Chapter 1802 Sowing discord

  The people in the red team wailed louder after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but if you listen carefully, you can hear that although their wailing is getting louder, their wailing is full of excitement.

   Zhang Xu saw that the people from the red team had been wailing for a long time and had no intention of stopping, so he said to the people of the red team: "Don't go for medical treatment, do you want to take the injury to participate in the next training?"

   After hearing Zhang Xu's words, the people in the red team didn't care about the pain in their bodies. They immediately got up from the ground and ran towards the infirmary.

  After the members of the red team left, Lu Xiaoxiao turned to Cheng and said, "Cheng Yi, bring your team."


When the red team came to the door of the infirmary, they saw Xu Yueran, who usually treated them with a nose instead of a nose, and eyes not eyes, was looking at them with a smile. For some reason, they felt that Xu Yueran's smile looked sinister , is really scary.

   "Chi Yi, didn't you come to see the injury? Why didn't you come in at the door?" Xu Yueran saw Chi Yi and the others stopped at the door, so she asked Chi Yi.

   "We'll come in right away." After Chi Yi finished speaking, he took the lead into the infirmary.

  When the red team saw that the captain had entered the infirmary, they hurried into the infirmary too.

Half an hour later, after Xu Yueran helped the red team members treat the wounds, she asked the red team members: "Who beat you up like this? That person's attack is too inconsiderate, right? I want to maim you."

   "It's not that serious, isn't it just a dislocated hand? We suffered from this kind of injury during training." Chi San said after hearing Xu Yueran's words.

   "The injuries you suffered this time are different from the injuries you suffered before. You used to dislocate your hands and you will be fine after two days of rest, but this time your dislocated hands may become habitual dislocations after reconnecting."

   "Doctor Xu, I believe Instructor Lu, she will definitely not hit us so hard. Did you not check our injuries clearly? Do you want to check our injuries again?"

   "Are you doubting my major?" Xu Yueran said angrily after hearing Chi Yi's words.

   "I didn't mean that. Since Dr. Xu said there was nothing wrong with the examination, we'll leave." After Chi Yi finished speaking, he stood up and walked out.

   Seeing Chiyi leaving, the members of the red team quickly stood up and followed behind Chiyi.

  Xu Yueran looked at the back of Chi Yi and the others leaving, angrily picked up the enamel cup on the table, and then slammed it on the ground.

"You are all good. Since you are so protective of that **** Lu Xiaoxiao, then I don't have to be so kind to you. When there is a problem with your hands, I will definitely not save you. Just let you become crippled, and see how you will go crazy in front of me." Xu Yueran said viciously while tearing the paper vigorously.

   "Captain, do you think what Dr. Xu said is true?" Chi Wu asked Chi Yi after a few hundred meters away from the infirmary.

   "Do you think Instructor Lu will harm us?"


"Since Instructor Lu won't harm us, why do you care about what that woman Xu Yueran said? Don't you think about the way that woman Xu Yueran usually behaves. If a woman like her can believe what she says, a sow can go up Tree."

  (end of this chapter)

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