Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 1497: severe water shortage

  Chapter 1497 Water shortage is serious

   "I have something to do this morning, so I came late." Lu Xiaoxiao replied to Liu Ermei while taking the pannier off her back.

Second Sister Liu nodded when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then she looked at the sparse pigweed at the foot of the mountain and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, let's cut pigweed in another place tomorrow, the pigweed at the foot of the mountain can be cut Almost all of them have been mowed, and the remaining ones need to be kept as seeds, otherwise I am afraid that next year there will be no hogweed growing at the foot of the mountain."

  After hearing Liu Ermei's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked around the foot of the mountain. When she saw that there was indeed only a little pigweed at the foot of the mountain, she said, "Okay."

"Hey, I really don't know when it will rain. The water level of the well near my house has dropped by one section. If it doesn't rain again, I think the well will dry up." Liu Ermei said worriedly. road.

   "So serious?" Lu Xiaoxiao said after hearing Liu Ermei's words.

   "Yes, I heard that several wells in the village have dried up. My mother said that the water drawn from the mountains to the fields is getting smaller and smaller, and the captain's hair is turning white."

  Lu Xiaoxiao has not paid attention to the problem of water shortage in the village since she helped the village buy soft water pipes last time. She never thought that the water shortage in the village would be so serious in such a short period of time.

   "Second Sister, let's go to the field after cutting the pigweed." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Liu Second Sister.


After Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei delivered the pig grass to the pig farm, they walked towards the field. Along the way, they saw many villagers carrying water from the river and pouring it into the field, but because the weather was too hot, the water vapor Evaporation is high, so despite the efforts of the villagers to carry water, the soil is only moistened.

   "Xiaoxiao, the water shortage in the field is much more serious than what my mother said." Second Sister Liu said to Lu Xiaoxiao after squatting in a field and looking around.


   "I don't know if the captain has come up with a solution, otherwise, if this continues, our village will be hungry next year."

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know how to respond when she heard Liu Ermei's words, because when she saw the people in the village carrying water, she knew that the captain must not have thought of a way to solve the problem of water shortage, otherwise the captain would not let the people in the village carry water. People went to fetch water to irrigate the ground.

   "Xiaoxiao, let's go." Second Sister Liu stood up and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  The reason why Second Sister Liu wanted to leave so quickly was because she felt uncomfortable seeing the lack of water in the fields, so she didn't want to stay here anymore.


   "Xiaoxiao, come here, I have something to see you." When the captain saw Lu Xiaoxiao standing on the ridge of the field, he called to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing what the captain said, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Second Sister Liu: "Second Sister, you go home first."

   "Okay, then I will go back first, and you should go home early."


  Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the captain after Liu Ermei left. She probably guessed why the captain called her.

   "Xiaoxiao, have you seen the situation in the field?" The captain asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao walked up to him.

   "I see, the water shortage is very serious. If this continues, there is basically no hope for this autumn harvest."

The captain sighed deeply after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao as if he had made some decision: "Xiaoxiao, if you have a way to let the village through this time Difficulties, in the future, you can ask for leave whenever you want, for as long as you want, and I will help you if something goes wrong."

  (end of this chapter)

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