Chapter 1993 Sending Yam (2)

   "It was sent by Xiaoxiao, and she asked me to go home and look at it, so I only now know that Xiaoxiao put such a big roast duck in the basket."

   "Send it back to Xiaoxiao later, such a big duck is definitely not cheap, we can't have it."


   "Stay here, you will send a bag of mountain goods in a while."

   "The head of the family, will this be bad?" After hearing Liu Pingjiang's words, Mrs. Liu said.

   "Xiaoxiao will only give things to our family if he looks at our family. If you return it, what will Xiaoxiao think?"

  Ms. Liu felt that what Liu Pingjiang said made sense when she heard what Liu Pingjiang said, so she nodded in agreement.

   "Second sister, put the duck in the cupboard and lock it up, and I'll cut it up for you tomorrow." Mrs. Liu said to Liu Ermei.


  At around eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao heard a knock on the door. She put down the book in her hand, got off the kang and went to the yard to open the door.

   "Uncle Pingjiang, Auntie, you are here." Lu Xiaoxiao opened the yard door and saw Liu Pingjiang and Mrs. Liu, and said.

   "Xiaoxiao, please open all the doors of the yard, let us push the cart into the yard."

  After hearing what Liu Pingjiang said, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately turned sideways, and then opened all the doors of the yard.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao opened all the yard doors, Liu Pingjiang and Liu Shi pushed the yam into the yard of Lu Xiaoxiao's house.

"Xiaoxiao, we dug a total of more than 1,800 catties of yams. According to what I said before, we sent you 500 catties." Liu said to Lu Xiaoxiao after removing the straw that had been changed on the yams. .

   "Thank you, auntie."

   "It's not hard, you see where to put the yam, we will move it there for you."

   "Just unload the yams in the yard."

   "Will it be bad, isn't your house stolen? Will the yam be stolen if you put it in the yard?"

   "No, it was stolen because I was not at home. Now that I am back, if the thief dares to come, I will definitely settle the old debt with him."

  Liu Pingjiang and Mrs. Liu looked at each other after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they began to unload yams on the ground.

  After they unloaded all the yams on the ground, they said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, we are going back, you should pay attention to safety, if there are really thieves coming, the most important thing is to protect yourself."

   "I see, thank you, Uncle Ping Jiang, watch your feet when you go back."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao sent Liu Pingjiang and his wife away, she closed the door of the yard, and with a big wave of her hand, she put all the yams on the ground into the space.

  The next morning when Lu Xiaoxiao woke up, she felt a little dizzy and her breathing was not smooth, so she took out the thermometer from the space and pressed it on her forehead.

   Thirty-eight degrees three, I have a fever.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao put the thermometer into the space, she entered the space, and then she took the homemade anti-fever medicine and ate it before she got out of the space and lay back on the bed.

   Lying down, she fell asleep again, and when she woke up again, it was past eleven o'clock at noon. She took out the thermometer and took her temperature again. It was thirty-seven degrees two, which means that the fever had subsided.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao put on her clothes, she got off the kang and moved around a bit, then she went to the kitchen to wash up, and then took a bowl of porridge from the space to eat.

  After eating the porridge, Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the kang in a daze. She didn't know why she caught a cold. Logically speaking, practitioners don't catch colds, do they? Is there something wrong with her body?

  Thinking of this, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't calm down anymore, she immediately stretched out her hand to feel her pulse.

  (end of this chapter)

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