Chapter 1696 Calling (1)

   "Old man, what's the matter with you?" Aunt Cauliflower immediately entered the main room after hearing the captain's cough, and asked the captain while patting the captain's back to help him breathe.

   "It's nothing, it's just that the dry tobacco is too intense."

   "I told you to smoke less, you are very old now, smoking dry tobacco is not good for your health."

   "I see, I seldom smoke now, only when I have troubles."

   "What's wrong? Something happened in the village again?"

   "Nothing happened in the village, but those educated youths started to make trouble again."

  Aunt Cauliflower frowned after hearing what the captain said, and then she said to the captain: "Leave them alone, let them make trouble."

   "I don't want to take care of it, but someone from above asked me to take care of an educated youth."

   "What's all this?"

   "Old woman, go and get my wine, I want to drink two taels today."


  Lu Xiaoxiao and Wan Xuemei have no idea that the captain has started to drink, and they are sitting in a state-run restaurant for dinner.

   "Xiaoxiao, I'm full." Wan Xuemei said to Lu Xiaoxiao after eating a steamed bun and a few pieces of braised pork.

   "Why did you eat so little today?"

"I'm not hungry."

   "Wait for me, I will eat another steamed bun."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao finished eating the steamed buns, she saw that there was still half a plate of braised pork on the table, so she asked Wan Xuemei, "Sister Xuemei, did you bring a lunch box?"


   "I didn't bring it either, so what should I do with the leftover meat?"

"have no idea."

   "Comrade, is there no way to take your meat away?" Yuan Yu overheard the conversation between Lu Xiaoxiao and Wan Xuemei, so she walked to Lu Xiaoxiao and Wan Xuemei's table and asked.


   "Can you sell me the meat?"

   "The meat is what we left over from eating."

"It's okay, I don't mind. My grandma hasn't eaten meat for a long time, and I don't have a meat ticket, so..." Yuan Yu was embarrassed to say it. Meat is expensive these days, and she seems to be buying meat like this. Not very good, but her grandma's spirit has been really bad these days, so she just wanted to buy some meat back to give her old man a boost.

   "Since you don't mind, you can just take the meat away, and you won't need the money."

   "This won't work, I've already taken advantage of you, if I don't give you money, I'll feel bad."

"Comrade, consider this meat as a gift from us to your grandma. You should pack the meat and take it home, otherwise it won't taste good if it gets cold." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she pulled Wan Xue May is gone.

  Yuan Yu's eyes turned red when she saw the back of Lu Xiaoxiao and Wan Xuemei leaving. Her grandma was right, there are still many good people in this world.

   "Xiaoxiao, are we going to the post office now?" Wan Xuemei asked Lu Xiaoxiao.


   "Then let's go faster."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao and Wan Xuemei came to the post office, they saw a person on the phone, so they stood at the door of the post office and waited for the person to finish the call.

   "Xiaoxiao, do you call first or should I call first?" Wan Xuemei asked Lu Xiaoxiao after that person finished calling.

   "You hit first."

   "Okay, then I'll make the phone call."


  While Wan Xuemei was on the phone, Lu Xiaoxiao took out the subsidized notebook from the space, and then went to the cash withdrawal window to withdraw the money.

  (end of this chapter)

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