointed behind Qian Zhenren: "Is it similar to that one?"


The dog-legged man just nodded, then raised his hand and scratched his head weirdly: "No, isn't the zombie in the Ma family ancestral hall? Why are they here?"

"The man lying in the Ma family ancestral hall was a general during his lifetime?"

Boss Tan was also confused.

"Three generations of Lao Ma's family have been farmers, and none of them can read. How can anyone be a general!"

"Then this is...?"

Boss Tan reacted immediately and shouted at Zhenren Qian who cast the spell: "Zombie! Zombie, Taoist Priest!"


Qian Zhenren's closed eyes suddenly stared, a cold breath penetrated his back, and corpse air rushed into his nose.

"What a heavy corpse energy!"

Thinking something bad was going on in his heart, Qian Zhenren grabbed the peach wood sword and turned around. The magic power wrapped around the peach wood sword was like riding a horse and Guan Gong wielding a blue dragon gnawing at the moon. The blade of the sword cut out a crescent moon, and the person who hit it "thumped" and the head fell to the ground!

The wooden sword struck empty, Qian Zhenren hurriedly ran sideways, and the donkey rolled around on the ground and stood up.

The corpse's claws rubbed against Master Qian's body and hit the table. With a bang, the wooden table shattered, the incense candle lit the yellow cloth, and the incense burner fell to the ground, two short pieces and one long piece!

"It's you!"

Qian Zhenren held his sword and saw clearly who was attacking.

"In just half a month, you have turned into a black zombie!"

He could recognize the talking zombie even if he changed his clothes.

"I didn't expect it to be you."

He Cheng kicked the ground, and a fist-sized earth pit exploded on the bluestone tiles under his feet, and he slashed towards Qian Zhenren with his hammer.

The evil Taoist priest he met on the road that day turned out to be the villain boss in "Ghost Fighter", but this was something He Cheng never expected.

Although his physical strength is not as good as that of his junior brother, his ability as a god is far above him. Being able to call Lu Dongbin and turn Boss Tan, a useless rich man, into a great killer who can stand up to the god of death, his ability is evident!

Zhenren Qian was even more afraid.

That night, He Cheng was almost killed when he was still a white zombie. Now that he has advanced into a black zombie, there is no way for him to survive!

Qian Zhenren rolled on the spot and shouted, "Look at my Thunder Fist!"

A burst of lightning flashed, and He Cheng turned over and lay back.

The thunder was loud and the raindrops were light. The "Thunder Fist" rubbed the calf without any hair being rubbed off.

Qian Zhenren didn't know how to use Thunder Fist at all. Taking advantage of zombies' fear of thunder, he feinted, turned around and ran away.

"Taoist Master! Master! Hurry up and subdue this zombie!"

Boss Tan and the other three were also panicked, waving their hands to drive Qian Zhenren back to clean up the zombies. The dog's leg was kicked and fell to the ground. Just as Boss Tan was about to escape, Qian Zhenren waved his mahogany sword and shouted: "Qiguguxianlutongsan At the altar, one Dharma drum shook the sky, and two Dharma drums shook the earth. I played the gong and the heaven and the earth shook. I asked for the mage without incense or candles. I asked for the mage Lu Dongbin. When I saw the demon slaying in front of me, the divine soldiers were as urgent as the law. !”

As soon as he finished shouting, the punch from the pursuer hit Zhenren Qian right in the back of the heart. The punch was as strong as an ox, causing him to vomit blood on the ground.

"It's still too late!"

He Cheng took a look at Boss Tan, who was very skilled in the art, and jumped up to kill Qian Zhenren first.


Boss Tan, who is a master of Chinese martial arts, has a straight face. He has transformed from a wretched businessman with weak kidneys and energy into a swordsman with high righteousness, boundless murderous aura and divine majesty!

There are two racks in the courtyard, which are used in the street to occupy the streets, performers sing and talk about cross talk: knife, spear, sword, halberd, axe, ax, hook, fork, whip, mace, hammer, grab, boring, Sticks, sticks, sticks, kidnappers, meteors, anything with a hook, a blade, a point, a wing, an Emei needle, a chain, all eighteen types of weapons are available. !

Boss Tan turned over and jumped, raised the weapon stand with his toes, and the long sword "stab la" was unsheathed and drilled under his right palm.

The blade of the sword braved the air-conditioning, and he turned it under his hand, blocking He Cheng's fist from hitting Boss Tan!

A jingle.

The fist pressed down on the spine of the sword and bent down, and the tip of the sword pierced Zhenren Qian's back, leaving a big gash.

"How brave!"

I don't know if this is really Lu Chunyang descending to the earth, but anyway, he has enough power. He puts his foot on He Cheng's chest, raises his hand and grabs Qian Zhenren's collar, and the two of them slide out with a squeaking sound.

Qian Zhenren, who had just been punched and received a sword, obviously had more air coming out and less air coming in.

"What kind of prestige are you pretending to do!" When the real Lu Chunyang came, he would definitely stand still and wait for the other party to kill him. Instead, he would be the one who invited the gods to fight him.

In He Cheng's eyes, Boss Tan just went from level 1 to level 11. Qian Zhenren's skill in asking gods is indeed amazing, but it's a pity that it's not enough in He Cheng's eyes.


Boss Tan stepped forward with his right foot and stabbed forward with his sword. His sword move was exquisite, three moves turned into one move, all in one go.

The initial thrust of the sword is to stab straight at the door. If the opponent dodges and hits his opponent, you only need to grab the sword and turn it, stabbing instead of cutting, and the opponent will be cut into pieces! If the opponent can still avoid it, if he chooses to retreat and dodge, he will be more powerful, and Boss Tan's next sword will be even more powerful.

If you don't retreat and leap over the sword, flip the sword and strike back.

Chase the soul with all your might!


The sword collided with the fist, and sparks shot out. He Chengru's iron tower remained motionless. On the other hand, Boss Tan took a few steps back, and the right hand holding the sword shook slightly.

"Not enough!"

He Cheng kicked the weapon rack next to him and smashed it, and the swords scattered on the ground.

He grabbed a large tiger-headed gun and held it on his shoulder.

In life, this body was a master of horse fighting. It was the best at using two hammers. The hammer was not skillful. It smashed down all the masters of swordsmanship and swordsmanship and turned them into pulp!

Under the influence, He Cheng could also dance with the hammer twice, but the hammer was short and difficult to get close to, and it was not as good as a gun.

He turned around with his gun, swept across the waist, and carried the wind with a whoosh!

Boss Tan took a few steps back, but was being caught up with him. The spear head stabbed out a burst of starlight!

Sparks flew out from the bang, and Boss Tan's right hand was so weak that he used his left hand to grab the sword.

Regardless of whether Lu Dongbin really came down to earth to possess him, this swordsmanship is indeed marvelous.

However, He Cheng knocked the sword out of Boss Tan's hand when he drew his gun, and hit the head with a shot. The gun was like a meteor hitting the head, without any dexterity at all.

With a heavy blow, the gun tip cracked Boss Tan's head open, and a large amount of red juice popped out!

"it's your turn!"

He Cheng paused with his gun, poking a hole in the ground, but his eyes were fixed on the dying Qian Zhenren.

Fighting with weapons feels different from fighting with bare hands. The biggest difference is.

"A gun and a stick are not as satisfying as punching to the flesh!"

The tiger-headed spear turned into a cold dragon out of the sea, and stabbed the chest of the woman who was about to run away, pinning her to the ground. Only then did he have time to turn around and deal with Zhenren Fian.

[Physique] +7 (6%)

After sucking blood, his body has undergone major changes. He Cheng can feel that not only is the ability of [Incarnation] stronger, but his body is more flexible and his body is taller.

The torn military uniform on his body is proof of this.

He raised his feet and stepped over Boss Tan's body. When he passed the woman who was nailed to the ground, he paused and glanced at the upside-down bamboo basket beside him. Smiling slightly, he walked into the back room, ready to find some clothes to change into.

As soon as He Cheng entered the door, a frightened head popped out of the small bamboo basket next to him.

Qian Zhenren's apprentice had just brought water to his master, and when he saw the danger coming, he hid and avoided a disaster. Now that he had finally escaped the disaster, he ran away desperately.

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